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  1. throttleplate's post in Carpenter bees was marked as the answer   
  2. throttleplate's post in Update on my Pflueger broken handle and broken dust covers. was marked as the answer   
    Update on my pflueger parts is that i recieved the handle and dust covers in the mail as promised by the store i ordered it from in missouri.
    With this store and the ability to recieve parts from them makes me feel alot better about pfleuger reels.
    I am not happy about the handle breaking but i am happy i was able to purchase a used one from this store for $6.00. Beats the heck out of a new handle going for $35.00 to 43.00 from online sites.

  3. throttleplate's post in Any way of fishing with a broken hand? was marked as the answer   
    theres a guy who is on youtube and he paints pictures by holding the brush with his toes because he is disabled so give that a try.?
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