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Everything posted by throttleplate

  1. I am going to quit fresh water fishing, move to Miami, hire a professioal guide to teach me how to fish the ocean. This rig here is on sale, 2018 Merritt Custom Sportfish | 86ft, Miami Beach, Florida. US$12,950,000
  2. 14 days ago i was fishing the traverse lake dam which feeds the Bois de Sioux river which flows north. I was constantly snagging fresh green algae off the rocks.
  3. rivers and dams hurtin in north dakota, the latest snow did nothing to raise the reservoirs. Even the mighty Devils lake is going to be low this year as the hills and mountains in north central ND got no moisture this winter.
  4. Minnesota is the new california, heard it from a friend who lives there.
  5. 3. MN/SD: Thousands of dead fish found in Lake Traverse. > “An estimated 2,000-3,000 fish were found dead in…included freshwater drum, crappies, bluegills, white bass and bluegills. There was also a handful of smallmouth bass and walleye.” > “DNR staff collected fish samples and checked dissolved oxygen in the water. The cause of the die off appears to be gas supersaturation trauma, also known as gas bubble disease, likely the result of an algae bloom in the lake [triggered by the mild, snowless winter].”
  6. got a dusting, wife wont get her exercise today.
  7. Ok, need precip in fergus falls area and north to raise the ottertail river and Orwell dam.
  8. Yes i live in fargo nd, but i am rooting hard for eastern south dakota to get tons of snow so to fill up lake Traverse, which will then flow north into mud lake and into the bois de sioux river so i can fish the dam at white rock which was a puddle 8 days ago. According to @gimruisweather map fargo isnt expected to get much snow. HELP THIS DAM
  9. elections have consiquences
  10. i told everyone i was going to get the shot at the va since they offered but i didnt get it yet. Now ya got me thinkin the worst again grrr, get well soon my friend.
  11. to keep my live bait costs down i freeze my leftover minnows, i put them in a small baggie then into a small tupperware and pour cheap vodka over them, enough to just cover them and put them into the freezer. Can also use non freezing windshield washer solution the same way. Stopped using mendit for plastics and just use super glue, paint my used ballhead jigs using wifes fingernail polish.
  12. i must credit my wife as she carries half of our gear.
  13. hello fishhugger, yeah the big box was tough to lug down the big rock and rip rap when fishing certain dams such as this dam pictured here, Baldhill dam in north dakota. I came close a handfull of times of slipping, stepping on a wobbly rock and falling on the rocks and getting seriously injured. I will not be going back to that dam anymore, just to dangerous. Yes, the rubber rollers work great in the bottom of the small box as i have every jig on the roller allready tied up with a palomar knot, a foot of fluoro leader and a spro swivel #8.
  14. I try to stick to 2 casts countdown unless the lure comes back fouled then i call a do-over.
  15. LOL, i had a good run with super flukes 2 years ago and then started to include walleye fishing into the bass deal. I then switched over to Mimic Minnow type paddle tails which i allready have them in my box each tied up with a leader.
  16. I downsized from a Plano guide series which was bulky to an old Plano 6303 series which is the old original 6303 back when rivets were still used to hold it together unlike the new ones which are all plastic, the old 6303 cost me $8.00 at an estate sale, new ones are $35.00. I switched because the big box was to heavy and bulky to carry over rocks, boulders, down and up hills gettin to our bank fishing spots The smaller plano holds everything i use and eliminates lures i never used, in my situation bigger isnt always better.
  17. Jeff Sundin March 14, 2024 "MN Walleye Regulations Changing the Change-Able" On Wednesday, MN DNR fisheries announced new summer regulations for both Upper Red Lake and Lake Mille Lacs. Long story short, Red Lake Anglers will be allowed to harvest 3 walleyes from May 11 to June 14, 2024, then beginning June 15, Red Lake anglers will be allowed to harvest 4 walleyes. During either period, only one walleye may be 17.0 inches or longer, all others must be 16.99 inches or less. Mille Lacs anglers will not be allowed to harvest any walleyes from May 11, through August 15, 2024. Beginning on August 16, 2024, Mille walleye anglers may or may not be allowed to harvest one walleye, presumably that will be announced later. If the DNR deems that harvesting a walleye is acceptable, it’s length will need to be between 21.0 and 22.99 inches. You can read the full press releases for either, or both, by following these links >> Upper Red Lake • Lake Mille Lacs • Full MN Regulation Book Understand this, I’m all for regulations that are aimed at improving or maintaining the best possible fishing and hunting opportunities that Minnesota has to offer. As far as regulations go, these new ones are what they are and I’m in no position to know if they’re good for fishing, or not. I must admit though that this morning, I’m scratching my head, trying to figure out just which messages I’m receiving, and from whom. I thought I heard that in 2022-2023, Mille Lacs Lake experienced a population explosion of perch. According to anecdotal reports, anglers were catching tons of little perch out there. But this year the DNR Fisheries Chief Brad Parsons cites a shortage of forage, perch in particular, for producing an exceptionally good walleye bite. Parsons, “Despite poor ice conditions, anglers caught a lot of walleyes this past fall and winter because those fish weren’t finding enough to eat,” said Brad Parsons, DNR Fisheries Section Manager. “We need to adjust the open water season regulations to account for the active bite and for the likelihood of higher water temperatures this summer. Even with catch-and-release regulations, many fish die when water temperatures get too warm.” If I’m reading this right, the 2024 regulation is based on the notion that the fish will be too hungry, and then we’ll catch them too easily and then they’ll die because the water will be too warm. If that’s true, then why are we allowing fishing for them at all? Won’t the so-called “catch and release” anglers be killing just as