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Everything posted by throttleplate

  1. those look exactly like the one i bought for $5.00 at fleetfarm, i now believe these are mass marketed and many companies stick their name on it and kvd just stuck his name on them for the $$$.
  2. well if you dont like my chicken soup heres what my filipina wife loves to eat, its called balut, i myself cant get past the beak. Wife always asks me why i like to eat fried eggs with a runny yoke but not balut?
  3. my unknown brand of cheap split ring pliers is an adventure to use. I wear glasses when using it to avoid getting an errant ring shot into my eye. There are a few rings laying arond the living room floor that took off on me and will find them with the vacuum cleaner one day.
  4. chicken soup is my favorite lunch to eat out on the banks, just open up the thermos and pour some into a bowl, sit down and look at nature and slurp it up.
  5. its friday, its also national donkey day. Thats me years ago celebrating national donkey day after i came home from the bar late at nite celebrating national donkey day.
  6. go packers, oops hijacked your thread
  7. I went to get a back massage last week and the lady started talking politics and i stopped her immediatly and told her i dont watch the news, read the paper, listen, talk or care about politics. She says so you dont want to know all the bad things going on today and i said no, better off not knowing.
  8. i worked out today, did an 1 1/2 hr of body stretching yoga and it was rotator cuff strengthing day and lat pulldowns then after that went for a 45 minute outdoor incline walk then back home to watch the Packers vs rams. Picked up fishing rod and looked at the reel i need to spool and put it back down for another day.
  9. hey wheres the love for the tokyo rig?
  10. slacking is a problem due to us having 3 months till we can fish so its easy to put off till next week, month. When it gets close to crunch time is when !!@@#$% happens for me. Really all i have left to do is put new line on my and wifes reels and make a handfull of pike leaders. I dont own a boat so looking at the reels sittin in the corner on the rods waiting to be spooled up gets me saying yes later today i will and i say that everyday.
  11. 1/4 in our driveway in fargo-moorhead of wet snow sleet if this no moisture trend keeps up till spring does that mean the lakes in minnesota will be much lower than a wet winter considering we get the average spring rain per annual records from past years?
  12. stopped coffee after i got out of the military, was addicting to the point my body craved it in the morning and when i quit i would get severe headaches. The coffee that came in our vietnam era sea rations was very strong and had me buzzing after a cup. Military coffee story here all true, when we were on base the big huge coffee makers 4 feet tall were always kept full for the officers and higher ranking enlisted and the person responsible for keeping them full was always the lowest rated person in our platoon. On one day the soldier filling the container from the bathroom spiket whom was a friend of mine told me do not drink the coffee today as he then peeed into it. He was upset as he got busted weeks earlier and went to captains mass and got punished so he was still very upset and this was one way he got back at the higher ranking.
  13. dove bar yes, dial to strong. Anyone still use Lava to wash grease off your hands? Dad has a bar sittin on the basement sink for the last 33 years.
  14. i had toppers on previous trucks i owned and yes i slept in them and loaded them up with gear, truly loved them but i was always worried that my stuff would get stolen out of them due to the windows and locking systems are a major weak point. Since i moved back to the usa from the philippines i now only own a car, a small honda civic that gets 39 mpg on the highway and all my fishing gear fits in the trunk. I can but dont want to invest in a new or used truck just for the topper, the trucks are so expensive now days even used are outrageous and the gas mileage hasnt changed since i bought my last ford truck brand new in 2004, the FX4 extended cab with 5.4 litre gas which on the highway got 19.0 mpg.
  15. im fine with 10, auto updates suck but so far i havnt blown up over it as i set the time of day for it to happen. I go into settings and make a few changes and really no problems with 10 since it came out a few years ago. Snowden says we are being tracked even when we think we arnt, especially on cellphones when the wi-fi is turned off your phone is still noticed by cell towers, put it on airplane mode its still recieving data. They know where you are. I turn phone and comp off at nite. I go into my phone and turn off all activity,tracking...... i turn off alot of apps permissions and especially the personal ads tracker turn it off as its all sending data and burning up your mobile data. Go and youtube [things to turn off on your phone] and watch and do as they show you step by step.
  16. same here in moorhead mn. Great for snowballs and making snowmen.
  17. stopped facebook going on 2 months now, same with twitter. Stopped watching world news and local news and dont read the newspaper or online paper but do read up online my sports teams but not to the degree i did in the past. If i see a political snippet on a sports site i turn my eyes away from it and forget about it in a few seconds. I get all my tv shows and movies from torrents avoiding all commercials. When i listen to the radio in the car and the top of the hr news comes on i turn radio off for a few minutes. I have no idea what is going on in politics and dont want to know, maybe in a few months a year? i will take a look but right now and since november 15 2020 i am cold turkey from the BS and my mood is soooooo much better and i am a happier person.
  18. worse on a airplane, had to ask stewardes to move me away from passenger next to me with b/o.
  19. hope all goes well
  20. Hold it out the window! maybe i could duct tape rod to the roof.
  21. darn i thought i was unlucky, i have been stabbed many times by sunnies and gills but no break offs into the skn.
  22. buy rod, keep plastic on handle, take out to fish with for a day, get home clean it up, put all tags back on and take it back, get store credit, buy a different rod but dont expect you can return this one or buy more lures, its a win win.
  23. lack of snow in eastern nd and mild temps, sorry sled lovers but i will take it.
  24. storm walleye and pike lure
  25. i use wide extra large brimmed straw hat, sunglasses, long sleeves, pants er waders, shoes, gloves, bandana around neck, sunscreen applied every 3 hours to face-neck even with hat on. What i really like about wide hat is i can tilt it to the side as the sun goes down just like a window shade. Never tried a gator in the summer, always wear one outdoors in the super cold winter weather but always have problems with my glasses fogging so i take off the glasses and its usually cloudy out anyway. I dont think i would like the gator on in the summer with having the glasses issue, it sliding down and always adjusting it also i lose my ability to see downwards as it blocks my vision and lots of persperation as i fish in the heat into the evening.
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