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Everything posted by throttleplate

  1. i put a senko worm green pumpkin on a green pumpkin jig just for the heck of it and caught my first ever jig bass. From then on i started using craws. I should try the worm again next spring, instead of sliding it onto the hook i can experiment by just running the hook onto the nose section so the nose of worm tucks under the guard just a bit to make it more weedless, then set the hook harder.
  2. my hand would go numb and my arm also. I ended up having neck surgery and 2 vertabre fused together. A year later i had bad elbow pain on my casting side and after numerous cortisone shots i had my outside elbow tendon reattached. A few years before that i had my inside elbow tendon reattached. My shoulder hurt bad so i ended up having 3 shoulder surgeries, 1 on my non casting arm and 2 on my casting arm. My knee hurt so i had knee surgery to repair cartlidge. My back hurt real bad and had 2 back surgeries L5-S1. After all that i feel fine now. Yeah i still get sore after casting all day but goes away after half a day of rest and exercising. Also i am learning to work top water with my other hand and casting and am doing better at it. I now everyday for the past 12 years do yoga like stretches which take alot of time in the morning and workout my shoulders including all upper body and lower body with weights and rubber tubed resistance bands. All taught to me by my great therapists. I am known as the 6-million dollar man.
  3. my favorite pike lake i threw out my very first wplopper and caught a pike on 2nd cast. As i waded down the lake i was getting hit several times but the fish didnt get hooked, i was using the 120 el choppo, berkleys version of wp. I did eventually catch more pike and some bass but also lots more of hit and miss. Weeds and more weeds is where i throw it, run it right over the top fast, slow, pause, jerk it and also on the edge of lily pads and bull rushes.
  4. bank fished a new lake in minn i discovered only 23 miles from my house. I have been driving past this hidden lake all summer but seen it on google maps the other day and thought what the heck i will give it a shot. My favorite lakes are all within 60 miles from home this one being so close and small never caught my attention. So on friday we stopped there and wow super looking for bass with tons of tree stumps, downed trees, weeds, bull rushes. The air temp was 60 water was 40. Casted out spinners, square bills, jerk bait,chatter and top water. Caught 4 northerns 20 inch long 2 on square bills 2 on jerk bait and wife caught 2, 1 on spinner and 1 on square bill. I threw out chatter baits and top water but no go. I didnt expect to catch any bass i was specifically looking for northern so i was using 80lb fluoro leader. One of the pike literally swam over exposed rocks to ****** the jerk bait 2 feet in front of me. We also went out on tuesday and hit our favorite lake and it had iced over and found some open water and wife caught a pike and me nothing. Will definently be hitting this small lake next year with waders. Winter is on the doorstep this week and i will be shut down untill spring as i dont ice fish. Dont want to spend more money on ice gear as i have a list to buy a few expensive things in the spring allready.
  5. this is a typical breakfast, lunch and dinner for a child and adults also in the PH. I felt so sad to see this. I used to go around on my motorcycle up into the mountains in no mans land and drop into schools and the kids would go crazy as very few if any at all ever seen a white man before. The teachers asked me to say hi in front of the class room and i would give them a lesson on where i am from by drawing on the chalkboard showing the countries i had to fly over to get to the ph. 98% of the kids dont even speak or understand english.. The kids would hang onto me and wouldnt let go, some stood for 30 minutes when we went outside just staring at me.
  6. red light to green and the person in front of you is sittin there texting grrr
  7. yes you are correct, the locals pick the tiny pieces of meat off the head and then pick out the most tasty part which is the brain. Nothing on a chicken goes to waste including the intestines which they put on a stick and fry them or put into a soup.
  8. living in the philippines PH for ten years up till 2019 i ate alot of fish from the ocean. I didnt catch the fish, i bought it from the street vendors after the trawlers came in from the seas. I liked it as it was like eating a steak. Now back in the usa and fresh water fishing with the wife whom grew up on fish for breakfast lunch and dinner we were keeping the bass we caught. Well i dont like the taste of bass, she has cooked it different ways and using spices and still i dont like it. Also i cannot eat the bass i catch anymore because after looking them in the eye i dont want to kill them, I have some weird respect for the bass i catch as if they have become my friends. When i was in the military the chow hall was serving rabbit, the military had a contract for rabbit so you eat it or not. I was hungry and when i was eating the fried rabbit i kept thinking of the rabbits in my younger days running through the yard with big ears and puffy cotton tails and i had to put the rabbit down and never eat it again.
