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Everything posted by throttleplate

  1. What part of the plane?
  2. That and watch what my wife is doing.
  3. The mileage of my trip to Green Bay Wisc, down to Oshkosh then Milwaukee onto La Crosse Wisc , Minneaplois Mn and back to Fargo Nd which included in town driving checking out sites totaled 1419 miles. I left fargo with a full tank and refilled to full when arriving back into fargo. My 2004 Honda civic coupe LX with 153,000 miles, 1.7 litre 4 cyl, 117hp naturally aspirated engine with automatic 4 speed with no mods averaged 39.4 mpg, best was 42 mpg on a straight highway run. Car was loaded down with 170 lbs of gear. I aired up my tires cold to 33psi, recommended is 30psi and ran the air con, engine burnt no oil.
  4. Can anyone identify where this pic was taken?
  5. The mileage of my trip to Green Bay Wisc, down to Oshkosh then Milwaukee onto La Crosse Wisc , Minneaplois Mn and back to Fargo Nd which included in town driving checking out sites totaled 1419 miles. I left fargo with a full tank and refilled to full when arriving back into fargo. My 2004 Honda civic coupe LX with 153,000 miles, 1.7 litre 4 cyl, 117hp naturally aspirated engine with automatic 4 speed with no mods averaged 39.4 mpg, best was 42 mpg on a straight highway run. Car was loaded down with 170 lbs of gear. I aired up my tires cold to 33psi, recommended is 30psi and ran the air con, engine burnt no oil.
  6. Especially since they use CVT trannies.
  7. Really i dont know, they taste somwhat like cardboard and styrafoam with very empty seed chambers where the seeds and gelatinous pulp and juice reside. How hard is it to grow a tomato with good rich flavor in large plantations and ship it to the grocery store?
  8. My wife fileted this white bass and said it had portions of the meat that were red, so i googled it and read that its a good idea to cut out the red parts so she did, it tasted very good but now i dont eat anymore white bass.
  9. why are grocery store tomatoes so bland?
  10. Bluegill/sunfish, crappie, walleye and if no fresh fish its canned tuna fish mixed with mayo, onions, and spices spread over toast with a slice of cheese.
  11. looks huge, how many horses she have? The 200 on the cover is 200 cubic inches?
  12. Oshkosh Wisc. B-25 Mitchell
  13. i am happy to just fish from the bank where i can sit in my chair and relax, take a break and look around while my bobber bobbing in the waves does most of the work. I can get up and walk around especially when i fish my favorite lake which has one lake on the east side and a different lake on the west side divided by a road, 2 lakes where all i do is pivot my body 180 degrees and walk 12 steps to get to the other lake.
  14. Living in North Dakota our tomatoes wont be ripe untill 3rd week of august, planted the starter plants from wallmart in first week of june due to a crappy cold rainy May. I enjoy eating them sliced with just salt and pepper.
  15. The orioles are playing very bad and embarrassing baseball to date, no pitching beyond Burnes and Rodriguez, bullpen is terrible, all the errors being made by Henderson at SS, Westburg on the injured list with a broken bone in his hand, Adley the catcher stopped hitting 40 days ago as did Mountcastle, Ohearn. With Holiday back up from the minors, Mayo up yesterday, Cowser playing alot this team now is very young with green rookies and learning to hit and field against major leaguers and until they settle in or not the rest of the season is gonna be on the rough side. Lucky we started the year hot so we are still tied for first place but playing below .500 the last month we are still hoping to turn it around.
  16. Back home in ND from our trip to Wisc, After the dissapointing air show at Oshkosh the free airshow in Milwaukee on sunday exceeded our expectations. Sittin on the shore of lake michigan with a cool strong breeze with overcast skies it was a great day. We also went to see the Brewers play the braves, the stadium has a retractable roof which was not opened untill after the 2nd inning and thanfully they did as it was a sauna with the high humidity, 95 degrees and overcast skies which it rained earlier hence the roof was still closed. Coming back home we stopped off at Mall of america to make my wife happy, we went in, took pics of the carnival rides and the outside mall of america sign and got out after 1 1/2 hrs. Philipinos love malls, big malls and you will only understand why if you are married to one. On the way out of minneapolis on wednesday on hwy 494 at around 4:25 it started to rain and it came in buckets for 30 plus minutes and brought traffic to a stop and crawl for the next hour as there was no visibility with the downpour. Hey @gimruis how much rain did you recieve on wed? m
  17. Yep, Jaws, i seen that movie at the theatre back in the 70s and i was so taken in that the quarter i had in my hand at the start of the movie to buy popcorn with stayed in my sweaty palm from the opening scene till the end and left an impression on my palm. Years later when i was in the military and stationed in Vieques Puerto Rico we got into snorkeling and everytime i seen a big fish i thought it was a shark and i was gonna die right then and there.
  18. We went to the biggest air show in the USA on saturday, Oshkosh, Wisc, I highly reccomend to anybody that has been to an airshow before to STAY away from this colossal mess unless you are into buying or building an airplane, the air show itself was terrible, uninteresting with only a handfull of WW2 aircraft on display and not even a B-17 on the grounds only 2 B-25, some P-51, corsairs and P41 flying tigers, people around me were so wanting to see warbirds on the ground and in flight but were dissapointed. There were no Blue Angels or Thunderbirds at the week long event. The whole show is really devoted to aircraft manufacturers having on display all the newest models of small aircraft with salesman trying to interest the real owners of aircraft into their models. There are also many imformative workshops all week on the grounds with classes about building, welding........so yeah its great for the real enthusiast to learn. The best part of the event was eating a A@W rootbeer float which i last had one in 2008. We are now in Milwaukee as of last night at a Econolodge and didnt get to sleep untill 2 am due to the people above us doing their thing, i thought the bed was gonna crash down through the ceiling. Aside from that these smaller budget hotels are gettin very old in age and the upkeep on the room repairs is just sloppy workmanship low budget and the cleanliness is such as simple dusting isnt even attempted. Today Milwaukee is having their airshow and the Thunderbirds are performing so we will go to the great lake and try to find a place to park as the show itself is free to watch outside the pay area.
  19. Green Bay training camp day 4, long session today in the sun and heat. Special teams practicing the new kickoff situation, strange the way it looks when they line up 5 yards from each other and have to wait untill the player catches the ball or when it hits the ground before they can move. Kicks that go directly into the endzone on the fly or squibbed into the endzone are placed on the 30 yard line. Also practicing field goals from 50 yards out. This truck is parked at the hotel and is being driven as the guys work truck, its licensed and up to date tags.
  20. #29, packers new safety picked up from Giants in free agency and now the highest paid safety in the league. Shawn Rhyan right guard and running back AJ Dillon. The new Packers helmet for the year 2050. The ability for us fans to approach the players before and after practice is truly a gift.
  21. Wife scolded me because i pulled the curtains back and opened the windows in our ground level floor while i was naked.
  22. My wife wont let me become a stoner again, she got very upset when i tried gummies last year with THC in them.☹️
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