Wife and I went to the dam in Lisbon ND on wed with 2 scoops of minnows and some plastic grubs and mimic minnow paddletails, I cought walleye on the mimic minnows and the grub by casting and very slowly reeling the mimic or grub which was on a 1/8 oz ballhead jig and feeling it hit over the rocks and gravel, also floated the grub on a float which also worked but i always had a minnow piggybacking both presentations hooked through the snout.
No smallies liked the plastics even with piggybacked minnow, all were caught on minnows only, floating the minnow on an 1/8 oz ballhead jig infront of and over a wide path of submerged big rocks 3 feet deep in the middle of the river with a smooth nice non whitewater flow of water over them.
Then around 4pm something unreel took place, i put on a 1/8 oz ballhead jig with a orange plastic grub along with a piggy backed minnow using a bobber, #20 832 braid and #20 abrazix leader, cherrywood rod 7ft with plueger presXT reel and tossed it out into 3 feet of water.
Sittin in my chair next to our stringer of walleye and i see this big swirl of a fish next to the stringer but didnt see exactly what it was and a few moments later wham, I have a fish and its not small.
It takes off into the current, I loosen the drag knowing whatever it is can easilly break me off, a few moments later my wife sees its a muskie and i am trying to turn its head from pointing downstream but everytime it get her to turn She peels off again.
I seen where i had her hooked in the very back left side corner of the mouth and seeing that the line can easilly get sawed off if it gets into her mouth I give her all the freedom to run hoping to tire her out so i can pick up some line.
I want this fish bad, I am hopeing the leader and small jig holds or I will be bummed, this to me is the fish of my lifetime and the battle playing her I just dont want to lose.
Finally after many minutes with me now standing back 15 feet from the shoreline fighting the fish she tires out and wife grabs our littlle net trying to assist her onto shore and she actually gets the tail in the net and helps drag it in.
I yell out in victory and get thumbs up from people watching, I felt like I won a marathon, i was so excited catching my biggest fish ever on such light tackle. I had to revive her by moving her gills back and forth untill she perked up, she hung out in front of us for a while in 2 feet of water and she then swam off to hopefully fight another day.