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  1. It's super smooth when turning. Thanks for your comment regards flicking the handle. Actually, now that I reviewed a couple youtube videos, I see some folks just casually flicking the handle and it is indeed spinning at least 3-4 revolutions. If I flick mine fairly aggressively it only goes maybe 2 revolutions. Ugh.
  2. Ok, new reel came in from Japan. It looks great but I notice that when I flick the handle it only turns about 1-1.5 times. I was thinking it should spin 6 or 7 revolutions. Should I be concerned something is binding up in the gearing? This is the Metanium 20 from Japan (JDM model). I also noticed that regardless of how much I back off on the drag the spool does not loosen in side to side motion.
  3. Wow, the best of luck getting a replacement from Shimano. That would be awesome if you could swing that. This will be my first "high-end" rod purchase so I'm hoping I feel the same way you did about your Adrena.
  4. oof, you converted your 1-piece rod into a 3-piece. Sorry to see that. I'm sure there's a good backstory to that but probably too painful to relive. Did you like the rod while it was operable?
  5. Thanks again, JB. I'm going to pair my new reel with a Poison Adrena (73MHF) rod for T-rigs too. I'm hoping it performs equally well on 3/8-1/2oz chatterbaits and buzzbaits.
  6. Thank again, JB. I'm going to be pairing the new reel with a Poison Adrena (73MHF) and using it for t-rigs too. That said, I'm also going to hopefully have good luck using it with 3/8-1/2oz chatterbaits and buzzbaits.
  7. I understand that's a great braid! Do you use a leader? Also, are you a fan of the lo-vis green? A friend of mine uses KastKing SuperKast-9 and really likes that one too.
  8. CFDoc, Thank you for the clarification on the bearings. Also, I appreciate the research you did on the spool size vs. line diameter vs casting length. I think I'm going to spool on 40# braid. That should give me plenty of line to work with.
  9. Thanks JB, you've been a big help with the handle issue! Just one more question since you brought up the bearings. Can't I simply use the bearings that are coming with the new JDM 20 metanium? Seems like they would be the right size but maybe not.
  10. Sounds good to me, thank you! I assume I need the BNT5713 handle knob seals too. Are there any other parts I would need to finish this project?
  11. Also, I checked out the Shimano site. I appears you put Curado knobs on your 2020 Metanium. To be clear, I have a JDM 20 Metanium and the knobs are smaller than the USDM 2020 Metaniums. The USDM Metanium knobs are currently available from Shimano. Are you recommending the Curado Knobs over the USDM 2020 Metanium knobs?
  12. Of course... Are they the same size as the USDM 2020 Met knobs? I assume that you use the existing hardware and just bolt the new knobs on - correct?
  13. Awesome! May I ask where you purchased them?
  14. Hey @CFDoc, I just bought a JDM 20 met too. While I haven't received it yet I'm already concerned abought the handle knob size. Did you just replace the knobs or the whole handle assembly? Also, with such a small spool should I be concerned with bomb casting 3/8 - 1/2oz chatter baits with so little line on the smaller spool? Thx.
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