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Everything posted by Darth-Baiter

  1. It was OMG windy. I’d guess a steady 8-10 mph with 15 gust. At one point while fighting wind and tidal currents, pushing my pedals furiously only got me 2mph. I felt like I was in a hamster wheel. Casting; eddy currents spun us around and around. If you pause to pick at a backlash, by the time you looked up you were 100 feet away. I got pushed into an owners dock hard. The owner gave that, “get off my lawn look” but kept quiet and went back in his palatial home. Hehe. Fishing was tough. I got three fish. I lost three hard bites because my line was always so slack from it washing around in the currents. It was SO MUCH FUN! The California Delta is Scary and challenging. Always beautiful and mysterious on the delta for me. And I got a lot better punching mats. My left hand punch-pitching is getting better. Not sure my buddies will go back, but I am. There is a lot to explore. I talked to another kayaker and he got 5 bass and 6 striper, so I know I have lots to learn.
  2. Report back by COB. Fingers crossed and all bananas stowed at home.
  3. Thanks I have some. Nothing heavy enough to punch thru a mat tho. I’m fishless on the stupid tube.
  4. First two bobber stops. I pushed the tungsten weight into the body. Then I used a huge sewing needle and ran the line thru the tip of the body while penetrating the hole in the sinker. Now I have the line running down they the body of the tube. I tied in a 2/0 EWG hook. Heaviest wire hook I had and tied it on. I still used a snell knot. Then I kinda eyeballed how the hook should lay and ran the point up into the body and came out where I thought it should and then pulled the line while turning the hook. Then all that was left was to hide the hook tip under the skirt. I need to go find a heavier hook for the future if this works.
  5. 5” wacky SENKO. I was caught by surprise for sure.
  6. This technique is not my strongest skill. I kinda suck. from a kayak it isn’t easy especially in the wind. I hate keeping the bait together so I decided to change up my bait. I’m trying a tube. I shoehorned a tungsten weight and threaded a hook underneath. I can’t get the proper hook in the limited space so I put a stubby heavier hook in there “best I can” any other punching a tube with a hidden weight?
  7. Stealing this for future use.
  8. I went. Picked clean. I found some necklaces that I couldn’t clearly call out as glass.
  9. I’ve been casually looking for some. I hit up some craft stores, but it’s never perfectly clear to me if the beads were glass or plastic. I wanted glass. They are surprisingly difficult ti find locally. Of course TW has them, but I never remember them when I’m shopping. I found some while waiting for my dentist appointment. Of all places, Dick’s sporting goods. They only had 6mm red glass ones and black 8mm beads. I grabbed a pack of the reds. im gonna put one inline with my tungsten weight for some added noise. That’s the plan anyways. Using it in my Texas rigs. any other uses?
  10. I’m an explorer. It kinda sucks. I go to new places all the time. Sometimes it’s like risking a skunk. New place = new challenges. I find a great spot and it’s my friends that benefit from my collected intel. But whatever. I love to explore. I hope it makes me a better fisherman.
  11. K. I started with the same Garmin. I too wanted to upgrade. Mostly for GPS and maps. I just took a tiny step up with the Lowrance Hook5 Reveal. I wish I could say there isn’t a hiding place I can’t penetrate with my FF, but I can’t. It’s the same fish finding abilities. I just see arches. I didn’t upgrade to the point my battery was undersized. Something I wanted to keep in mind. I imagine some of the more elaborate and bigger units suck way more juice. I didn’t get side scan but I would if I took another step up. Seems useful.
  12. People do dumb things all the time. The trick is to learn from them. I would have moved heaven and earth to help that lady. What’s your boats capacity where a big woman would push you over the edge? ”that conversation didn’t last very long”. Ouch.
  13. I need to sell one. Wife and I jokingly call the extra kayak, “the client boat”. But in all seriousness, I am only one person and I only need one kayak. I figured out painless storage. I could use the money to buy something really ridiculous like livescope ;D i took pictures a month ago. I have yet to post up the for sale ad. I’m not even sure why. it’s not in the way. I’m not a hoarder.
  14. I did this once. Weirdest feeling rod ever. I didn’t even snap off that much. 3 inch or so.
  15. 10 minutes on the water. At home - TBD.
  16. Noooo! I’ve made it a habit to never lay anything on the ground anymore. I will stomp it to death, or run it over with my truck.
  17. It’s a two hour drive for me to some of the closer portions of the delta. im going Saturday if it’s not blowing hurricane gales. I have some delta jigs coming in the mail.
  18. Is the reel spooled to the correct level? Too much or too little line mine will behave badly.
  19. I totally use NOAA. The national weather service actually. I just punched in the wrong city and almost went out tomorrow in huge winds and a big rainstorm. Gah! Who knew there was a distant city with the same name as the lake I was gonna try? my kayak is already loaded in my truck. I guess I can unload it all in the rain tomorrow. This is the weirdest spring weather-wise. Strange. I love the tabular feature on the National Weather Service website. You can track a day by hour.
  20. Yup. Reading the literature about PFD rankings can freak you out onto dry land permanently:) our vest are for activities and keeping a conscious person afloat. There is truly no free lunch.
  21. Thanks bud. But I think you’re still thinking of someone else’s point. But I get it I was not clear and see how I steered you in that direction. I was questioning clarity, weight, and really if the added cost was worth it. Again a huge proponent of safety glasses. I’ve moved on to sizing now. And hiw my head is so huge.
  22. Let’s do this! Right up until the wind rips up
  23. My head is apparently enormous:)sending them back for a larger style. Wow. With a melon as huge as mine I would have hoped to have been much much smarter. dang.
  24. I think they are interchangeable in fishing. However I find a spinner bait way less snaggy in timber. It just bounces about. A chatter bait : I utter a prayer when I throw it into cover.
  25. Yea. I’m thinking the ocean mainly. Haha. But some big lakes freak out people. I once told a guy we were in 140 feet of water, and turned white. He would have panicked. For sure.
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