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Everything posted by throttleplate

  1. Passed through the town of Lamoure ND on our saturday excursion, this town died years ago but there is a lowly bait shop connected to the old church for anglers to buy some bait to fish the James river dam about 1 mile away. Sad to see these towns that originated in the 1800"s die away, the farmers wernt enough to keep the Cenex farmers union and oil supply store open and this is all farm land around here.
  2. Saturday on our way to checking out the Jamestown ND resevoir and dam we stopped by the largest buffalo in the world. I last stood next to him in 1968, this was the wifes first time seeing the buffalo.
  3. Talk about a prince albert, wowsa!
  4. Went fishing on Saturday, walked through some woods to get to the river, arrived home at midnite took off clothes put into hamper showered went to bed. Sunday wife found tick on her neck when taking evening shower. Now on monday night went to bed, tuesday morning at 3:30 am i feel something on back of my thigh and brushed at it and felt something come off, got out of bed turned light on wife asks whats wrong and i find a tick crawling on bedsheet. Wife is freaked out and so am i as we tear down the bed and then back to sleep. In the morning we grab clothes out of hamper and wash when wife see"s another tick crawling on the wall by the hamper. From now on i will take off my fishing clothes in the washroom and keep them in there. With the unusual dry warm winter in the midwest i wonder if it increases the tick population? Ticks and me always meet up in the spring and i find them on me before i shower not 2 days later crawling on me while in bed.
  5. when in grade school back in the 60"s that was a huge deal and we learned about it, i dont know if its a big deal in todays teachings.
  6. Thats why i like livin in north dakota, i ate fresh caught walleye from our saturday trip while you Sota"s are waitin for your state governor to hop in his jon boat on May 11th to declare fishing is now open while he is freezing his buttocks off.😂🐟
  7. Hello Wardsplease, a few years ago i read up about the Pantabangan Dam but it is as you know many islands away from iloilo city so no going there for me. Isnt there a bad drought going on in the PH this year to where the dam may dry up? I wanted to catch fish so i then went bangka boat fishing with a club out on the ocean and i caught a red snapper using live shrimp, it was grueling hot with no wind and the bangka boat was extremely uncomfortable. I ended up laying on the the stern platform on top of the engine for the long ride back to the harbor. It was a great time and experience with a great bunch of philippino guys. Good luck with your fishing, if i was still living in the PH i would have put more effort into ocean fishing with the club as freshwater fish in the PH if you can find freshwater are mostly skinny catfish or pond raised tilapia.
  8. Went fishin today in the sun and tried the Blue Lizzard for the first time. Applied it using a mirror so i coud see what it looked like while spreading it and was waiting for my face to look like casper the ghost. It did leave a slight whitish chalky appearance and yeah i do use a liberal amount more than is needed but that doesnt bother me and dont care if it stands out to other people as i am happy to be protected. I really liked the way it spread and after using chemical lotions all my life i am after 1 day pleased with this product.
  9. For @ol'cricketyand the other fine fish folks in maine. Lawmakers on board with protections for Maine’s lakes and ponds Environment Apr 04, 2024 | 5:34 am ET By AnnMarie Hilton Share Description Variable-leaf milfoil. (Maine Department of Environmental Protection photo) The Maine Legislature threw bipartisan support behind multiple bills to protect freshwater lakes and ponds in the state from burgeoning issues such as invasive species and shoreland zoning. “Our freshwater lakes and ponds are a core part of Maine’s identity,” said Francesca “Ches” Gundrum, advocacy director for Maine Audubon, in a news release. “The support from the Maine Legislature for these bills indicates a strong desire to keep our freshwater resources clean and healthy for our state’s wildlife and generations of Mainers to come.” Maine Audubon, a statewide wildlife conservation organization, supported all four of the bills, which the House and Senate voted on over the past month. Fighting invasive species As a result of the changing climate, invasive species, particularly Eurasian water milfoil, have increasingly crept into Maine’s fresh waterways, clogging lakes and ponds across the state. Two bills will specifically help address invasive species. They include: LD 2141, which provides $2 million for the Invasive Aquatic Plant and Nuisance Species Fund to address aquatic plant infestations in inland waters. It also requires the Department of Environmental Protection and the Department of Inland Fisheries and Wildlife to recommend more stringent inspection protocols. LD 1342 increases the cost of the sticker all motorized watercraft must display in Maine. In January 2025 and again in 2028, the cost will increase by $10 for in-state residents and $15 for out-of-state boats. The bill also reallocates the distribution of those fees so 70% goes to the Invasive Aquatic Plant and Nuisance Species Fund and the rest goes to the Lake and River Protection Fund. LD 2141 was placed on the budget committee’s special appropriations table for discretionary funding. Shoreland zoning, wake boats The other two bills target other threats to inland waters, namely shoreland zoning violations and boats that create extra large wakes. They include: LD 2101, which authorizes the Maine Land Use Planning Commission and municipalities to take action on shoreland zoning ordinance or statute violations. This could include revoking a permit, claiming a lien or filing a civil action. LD 2284, which addresses impact from wake boats by prohibiting a person from operating a motorboat in less than 15 feet of water or within 300 feet of the shoreline when the craft is engaged in a wakesurfing activity. It also promotes increased safety and education.
