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Everything posted by Darth-Baiter

  1. @Columbia Craw i admit. i hope my two reels get there before your four! hahah and i hope to feel the butter as well.
  2. I like unsweetened tea for thirst.
  3. i think even numb hands is independent of a rod's sensitivity. the rod is what it is.
  4. i want a Mustang for the occasional day i go in my bud's bassboat. maybe 5-10x a year. in my kayak, i wear the regular one..i dont even want my hair to get wet if i go overboard.
  5. what? feeling a bite and interpreting a bite are different things. mutually exclusive of each other. take for example. a doctor. she/he pushes into your abdomen and feels your liver. if i was a fat person (fiberglass rod - i dont want to name names, but kinda a unattractive-stick) or a skinny person (carbon rod, with badass spiral wrap, and metal touches where your fingers rest) - the doc can still feel my liver and tell me if it is swollen or not. that comes with training and education. there is no debate, the doc would rather feel the liver in a skinny person..it has to be easier. same same. my Megabass in my wife's unexperieced hands doesnt mean the transmission of the bite didnt get to her hand (and then brain). she just didnt interpret the bite. but it was there.
  6. my therapist has a saying: "action before motivation". sometimes, i think i just have to start. hah..this isnt anything mental, i dont think. work, life, etc. mostly.
  7. I am waiting for the BKK-Hooks FAST SNAP-41 to come back into stock. I seen them on my friends boat, and they are dang cool. you kinda thread them on, and don't need to mess with flexing it into a lock, if my eyes didn't deceive me.
  8. on a kayak, I use a donkey leash. I go so fast, the donkey leash ends up in many of my pics. in Brazil, we killed on big peacock. we saw the fish laying under water. guide scooped it up, and they took it back and cooked it "asada" style. I assume they grilled it. it was a bummer, but he showed us the cut in the gill from the unfortunate hook position. boo!! he was surprised a group of piranha didn't mow it down. (I think that was what he was trying to say)
  9. @looking45 he said, end of November to me over the phone. his website (awful website BTW) says end of Dec. please excuse the convoluted note/work order inside the box. hahah..call me if you need clarifications.
  10. I got back from my travels where I fished a bucket list thing. now locally we are entering fall->Winter quickly, and my LMB enthusiasm just isn't there. I get my replacement rod for the one I broke tomorrow, if all goes well. (it is FedEx - so I am not holding my breath). hopefully attaching my Zillion onto the new rod will spark it again. I had every intention of going this morning, but when I woke up..it was 8:00 am. work has been sucky, so mentally exhausted as well. maybe I blow off this Thursday and fish a quiet lake. just me and my thoughts. I had to chase a spider off my kayak yesterday. hahah... I'm not even BUYING gear!!! or even looking at new baits and stuff!!! scary.
  11. heads up, West Coasters. REEL-EX dude is quitting the business. he is moving. I'm taking your collective advice and everything is going across the country. off to DVT. I could have rushed it over to reel-ex, but I kinda want a person sticking around, just incase he left a washer or something on his workbench
  12. kinda mixing apples and oranges. we have lungs with a capacity. fish have gills. no capacity.
  13. I think duration was too long. Hard to estimate time.
  14. I'm hoping there is a Newport shaped wrapped box under the tree this year. I want ONE motor. there are some areas I like to fish, but the time it takes me to get there is limiting me. a motor would mitigate that and open up more water.
  15. my wife and I are shopping airline tixs to Taipei and Tokyo...I am gonna search out a few fishing stores. doomed.
  16. Digitaka has the free shipping. they are up front about it. look at the reel you are interested, and if it is free shipping, it will say right there at the reel description.
  17. i was on the CA Delta. launched and was immediately in the tidal current fighting upstream like a salmon. a dude in this decked out PA14 comes ripping by me. he had a trolling motor up front and a torqueedo out back. looked downright luxurious. He grinned at me, and said sarcasticly, "that looks like too much work to me". i grinned and beat down the comment in my head. not my style to body shame a brother. at the end of the day, i saw him again..at the truck. he had stuff EVERYWHERE. he was breaking down gear and putting it away in his giant truck. i did my 5-min dismount and drove off. as i passed him, i said, "That looks like too much work for me". he laughed. he was cool.
  18. fun rod!! great choice. Dobyns offers a 30% military discount if my friend isnt lying to me. worth exploring if this applys to you.
  19. Digitaka seems low on inventory these days. it is what it is.
  20. wow...now that is the proper way to drop a "humble-brag"!! nice fish.
  21. pay attention to shipping. some dealers charge, some dont. i went with a couple of the major players recommended here, and one charged me, one offered free shipping. either way, i got both reels quickly.
  22. slick!! better than my travel rod + Mountain bike version. way better. i am shocked that weighs 50lbs..how much does a E-bike weigh? seems like my friends big money specialized is around 50lb. AND NO! this is not tackle..this belongs in the boat forum. hahah..
  23. i broke my X-Bites. i was snagged, line was taut, and a wake boat blasted past me, and the surge lifted me up and snapped rod. i didnt have the idea of pushing the button.
  24. huh? I thought OP asked if his reel was candidate for repairs.
  25. it is painful when I watch the guys at Clearlake set up two motors on their kayaks. it appears to be a fair amount of effort. yuck. I hope to get a Newport this holiday. at least my hints to my wife couldn't be more obvious. I just want help getting to a place. fishing the spot, I would love spot lock, but I have done well without it. so, I only want one motor.
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