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Everything posted by throttleplate

  1. When wife and i first moved back to the usa from the philippines in 2019 i had no fishing gear stored at dads house as i gave it all away when i retired 10 years prior. I wanted to get back into fishing again so i bought 2 shakesphere spinning combos with line on them at wallmart for $12.00 each. We caught fish with them, lots of bass and pike and she also caught her personal best with it. The only change i made after the first outing was i took off the cheap mono line and put on spiderwire braid. I soon upgraded my rods and reels but she stuck with that wallmart special all summer into september untill the reel wouldnt reel in anymore. I took it apart at home and she simply wore all the teeth off on the gears as they were made of some type of composite plastic material. She liked the cheapie rod so we put a pleuger reel on it and it finally snapped in half in november that same year.
  2. I put a very small split shot weight a few inches ahead on the line, easy on easy off with a small pliers.
  3. Have you used painted ballhead jigs ever and if so did you notice a difference in amount or species of fish caught?
  4. Thanks, right place right time and some luck was involved. The dam 10 days ago was at 2.95 and now sits at 4.68.
  5. Why I love fishing the dams in North Dakota, big or small ya never know whats gonna come out of them. This was wednesday, the first day in the past 7 days with no rain, the walleye were biting along with smallies and this surprise catch which i caught on a 1/8 oz ballhead jig. I posted the story on latest catch pic threads if interested.
  6. That muskie was probably hanging around for the walleye spawn fattening herself on the abuntant small male walleye hangin in the shallows. For the 2 years I have been fishin at this dam nobody i have met there fishes for or has caught a muskie, some small pike thats it. It would be so kool in seeing what is actually lurking in the lisbon dam.
  7. Thanks fishlegs, after i caught her I had to stop fishing for a bit and take a stroll down the river to collect my thoughts and thanked the man upstairs and the fishing gods for watching over me.
  8. Wife and I went to the dam in Lisbon ND on wed with 2 scoops of minnows and some plastic grubs and mimic minnow paddletails, I cought walleye on the mimic minnows and the grub by casting and very slowly reeling the mimic or grub which was on a 1/8 oz ballhead jig and feeling it hit over the rocks and gravel, also floated the grub on a float which also worked but i always had a minnow piggybacking both presentations hooked through the snout. No smallies liked the plastics even with piggybacked minnow, all were caught on minnows only, floating the minnow on an 1/8 oz ballhead jig infront of and over a wide path of submerged big rocks 3 feet deep in the middle of the river with a smooth nice non whitewater flow of water over them. Then around 4pm something unreel took place, i put on a 1/8 oz ballhead jig with a orange plastic grub along with a piggy backed minnow using a bobber, #20 832 braid and #20 abrazix leader, cherrywood rod 7ft with plueger presXT reel and tossed it out into 3 feet of water. Sittin in my chair next to our stringer of walleye and i see this big swirl of a fish next to the stringer but didnt see exactly what it was and a few moments later wham, I have a fish and its not small. It takes off into the current, I loosen the drag knowing whatever it is can easilly break me off, a few moments later my wife sees its a muskie and i am trying to turn its head from pointing downstream but everytime it get her to turn She peels off again. I seen where i had her hooked in the very back left side corner of the mouth and seeing that the line can easilly get sawed off if it gets into her mouth I give her all the freedom to run hoping to tire her out so i can pick up some line. I want this fish bad, I am hopeing the leader and small jig holds or I will be bummed, this to me is the fish of my lifetime and the battle playing her I just dont want to lose. Finally after many minutes with me now standing back 15 feet from the shoreline fighting the fish she tires out and wife grabs our littlle net trying to assist her onto shore and she actually gets the tail in the net and helps drag it in. I yell out in victory and get thumbs up from people watching, I felt like I won a marathon, i was so excited catching my biggest fish ever on such light tackle. I had to revive her by moving her gills back and forth untill she perked up, she hung out in front of us for a while in 2 feet of water and she then swam off to hopefully fight another day.
  9. Well this explains why i was held back in the 6th grade.
  10. very large bowl or 2 of bran flakes, cheerios, plain mini wheats, korn flakes.....with a cut up banana put in and always use fake sugar or else mix in some sugared coco crispies. I pee in the general area i am fishing and poop in the woods, i always have wet wipes and tp close by in the car. Hardest part about squating in the woods is making sure you spread your feet enough so as to not drop the deuce on the back of your shoes.
  11. i still dont know what a pronoun is, anyone?
  12. Went fishing monday in lisbon nd and the wind was 35 mph in my face standing on the bank close to the dam, i was getting sprayed spritzed so had to move down some. Wind made current so much stronger and combined with using a bobber and jigs my line was acting as a sail. The wind died off at 7pm, but yeah every trip we have gone fishin the wind has been bad.
  13. There is a problem with new direct injection turbo boosted engines, especially 4 cylinders in the hondas as the fuel pressure along with turbo boost pressure is forcing fuel past the rings washing down the cylinder and mixing into the oil. Two weeks ago i was at the honda dealer gettin a filter and a salesman struck up a conversation so i asked him if honda still has fuel into the oil dilution problems and he actually told me yes but its gotten better with the newer models. Wow ,i wont be buying a new or used honda in the years of having this well documented problem. I also told him i wouldnt ever buy a honda with a cvt transmission because the engine revs really high on takeoff as honda is to cheap to do what toyota has done which was put a launch gear in their cvt to achive a normal take off from a dead start without having the engine rev out to 6000 rpms to get going.
  14. Does your truck compute mileage and hours to determin % shown on the dash?
  15. Put 3400 miles on latest oil change,148,000 miled honda civic 1.7 litre 4 cyl naturally aspirated engine, takes 3.75 quarts of mobil supreme 5w20 blended oil to fill. Most of the 3400 miles was highway from fishing last summer and this spring. When i do drive in town i keep the auto tranny in 3 gear so to keep rpms up to keep cumbustion chamber hot and clean especially in winter in north dakota where the engine spends more time idling to warm up and cold air reduces the operating temp to where my fans dont even come on. My oil which i drained hot came out the color of coca cola, this is the cleanest i have ever seen my oil at 3000 miles, its a 5000 mile oil says the manufacturer but i go 3500 at the most. Being highway miles mostly really does make a big difference in keeping combustion clean as compared to mostly city driving stop and go.
  16. I wonder if i should freeze my leftover minnows in jack daniels instead of cheap vodka, maybe catch more fish?🤑
  17. Dont forget to exercise, exercise is more important than fishin, sittin in a boat isnt exercise, paddlin a kayak only works some muscles, not much below your obliques, walking is ok but doesnt work the lower butt glutes, hammy, calves... or much cardio as much as you think. Find a steep hill and walk up it 2 times a week, you use upper body and lots of lower body muscles doing hill walks. Dont get lazy, motion is lotion to the body.
  18. Congrats on retirement, were you ever attacked, threatened or had a sandwich thrown at you while drivin bus?
  19. Looks like a Bieber cut.
  20. Sheyenne River at Lisbon, ND - 05058700 April 11, 2024 - April 18, 2024 Gage height, feet 2.95 ft - Apr 18, 2024 12:45:00 AM GMT 11.80 ft - Apr 19, 2023 12:45:00 AM GMT
  21. Here is a pic of me wearing the Blue Lizard sunscreen for the first time, my face does look a bit chalkey but i dont care.
  22. last saturday after the big buffalo wife and i finally settled down to fish. This is Ransome park in ND, the dam is running slow and the river is not covering half the channel, we still caught our walleye dinner.
  23. seen it, very good movie.
  24. happy b-day Lynn.
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