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Everything posted by throttleplate

  1. Where are all the armchair quarterbacks who were questioning the steelers coach about wilson starting over fields.šŸ¤
  2. Off topic but i have to tell you that the day we were metal detecting and came upon this beast, the friend i was with was so stoned that he sat on the bull seals hind quarters not knowing it was a seal but thought it was a rock.
  3. When I lived in California on the coast of San Francisco I would go metal detecting at the nude beaches and detect around the nudies, nude beaches were the best for finding jewelry because the girls would take off their jewelry and put it on their towels and then they would forget about it when they get up to shake their towels. Here is a pic of one of the hottest nudist i encountered metal detecting.
  4. What is bro country music?
  5. These pics are from our last fishing trip on Oct 9 when the day was like late spring weather. I was fishing the culvert and was only getting small bluegill out and around the culvert. Thinking the crappie moved out to their winter home a guy showed up with Gulp minnows using a bobber and he bomb casted as far a he could and he cuaght a 12 inch crappie, then he caught another and ...... I was blown away by all the big crappie he was catching so quickly. So i changed my bobber to a weighted bobber and using 1/8 oz jig along with 1/8 oz split shot and crappie minnows I bomb casted within a few yards from him and i immediantly caught a huge crappie, we struck up a conversation and we were both catching 12- 13 inch crappie every few recasts, the crappie were on feeding frenzie, these were the biggest crappie we have ever caught in numbers. I was so stuck on old habits of fishing close around the culvert i didnt bother casting far out so i thanked him for getting me out of a funk. We caught our limit and went home. The filets were thick and meaty, best crappie day ever. I made a big boo boo when putting a crappie on the stringer which we hung from a rail leading down to the culvert, as i put on the crappie and it slid down the stringer i pulled the stringer completly out of the water to see our catch and when the crppie hit the fish the stringer slipped completly out of my hand and was going into the culvert so my wife grabbed my fishing pole with my Pflueger president XT and stuck the whole rod into the water, reel first to hook the stringer which she was successfull. I was going to put some oil on the line guide bearing but to this day i havnt botherd to.
  6. Contact Scottie Kilmer
  7. I dont recall her in my movie watching.
  8. The weather in fargo and detroit lakes has been so hot, sunny, and no wind that its keeping me from going fishing. Non fishing folks think im crazy when i tell them i would rather it be extremely cloudy and throw in some 15 mph winds so i can go get some more panfish. My wifes garden is doing fantastic with the extended summer weather, lots more eggplant, okra, green peppers, bitter gourd and of course tomatos on the vine.
  9. Yeah, been awhile as the sheyene is to this day and all summer has been high where the shoreline is under water, had a few feet of shoreline last week to get out there. Been fishing the lake bank mostly for crappie and bluegill which the bluegill are very catchable this year with this nice weather.
  10. 2nd biggest fish caught this year at the dam on the Sheyene river in ND. Caught while fishing for whatever wanted to bite using 30LB 832, 15 LB flouro leader, 1/8 ballhead jig tipped with a minnow using a bobber.
  11. Yeah, so was i, but i showed the donkey whos boss. I was very drunk at that time.
  12. @gimruis we went fishing friday in detroit lakes, a day before you fished and we had rain and high winds, from the bank the crappie which were offshore for the summer came in with the big waves and were caught within 10 feet from the rocky shoreline. The bluegills stayed out away from shore and were caught in the green weed beds.
  13. I smoked with a pipe and rolled my own, then i started using a one hitter, never liked using a bong.šŸ˜µ
  14. Wow, Marcos was president, martial law was enacted, you could rent a house for $2.00 a month, probably shopped in Angeles city.
  15. I am thinking about buying tickets to the vikings, packers game in minneapolis on dec 30, if the vikes have a bad record maybe secondary market tickets may be cheap. I have also in the past seen in the Fargo newspaper vikes tickets for sale when the packers come to Minn. I sat in the stadium a few years ago and was high up and didnt enjoy the view or seats at all, the seats were very small and at 5ft 9in my knees were hitting the backrest of the seat in front of me. I will only do this if the tickets are cheap and i dont want to drive to green bay to see the pack.
  16. Curse of Teddy Bridgewater, wonder how Jefferson feels losing a whole year of McCarthy and him getting acclimated? I tore my cartlidge in my knee way back in 1985 and the drs clipped it, smoothed it and i have been fine to this day, yeah i know i am not a superstar athlete but i played enough sports since then to have noticed any problems but not even arthritis has come into play. Just wonder how bad it was to go full repair?
  17. Last year 2023 this thread was busy with braves fans and myself, this year pretty dead. Last year the Orioles were winning many games in late inning come backs, this year we are just an average team with a good record but playing .500 ball since the all star break. My excitement has been neutered due to looosing 3 starting pitchers to tommy john surgery which has derailed the team and just limping along. The only reason the Orioles are tied for first with the Yankees is because the Yanks are playing just as bad as the Orioles.
  18. Hey @J._Bricker, what is your nationality? bunka boats, kalesa carts, sugarcane in your hand as a young boy makes me think you were born in the PH.
  19. I miss a good old WWII era jeepney ride in the philippines, thats how jeepneys got their name was all the jeeps left behind by the US military. The locals took them and extended the frames and added sides and a roof and then put on lots of chrome to jazz them up. Yeah, zero tread, maybe military cutbacks? šŸ¤£šŸ¤‘
  20. I am not sure other than it is a rader unit, what is strange is the unit has truck axles with dualies and not so clear in the pic are the big black tires were made of some kind of vinyl which held air and i could push my hand into them like it was a big yoga ball. Anyone here know whats up with those tires?
  21. Correct, you are now a copilot. Want to take a stab at this thing?
  22. errrrrpppp, wrong, The Lockheed C-141 Starlifter is a retired military strategic airlifter that served with the Military Air Transport Service. The plane in question is not retired, here is another clue.
  23. You won your wings, DC-3 OK how about this bird?
  24. Yes What model plane is this?
  25. Here is a clue to what plane it is, it is commonly referred to as the BUFF.
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