this was my boat, no its not a bass boat, its a 1979 Glasstron Carlson 21 ft with a 460 cubic inch engine with a bekley jet drive.
This boat was fast, loud and a chick magnet. I boated on the lakes of minnesota, moved to Las Vegas and ran lake Mead and the Grand Canyon and moved to San Francisco and ran on the delta.
This boat which i enjoyed so many great times with broke me. I finally sold it when i lived in san fran, i just couldnt afford the storage fees to keep it at the delta, the fuel prices in calif in the year 2001 were like $3.50 a gallon and that big engine only got 2 mpg takin it easy.
The cost and time of the repairs were draining me also. I did all my repairs myself, including rebuilding the jet drive replacing impellars, wear rings, the main shaft which is $400.00 stainlees steel part.
Then the broken windshield, seats broke, steering cable, bilge pumps, batteries, new covers every year because the sun destroyed them.....and then the trailer tires, rollers, insurance, registration.
I would like to buy a fishing boat but i know if i get a old aluminum boat or something fancy i am goin to be sticking money into it for repairs and for sure upgrades.
There are also lakes here that i bank fish and wade that dont even have public ramps so i woudnt even be able to fish them from a boat and if i could get a boat on them i would probably end up where i bank fish from anyway.
So the boat is out for me unless i won the lottery and could spend money and not worry. But then if i did win the lottery i would move to Florida and get a big 30 plus footer and go ocean fishing.