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ironbjorn last won the day on June 1 2023

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  • My PB
    Between 6-7 lbs
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Community Answers

  1. Just gotta go to Lindisfarne if you can swing it, but Big Game works too.
  2. And if that doesn't work, he could try using the entrails of Saxons. Skol!
  3. We have braid to fluoro, straight fluoro, straight braid, and mono so far. I'll add 12 lb Yo-Zuri Hybrid for the finishing move. Good luck.
  4. I live about the same distance from American Legacy Fishing. It's awesome going into the store.
  5. I think it's very important, which is why Big Game is my go to. I've never had it break on me. If even 12 lb snags I can't hardly snap it most of the time and I'm 6' 240 lbs. I do the right thing and retie when necessary and without getting lazy about it, so that helps too.
  6. I once sold a rare 19th century collectible on FB Marketplace. $500, but it was worth much, much more. I specifically chose the option to sell locally, either pick up or meet up. In the Indianapolis metro area, this was perfectly feasible. And it did sell locally after a couple of weeks to a nice guy who chose to pick up from my home. But I got countless people messaging me, wanting it for $50 or less AND wanting me to ship it to them across the country on my dime. Absolute clowns.
  7. He had all of that. They denied him due to one idiotic technicality after another. They never wanted to give it to him. The story got weirder and weirder. His final denial was due solely to 2 flies. The fish doesn't exist and wasn't caught because of ummmmm 2 flies. Makes sense. Records are a joke and almost no record holder deserves it. They've all been beaten by people who never cared to get these idiots involved or were denied by said idiots for an idiot reason.
  8. I pay the extra fee to remove 30-60 second ads from my steaming services. No way I could stitch.
  9. There's nothing wrong with 4 lb Trilene. That member was having issues with the small diameter of thin line when he was trying to tie knots and not the actual brand itself, yet opted to blame the brand. Any light line would have been the same. Personally, I really like 4 lb Yo-Zuri Hybrid, although that's not exactly a monofilament line.
  10. Not gonna lie. I skimmed most of that. But I'm definitely not what's wrong with the world for knowing that you need to go through the proper process for returns/refunds/warranties to ensure the smoothest process possible. You didn't follow any instructions at all, are still waiting on anything to move forward, asking as a last resort, but insisting that you're right when nothing is working for you. I'd say that is more of what is wrong with the world, but there's an infinite number of actual issues happening in the world that trumps fishing rod returns and the processes.
  11. It definitely works. I dunno man. You're obviously right which is why you're asking where your money is. Good luck.
  12. Because did you do any of this or fill out any forms? Doesn't sound like it. "Nah I'm not taking it" isn't how returns policies work. You have to file. https://www.fenwickfishing.com/returns
  13. You should have looked at the rod. Could have saved you a lot of trouble. There's a very good chance that it was fine. And even if it wasn't fine, going through the proper return/refund/warranty process would have solved every issue. You just... denied the shipment altogether. That's not how that works.
  14. I've found it depends on the generation. The older generations are more likely to assume you fish for food because that's how it used to be and catch and release bodies of water were scarce. The newer generations don't typically need to fish for food and thanks to technology we have all the information in the world at our fingertips to know how to successfully fish artificials and catch fish for sport. Another thing I've noticed is that the older generations will ask "any luck today?" when passing by and the new generations will ask "catch anything?"
  15. No, and I've never had issue. And I've never needed a switch to back reel on a spinning reel. And I've never had a rod take a bend from leaning against something. And I've never had braid put grooves in guides. Or anything else people say can happen, other than storing wet tackle and baits causing rust if not dried off first.
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