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  1. ironbjorn's post in Mono visibility was marked as the answer   
    I do not find that bass care. I don't fish crystal clear lakes, but I do fish some clear streams, and those SMB don't care at all. I've never found that pond or lake LMB care either, but again, I'm not fishing crystal clear fisheries. Fluorocarbon doesn't handle near well enough, hold a knot near well enough, or make near enough economical sense for me to fish it anyways (and I use to fish it). 
  2. ironbjorn's post in Need help with rod selection! was marked as the answer   
    I would honestly get a 6'6" or 7' M/F Daiwa Aird-X and slap the Fuego on there. Ugly Stik, pond, minnows, Senko. You're frugal, and that's perfectly ok. Those things work. For this I would 100% get this rod in the same scenario. It performs like $100 anyways.
  3. ironbjorn's post in Ned Rigs Anonymous was marked as the answer   
    Welcome, brothers...

  4. ironbjorn's post in S-waver 120 was marked as the answer   
    2 110s for 2 wavers? I don't care about price difference. I over bought on colors and found my fish like white or chartreuse in the bait.

  5. ironbjorn's post in Braid Sticking on Spinning was marked as the answer   
    Too large of diameter and could probably use a better quality line. Try sniper, Invizx, or Tatsu. 6, 7, 8 lb. 
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