  9. you say its a feathered friend, lets wait and see if others can take a shot at it.
  10. Who thinks this is a fish? and if so what kind? and if not what is it? Its a philippine snack, 5 pesos for 1 which equals 10 cents usa.
  11. in august i had to start using 80 lb seguer leader fluorocarbon coming off of 20 lb braid on some of my lures such as hollow body frogs, jigs, TR, all crankbaits, spinners, some shorter top water lures. Why? because when throwing a spinner, frogs, jigs, .... in one of my favorite wading lakes every other fish i caught was a pike, fun as heck to catch the good sized ones but had to dig into my shoulder pouch and retie or put on a new lure because they bit me off or put on new 20 lb flouro leader which takes time especially when in chest high water and you have to walk back shallower to do the rerig. So i made a bunch of 80 lb leaders 1.5 ft long some tied directly onto specific lures such as jigs and TR and other leaders made up to just clip onto lure and clip into snap on my braid end. The shorter the bait the bigger the problem such as jigs as pike get it pretty deep in the mouth and chew the 80 lb leader up so i just put on another pre tied jig or clip on a new pre made leader. I have no problem walking the dog with 80 lb leader hooked on for top water but do have a problem when using suspending jerk baits as the clip and fluoro tend to make the lure nose heavy and point down.
  12. scheels where i am at has an indoor ferris wheel, a big layout for a shooting gallery, a small 4 lane bowling alley, a netted tent to try out golf clubs so wheres the casting pool at?
  13. do any of you buy a rod and use it and then get home and clean it up to look brand new, reattach the tied on tags and take it back as if you never used it? Same goes for a reel. I will come clean and tell ya i did this for a rod, a berkly cherrywood and it came with a reel as a combo and i disliked it after using rod only. I put all the tags back on and told him it never left the house. The salesman whom sold it to me took the reel apart and inspected with a magnifying glass, not kidding as he was hoping to bust me but the only thing i did to the reel was take off the factory line and put braid on it using factory line as a backing. I never took the reel out of the house i just wanted the rod but didnt like the rod and was going to use the reel as a backup so when i returned it i told him the cheap o reel wouldnt reel up my braid evenly and i noticed this when i put braid on in the house. Before i returned it i took the braid off and used it on another reel. I recieved my money back.
  14. Well I spent the last 10 years 2009- 2019 living in the philippines which for you that dont know is down around the equator and its hot, muggy, dry and wet. Now i enjoyed the hot and muggy and the dry season was ok with me but the monsoon season not so nice. I met my wife in the philipines {ph} for short and after 10 years i wanted to get back to the usa to enjoy my hobbies that i couldnt pursue there.The fishing due to both river pollution and devasted coral reefs from illegal blasting, cyanide use and net dragging destroyed the inshore fishing. My dad widdowed still lives in ND so he asked us if we would live with him to help him out around the house and property as he is 88. Rent free, he pays all the bills so hes my dad and i couldnt refuse that. Now i thought my wife whom never been out of the ph would hate the ice cold but she has taken to it and loves it. We got to ND in nov 13 2019 and 7 days later had 15 inches of snow, and she was out in it, shoveling it and playing in it like a kid. I asked her if she wanted to move to florida where its warm mostly year round but she said no way she like the cold and short summer heat. She fished in the ph using a bamboo pole with string for line and when the rice fields were flooded from rivers overflowing from wet season she would walk the rice paddies and grab by hand catfish that were burying themselves in the mud to keep wet as the water receded as this was their food for the day. Now she has the luxury of any spinning rod and reel combo to choose from and she for the last year refuses to use my expensive reels and she uses her bought at wallmart $20.00 zebco rod n reel and she out catches me because she sticks to the texas rig senko, a square bill crank and a spinner while i am out wading experimenting with frogs, top water....... she will stand in the same spot and fan cast and catch 15 bass in 2 hours, she has the midas touch.
