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Everything posted by Darth-Baiter

  1. cool!! i dont need one of those in my life, but i do admit..it is badass looking.
  2. ALICE IS ADORABLE! my sis got a puppy malinois. she is spending so much time and resources on training. hahah.. dog is a handful. I know my limits and was offered a free pup. NOPE!!! heck NOPE!!
  3. Im Kayak fishing so there a calorie burn. A warm meal is nice for me.
  4. For me, it’s the boat. I need access.
  5. Timely. I’m headed to my secret lake this Friday. It’s usually crystal clear. I haven’t been since June. I am hoping it is clear and deep. I just love seeing the action of my baits real-time. I learn so much.
  6. i should photograph these stairs. they are nuts!!
  7. Pride? i dont understand. take Lake Biwa. i am going to be in Japan, next March. a guide out of Biwa isnt that much. $500.. i'd probably skunk in that pressure cooker lake. but dang if i wouldnt snap a selfie of myself fishing that lake. i would put that pic up in my office, and be d**n proud i "was there". total bonus if a im two-handing a double digit!!
  8. If it's a pair of Shimano Bantams (or better)..that's ME! hahaahhh just kidding.
  9. that there is one of the superpowers of a kayak. i roll mine stairs at my secret spot on the Delta. stairs! coming up admittedly SUCKS!! i pull it up naked. last time i still managed to tweak my back.
  10. @RRocket "Zojirushi Steel Food Jar, 25-Ounce, Black/Stainless https://a.co/d/0o3ZSlz" I believe this will work!!! thanks. I think I just saw one in a Japanese grocery store.
  11. if I travel around the country a bit like I hope I will this next year. I will have a list of guides in a notebook. hiring a guide is like eating out. I can cook like a very very almost pro dude. (I am a better cook than fisherman), but I still like to farm out the work sometimes. I learn something when a pro-chef sends me a dish. I have asked the waiter to pass on questions. and I love it when they tell me something. a nugget of secret stuff. hahah..
  12. I was 18 when I launched my first boat. my mom bought it for us two boys. my bro was 14. older dude next to us, "you kids put the drain plug in?" "what drain plug?" it was still on the trailer so we pulled it out and he showed it to us. never forgot it ever again...I got that one done early!! I think my mom wanted to collect the insurance money on us. buying us a boat..like running with scissors!
  13. sorry. tell your sig-other sorry. hahah I'll be at Texoma again this spring!! love that trip. I might hire a LMB guide for one day, and take a break from harassing Stripers.
  14. i call that a Thursday. (lately)
  15. i love hiring a guide. wish i did it more often. i always learn something new. always. and i wear a GPS watch..jus sayin.
  16. when i shore fish, i cant stand having too many rods. i will buy one to holster it to my pack or belt before spring time. two is my max..
  17. Just me, but for me a 12" screen is too big for me and my kayak. my tiny one gets in the way enough already. i focus on keeping a big landing strip open for me to get back on board if i fall off. i practiced with mine and i think i can go to a 7" and still have room for my body to slide past and back on board. i cant alwasy predict where a fish will hit and where my rod is. i would hate for the line to get up into the screen.
  18. i own a dry suit. i have worn it exactly ZERO times. i tried it on, and i was almost exercise putting it on, and it is NOT comfy. i also got bright yellow, so i look like a banana. BURPING it is about the funnest thing about the dry suit. it is much to warm for CA winters. i wear NRS waterrpoof kayaking pants, the tall NRS boundary boots, and a merino wool sweater and synthetic quick dry hiking pants underneath the kayaking pants. if it is cold, merino wool tights. i wear a hoodie and a puffy vest. i dont like puffy covered arms because i will get a hook into one of them and it is NOT fun to get out. i dont do bad weather and i tend to hug the shore. no cross lake treks.
  19. solid 6 here. helps that i think my two friends are 4's. number rating doesnt change a bit if we are talking about our looks either.
  20. the insulated food cup. my old one is discontinued. it is a Stanley. beat up but it works still. it works OKAY at best. after about 5 hours, my hot food is just warm enough to make me feel safe that I am not getting food poisoned. it isn't hot anymore. winter is coming, and out on a kayak, fishing...I love me a hot meal. usually a hot rice bowl, like Japanese curry over rice. my cup is okay, again..but I can't help wonder if 15 years later, technology makes a new one that is badtothebone. my coworker has the one I pictured below, but it keeps food warm like a paper bag. but leakproof and easy to clean are top marks. any ideas?
  21. I admit, it would be tough to stomach it all. but in reality, you still don't really know everything. I keep my head down and work. when I hire, it really is a crap shoot.
  22. I love to throw them. the size/weights are easily managed by my current rod arsenals (not perfectly). Magdraft, Magdraft Freestyle, Trash-Fish, Stealth Shads, etc. I'm throwing them on 16lb flouro, and they cast and swim awesome (to my eyes). I have had some luck, and the bites are dang addicting. I want to have MORE successes. in your minds, is this a seasonal offering? I was super slow dragging a TrashFish this weekend. super slow, with long pauses to let it settle back down in the silt, and slow retrieve again. I was going so slow, it was almost imperceivable the lure was doing anything. but once in a while,,SMASH! it feels like a fish body slams it. I couldn't get a hook into anything, and it was super frustrating, but I casted it for hours. about 12 feet of water, and I cast as far as I could up an underwater slope and would swim it down the hill. most of my success was spring with the Magdraft freestyle. the big 5 or 8/0 hooks stabbed fish effectively, if they bit. I want to swim a Hitch replica after big Clearlake bass this coming season. everything was sold out this year, so I want to shop early to be ready.
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