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Everything posted by throttleplate

  1. Dig the Barracuda
  2. Can only imagine falling in the water and getting inhaled into the whales mouth and coming out later as a small turd.
  3. Wife and i spent monday night in EauClaire Wis, We had booked a motel 6, we stopped early and checked in at 1pm, 2 hrs early but they didnt charge us for early check in. I have stayed in real dumps from Memphis Tenn all throughout Asia and this motel 6 ranks in the top 3 of crap holes i have ever stayed at, pure scum hole from the smell to the bugs in the fridge, broken tv, microwave, air con, moldy shower.....Then this guy smoking outside walks up to me and asks me if i would take his $5.00 and walk next door and buy him a pint of vodka because he lost his ID card, umm no i told him. We left Eau Claire early in the morning and arrived in Green Bay at 930am and went to Lambeau field and watched practice and then the sky opened up and it poured rain for 35 minutes, the packers stayed out and ran their practice in the pouring rain and i and hundreds of others stood and sat and got drenched as i left our umbrellas in the car as i didnt nor did the weatherman predict this downpour. Hey, it was a blast even soaked and when practice was over we went to check into our extended stay hotel, very nice, clean with kitchen, sink, full fridge, stove top, micro and furnished with pots and pans, plates......We went to wallmart and bought food to stock the room and i also bought a footlong at Subway, a footlong in Fargo, ND costs me $8.99, here in Green Bay it costs $11.98. What is really crazy here in GB is all the roundabouts in fast moving traffic, really caused me problems and i missed the exits a few times, even with gps just not enough time in the roundabout to get a lock on checking the signage and counting the exits with cars zooming all around me. Oh, Jordan Love is in camp standing on the sidelines but is not practicing untill he gets a new contract signed supposedly this week.
  4. What is this aquarium you speak of ?
  5. Been on those types of steroids and yes they do kill your ability to sleep, i was prescribed a dosing pack and had to complete it over 7 days and i knew i was screwed.
  6. Friend died from pneumonia, talked to him and he sounded like bad crap was in his lungs, coughing during our talk telling me he had a bad cold. Called him back 2 months later and his wife answered his phone, he died, he was a resident in las vegas.
  7. Wife and i are headed to GreenBay next week for Packers trainging camp, this will be my 3rd camp and her 2nd, then we head 50 miles south to OshKosh Wisc for the big week long airshow, then we are headed for Milwaukee for another air show and have tickets for the Milwaukee Brewers game on monday when they play the Braves. I am an Orioles fan but its baseball and it is close to greenbay so i jumped on it, its Miller beer monday promotion so for 2, 200 level tickets and parking it cost me $32.00 to attend the game. On our way back home when we pass through Minneapolis my wife asked if we are close to the Mall Of America as she wants to check it out, i cringed and said we will see dear what time it is and how far out of the way it is from I-94. The last time i was at Mall of America was 1991.
  8. The crappie have abandoned my lake bank fishing honey hole in Detroit lakes for the summer, the big sunfish have left also and only their small siblings remain, the bass left along with them. The river dams i fish from the bank are still flooded on the Sheyene river in north dakota so i havnt been out in 2 weeks, going on vacation monday, no fishing gear is going with us.
  9. Not knocking you Stan, it is funny that live bait isnt allowed but Live scope and FFS is allowed.
  10. Every stroke on any platform is capable of tracking you, be carefull what you write on your emails.
  11. Love it, another fisherman whos learning to enjoy watching bobbers while fishing.
  12. Check out the Google Pixel phones, mid priced android and not alot of installed apps to drown you with on your screen. I still use a google phone made for them by Huawei called NEXUS 6P, bought it brand new in 2016 and still original battery and the first and only smart phone i own, the year 2017 Google renamed their flagship phone the Pixel.
  13. So chilly that my wifes garden isnt growing as in the past few years, our last 3 weeks of fishing in Detroit lakes resulted in us catching our limits but had us wearing warm jackets throughout the day and adding another layer at 8pm. Today July 1st is low hanging clouds, very windy 25-38mph, 75 degrees and rain tonight. This is to continue throughout the week, i read a fishing report from Grand Rapids area in Minn and it is very cool out and the lake waters are still cool which is affecting the fishing. Swimsuit sales may suffer this summer around here.
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  14. So sorry about Lynn, what is up with the covid, is this the 2nd time you have contacted it? I have not read or heard anything about covid for a long time.
  15. Yes, in march with no snow to melt off the sheyenne was so low i was thinking just another few inches lower and i could walk out to the middle and pick up my snagged lures from the past 2 years.
  16. No on the urinade, I quit drinking liquids that contain to much acidity.
  17. Went to Detroit Lakes on thursday to my secret crappie/panfish lake only known by me, my wife and all of becker county. The crappie bite from the bank has ended, we picked off 2 keepers and threw back a handfull of dollar bill sized crappie. The bluegill are still biting and we filled the stringer. It was chilly out thursday with super low hanging clouds and some light rain and windy. I caught a good sized bass on panfish rig, it had a huge head and length at 22 inch but it was spawned out recently as it had a shrunken belly and needed a tummy tuck. It poured heavy rain in Fargo ND at 2 am and the basement sump pump was workin hard. My dam fishing the Sheyene river is not gonna happen again untill fall maybe, due to all the rain the banks are flooded out.
  18. congrats sir.
  19. No, its the president of the Minnesota department of Fisheries.
  20. Went to wallmart yesterday to check out their live wax worm supply, opened up 6 containers and instead of using my finger to ckeck on worms health there was a plastic tent stake sittin on the counter with price tag hanging off it so i grabbed it and poked around the sawdust and worms with it. Some containers had black dried up worms, just lookin for best worm containers to buy, found 2 that looked good. At the checkout i asked the girl if she would count the worms to see if there was reall y 36 per container and she was, huh, what???.
  21. keyboard condom
  22. I love bobbers, banks, dont like electronics in my face. Last week a woman was fishing next to us, all the while she was watching a movie on her cell phone, she caught 0 fish.
  23. I lived in Merrimack for 1 year, the river and railroad tracks ran 75 yards from our backyard, i always walked the tracks along the river and wondered what kinda fish were in there. I was in my Harley Davidson phase of life after just gettin out of the service and wasnt into fishing at that time.
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