  15. best to come to minnesota for a week this winter and experience it in real time, meaning come and fish around the dams where the open water is but pick a week where the weather is hoovering around 0-25 above and that will show what we put up with in winter. Dry air, wind chill, freezing fingers even with heat packs, toes get cold in the warmest of boots due to standing in ice and snow. Wearing a facemask to stop from getting frosted eyelashes,frosted mustache helps but the wind always finds a way in and then the masks starts to freeze up around mouth nose area from your breath and eyelashes start to stick shut. I was fishing the red river last week in 32 degree F sunny with a wind chill that brought the temp down to 25 and my rod eyelets all froze and the line on reel also frosted over.
  16. anyone bought a new ugly stick Carbon rod? I bought it in the 6-6 length medium fast and it is super light and has enough stiffness in the tip to which i like. I was at the tackle store and compared in on a table with $200.00 rods bending the tips down together as if i was a surgeon with a patient on the table and so i bought it at $80.00. Liked it so much i quit using all other rods and just used the carbon ugly. Will buy a 7 footer next summer. Ok i am ready for the ugly stick backlash
  17. gonna hit 35 on wed and 9 mph wind so maybe i can get out to the lake for some deep hole shore fishing leaving the waders at home. Since we moved back to the usa from the philippines i dont have any ice fishing gear except an old 2 stroke auger and i spent over $1000.00 on lures, rods,reels this summer so i am not going to invest in new gear for the ice. One lake i fish has a deep culvert running under the road to the other side which is another deep hole to fish and i was told by local fsherman that that culvert area stays open all year so i will check it out and go on warmer days and toss something in and see what happens.
  18. i need this for my waders, wind and water skiers can swamp me
  19. in the 70s is when i was a punk and went fishing with growmups and they gave me the old reliable black mister twister and just hooked it on a plain hook and dropped it over the side and jigged it and i caught walleye on it. Now today i still carry the original black and also silver and use it for crappie and sometimes a trailer on a jig or spinner if i dont want to waist the more expensive and bigger plastics.
  20. if you are wading like i am here in september in minnesota i use non insulated frogg togg hip waders with light pants on.But when the water turns cold starting at 50 degrees And downward WOW what a shock because when in the water the waders with the surrounding water pressure make the waders wrap around your legs tight like reynolds wrap and gets d**n cold fast on your skin. The insulated waders are too d**n heavy, the boot part itself weighs a ton and would make walking through sloggy underbrush a real challenge and wear a guy out fast. I walk alot in the water, i will walk a mile down a shoreline casting while i walk and reel in. I dont even look at the water ahead of me as i walk so slow letting my feet tell my brain its safe to take the next step. I have gotten stuck in some real mushy bottoms where i had to twist myself out and balance myself with my pole and so far only fell once in 3 feet of water as my foot got tanged in a underwater tree limb. I got a very little bit of water down one leg that my sock soaked up but my arms were soaked and so was my gear but i pressed on.
  21. when i was younger i was alot tougher when the cold hit.
  22. wife and i lived in the philippines for last 10 years Grew up in ND and had to adjust and buy all new winter clothes. When i fished this week locally in the red river i layered my top half and wore a pair of my military kakis bottom half and rubber snowboots and fingerless gloves. My hands got cold and my pole guides all had ice built up and line on reel iced up as it was 28 F outside. I could have worn my arctic jacket and snow pants but wanted to tough it out. When its real cold i wear an gortex waterproof jacket with built in hood and zip up neck and wear snow pants over khakis. The jacket is designed for extreme cold weather and it retails for $200.00 but i only paid $16.00 for it as i found it at a goodwill store on the jacket rack brand new. Wearing the jacket is like nothing i have worn before growing up in the midwest as its toasty warm and fends off all wind. I will also wear a face covering to keep the wind from freezing my face off and the wind here is what really can make a nice cold day 10x worse. I wear water proof hunting gloves with a rubber palm and if hands get cold and they do i put those hand warmers in each glove which are just packets that you shake to mix the contents and the salt and iron inside chemically reacts and creates warm heat. They can be put in your shoes, gloves....anywhere you want and they are cheap and easilly disposable. The wind here in ND and Minnesota blows hard in spring soft in the summer and strong again in the fall. I have froze my ..... off fishing in may and early june because of the wind.
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