Well if ya have to you can light a small fire under the oil pan to warm the oil for easier starting.
When i worked at service stations after school in the 70,s in fargo nd and the weather in the winter got serious cold is when our wrecker made money picking up frozen cars.
Remember back then most cars had no fuel injection, just the pump the pedal to the floor 1 time and then hold half throttle and pray the choke set itself properly.
We used kerosean torpedo heaters set in front of the vehicles to thaw them out, most times a battery was needed and the vehicle was flooded.
We installed many block heaters on the frozen cars and changed the oil to a winter weight and always checked and replaced the old anti freeze. One more thing that needed replacing was the interior core heater that were usually plugged so no heat in the car. Back in those days the core heaters were easy to replace, usually took me an hour not like todays vehicles where its a 1,000.00 job to tear the dash out to get to them.