  10. Fish too clean of water (real blue) and you are likely to not see, mark or catch much. Fish too dirty (cardboard color)…and all you do is make yourself sick with the number of seemingly uncatchable marks on the fish finder. It’s that in-between color that’s the sweet spot. This water is generally a little green under ideal conditions, to a little chalky.
  11. A bit more of the differance between chemical sunscreen and mineral sunscreen. Chemical vs Mineral Sunscreens Chemical Sunscreens are the most common type of sunscreen and can typically be found on shelves at any drugstore or supermarket. The chemicals absorb into the deeper layers of your skin, allowing the sun’s rays to be absorbed as well. The chemicals provide protection by converting the absorbed UV rays into heat, which is released into the skin. UV light can also destroy the chemicals in the sunscreen, leaving you unprotected. Mineral-based sunscreens, on the other hand, use Zinc Oxide or Titanium Dioxide (sometimes both) to form an invisible barrier on your skin’s surface, which reflects and scatters UV rays away from your body. These minerals do not degrade in UV light, so you stay protected. When you use a mineral sunscreen, the sunscreen’s active ingredients do not absorb into your body, which can reduce the chance of irritation.
  12. Had a routine yearly skin checkup and dr found a very small scab like thing on my scalp so she removed it, other than that all was fine. We talked about sunscreen and the bad ingrediants contained in them such as Oxybenzone and Evabenzone which cause cancer. She reccomended a sunscreen from Australia called Blue Lizzard sensitive skin sunscreen which contains none of the above mentioned ingrediants, its based mainly of zinc which many years ago i used to put on my nose when i was out in my jetboat tubing and water skiing. It was a thick white paste and my nose was white like vanilla frosting but now its more of a sheer sunscreen with a very little chalky look depending on how dark your skin is. I went to wallmart and bought some and will use it this weekend as its gonna be sunny and 75 here in north dakota. Will also use the gaitor pulled over my face when sun is direct onto my face. The bottle it comes in will also turn a blueish color when it detects harmfull sun rays. https://bluelizardsunscreen.com/
  13. Taken from Fish Rapper.com, Jeff Sudan Water levels during the spawning season have been talked about a lot recently too. There’s more to learn, but apparently, there is a correlation between high water during spring, and a strong year class of walleyes. For me, common sense would suggest that more shallow water would warm faster, and food production would be enhanced. Again, I’m only speculating about that. What I do know is that right now, water levels on Lake Winnibigosh are lower than folks would like. I talked with Megan at the US Army Corps of Engineers office at the Pokegama Dam on Thursday. Despite holding back on water flowing out to the Mississippi River, Winnie’s water level is about 5 inches below what the Corps of Engineers calls the mid-level band. As my accompanying photo of Tamarack Bay shows, the water is not “drought stage low”, but it is far from ideal. Folks down river from any one of the Corps of Engineers operated dams are seeing very low water. That’s because they are all being held at minimum flow, according to Megan, there is no short-term plan to increase the flow through any of them. Everyone would like to see the water level rising, but it remains to be seen whether Mother Nature’s plan includes that.
  14. i looked at the price only and frogg toggs were cheap at fleetfarm about $25.00 so i bought it and gave the wife the poncho which she likes because she can curl up in it while sitting in her fishing chair.
  15. i went from a 50 gal trashbag in 2020 to a cheap hooded poncho to 2 piece frogg toggs.
  16. nothin wrong with wearing the 50 gallon trash bag.
  17. Never seen this before, the new baseball uniform pants are ripping apart. pic.twitter.com/ltv5H3Du9j
  18. Where"s the beef, er i meant water, april 6th and my favorite river by the dam in north dakota is running dry when it should have flooded banks at this time with water boiling over the dam. The good news is we still caught dinner.
  19. on off drizzle.
  20. Went to our favorite dam in nd on saturday, temp was 58 and the wind was gusting at 48mph making it feel much colder, had to go back to the car and put on my cold weather pants over the pants i wore which generally keep me warm. The wind was so strong at times i had to put large rock into the tackle box to keep in from blowing away. Caught only walleye, wife caught a 24 incher and we released her to spawn while we kept the others to eat. Bobber and minnows were the ticket, couldnt get anything to bite the mimic minnow plastics or moon eye jig. Lost one mimic and 1 moon eye to snags. the river is extremly low and no measurable moisture is coming.
  21. that camper looks huge or the truck looks small.
  22. Get it inspected by someone qualified or you may be in for many problems down the road. I watch this guy and his wife on youtube and learn alot about campers big and small also watch Liz Amazing, all great learning experiences on problems with buying rv"s. https://www.youtube.com/@blueoxontherun9188 https://www.youtube.com/@LizAmazing/videos
  23. where is @gimruis? MLB needs the fashion police to solve this problem. The Washington Nationals and MLB still cant match the color of the pants and jerseys.
  24. I will invest in CD,s and live off of the interest alone. How does a person even spend it all? Maybe buy an island or a country.
  25. In a nutshell explanation. "The mild 2024 winter, sunny days and thin, clear ice provided conditions for algae to grow. Excessive algae can lead to higher-than-normal concentrations of oxygen and other gases in the water, which in turn, increase dissolved gases in the blood and tissues of fish, forming bubbles that can damage internal organs and kill the fish. Popeye should have ate algae instead of spinach, its powerfull stuff.
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