I have a gas guzzling Tacoma, and a Tesla. best of both worlds.
I have both eyes open and didn't buy the Tesla to save the world or anything. living where I live it makes total sense. we have chargers everywhere, altho our personal Tesla has never ever seen a Tesla Fast-charger. not even once. we charge it at home with our Tesla charger overnight when the power is less expensive. wake up to a charged car. we only charge it enough for the days activities. if the battery craps itself, we will decide if we replace it or not. we have the money saved to do so if we want. saved it up.
my tacoma. hell, I have two of them. that is my marathoner. my roadtrip ride, my kayak fishing ride, etc. doing the numbers, the Tesla truck is the only EV that would have the range to get me to some of my lakes. but no. I already bought the Tacoma. I do have a deposit on the Cybertruck tho. moment of weakness.