I've become the ultimate minimalist bass angler over the past couple of years, and I catch more fish and have more convenience than ever before. In an age where people geek out over gear and tackle and have 20+ rod and reel setups and more baits and tackle than they could ever use in a lifetime (I was once guilty), I sold almost all of my stuff because I got tired of the inconvenience of it all, the plethora of options that constantly had me changing this and that and switching to this or that, etc. I kept 1 rod and 1 reel and I only use spinnerbaits and Senkos now. My rod is a Shimano Zodias 6'10" MH/F, my reel is a Shimano SLX XT 7.2:1, and my small, handheld tackle bag has a dozen or so 3/8 oz War Eagle spinnerbaits, half a dozen bags of Senkos, 3/0 EWG hooks, and 3/16 oz tungsten weights. I can burn the spinnerbait, slow roll it, wake it, fish it in a huge variety of cover, bounce it off this or that, pitch it into pockets. I can fish the Senkos weightless T rigged one moment, and then simply thread it off the same 3/0 hook and put it back on said hook wacky style (never noticed a difference in bites or performance from more traditional wacky hooks), or fish it T rigged with a weight on bottom. Versatility. Now my choices don't stress me out, the baits always catch fish one way or another, and it's super easy for me to grab my rod and bag and head to the pond (and I only fish ponds these days). Where a lot of people would feel limited or unsatisfied, I feel free, and it works for me to be ultra mobile and finely focused on just a few things at my disposal. You'd be surprised by what you can actually make work if you absolutely had to. I've caught more bass this year than I have since probably 2016. I'm never going back to over encumbrance or falling for needing this and that or this or that new shiny thing guaranteed to catch bass (so buy now!!!). I guess that makes me a weirdo.
I should mention that I did keep a stock of squarebills for when I visit family and friends back in the home state because there's a particular river dam there that a squarebill lights up the smallies, talking 20+ fish days and multiple 2-3 lbers.