In winter bass are usually suspended over creeks or on the edges of flats close to creeks or deeper water, usually bright sunny days they suspend up and feed.
A good method for locating the fish and the depth the fish are holding is to use a countdown lure.
I like to use a 1/16 or 1/8 maribou jig as a count down, fish the water column until you get a strike, then fish the area at that depth with a jerk bait, rapala’s usually, original, 1 to 4 ft. deep diver, 4 to 8 ft. and countdown rapala if there more than 8 feet deep, no I don’t consider a rapala to be a crankbait so don’t go there, then find other creeks on the lake with similar depths and there will likely be fish! This is not my method but comes from Billy and Bobby Murray and Al and Ron Lindner! One of them won the classic do they must be smart! Right!
gadgets graphs can spook fish especially if there shallow, study a map before you go to find likely areas then the trees will indicate the Chanel’s