many fish, if not more, than we would by harvesting a few of them? Last year, at Upper Red Lake, anglers were allowed an increased harvest limit from 4 to 5 walleyes during the 2023 open water fishing season. I scratched my head at the time because I couldn’t square the notion that in the face of a statewide push to reduce Minnesota’s walleye possession limit to 4 fish, the DNR was raising the limit of walleyes for Upper Red. At the time, Bemidji area fisheries supervisor Edie Evarts said, “This summer (2023) we are able to have a more generous bag limit as the 2019 class is super abundant. These fish are around 15 inches and are now becoming mature, “We hope anglers will enjoy this extra opportunity, which will also meet our goal of managing spawning walleye stock at a level that produces future strong year classes.” This year, Evarts reports; “This fishing regulation is a reflection of the lake’s popularity, especially when fishing is good,” said Edie Evarts, DNR area fisheries supervisor for Bemidji. “We’ve opted for a slightly more conservative bag limit for the early part of the summer to maintain the long-term health of the fishery and keep Upper Red Lake a premier angling destination.” I’m not sure what the term “slightly” means to you, but the change from 5 fish down to 3 is a 40% reduction. To me, that signals that there was a problem that a 4-walleye limit can’t fix. I think you may see where I’m going with this, but in the interest of time, we’ll save the discussion about rationing walleyes for a later time. On balance, I think my take on most fishing regulations tends to lean toward being supportive of the DNR, rather than in opposition to it. But I’m concerned that I’m detecting trends toward stories that change all the time. These days, I have a hard time understanding whether I’m hearing actual facts, or carefully crafted talking points. I don’t envy folks who work for the DNR, I know lots of them, and they deal with variables that make decisions hard to make. Like I said, regulations are what they are, and I know we need them. So, let me emphasize, I don’t want to sound like I’m complaining, I’m not. I just want to understand what’s going on, and to me, it’s getting harder all the time. Is there any way that we anglers can we all just have the facts? — Jeff Sundin 218-245-9858 or EMAIL
  18. Many thanks to @Scott Ffor showing, leading me to the correct page of the minnesota regs, i myself didnt dig deep enough on the regs page but @Scott Fdid and it explains the exact waters in my question, Lake traverse, Mud lake and Boise de Sioux river. In minnesota waters bass and walleye are closed till middle of May, on these noted boundary waters those fish are open year round. Thankyou again Scott F. The pic belowis of Traverse lake dam called reservation dam. Border Waters: South Dakota To what waters do these regulations apply? Seasons and regulations apply to the following waters: Big Stone County: Big Stone Lake. Lincoln County: Hendricks Lake. Traverse County:Lake Traverse, Mud Lake, Bois de Sioux River to North Dakota border, and Mustinka River from the mouth to the Minnesota State Highway 117 Bridge. Are daily and possession limits different? No. Daily and possession limits are the same unless otherwise noted. Seasons and Possession Limits Today's date: 3/13/24 Species Season Possession Limit Carp, sucker, redhorse, sheepshead (drum), buffalo, burbot, bowfin, gar, white bass Continuous No limit Walleye and Sauger Continuous 4, 1 over 20" Northern Pike angling Continuous 6 Northern Pike spearing 11/15/24 - 2/23/25 Largemouth and Smallmouth Bass Continuous 6 Crappie Continuous 10 Sunfish Continuous 10
  19. I fished a river dam yesterday that makes up the border between minnesota and south dakota, fishing is legal for all speciaes in south dakota year round while minnesota is closed for certain species. A fellow angler from south dakota told me that being these are boundary waters between 2 states that me with only the minnesota license was legally able to fish from the south dakota bank side from the dam to 300 yards downstream and also legal for me to keep the fish which minnesota has closed at this time of year even while fishing from the minnesota side. I cannot find on the innerweb any rules about this. Anyone know the rules, @gimruis?
  20. Live bait is now my go to, never leave home without a couple scoops of fathead minnows. I was fishing yesterday in wahpeton nd at the dam and put a fathead minnow on a 1/8 oz ballhead jig with a bobber lookin to catch smallmouth, crappie and walleye, instead i caught this. The setup i was using was 30lb suffix braid, 20 lb fluoro leader with the jig and a shakesphere ultra lite series pole. Fun was hoping i wouldnt get bit off and just as a fellow fisherman came over and netted it for me the line broke.
  21. Went out exploring and fishing yesterday, 60 degrees and sunny. checked out 2 dams on minnesota south dakota border and talked to a couple fisherman saying the drought in south dakota is bad. I took some pics of white rock dam which has a rich history of great fishing for numerous species and i could walk across the river it feeds into, the Bois de Sioux river.
  22. Well gimruis, you are still young so maybe when you hit 70 vikes may win a super bowl.👨‍🦼
  23. How many sock puppets did you go through?
  24. Heat, I joined the military out of high school to get away from the bitter cold of north dakota, recruiter promised me boot camp in orlando fla. I arrived in orlando in january and as i stood in formation on the parade grounds at 5am in the dark i was freezing, surprised how cold it was in florida. After boot camp went to training in Gulfport Miss, at the Seabee training center and found out what real humidty was, absolutely hated it. Of all the places i lived in the world i will always remember Ventura Calif as having the nicest year round weather followed by Puerto Rico.
  25. North dakota, south dakota need rain or snow, there is no snow melt left, not that there was any to begin with but the lakes arnt rising which feed the rivers and dams i fish. This is going to be a bad year for river fishing for us if the rain dont show up. The rivers and dams i fish are not big to begin with and i need depth, all the rivers i fish i can cast to the other shoreline during a normal moisture year.
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