I know this topic is really old, but I thought I would try to bring it back to life, haha. I live in Western Wyoming, and I married a gal from American Falls Idaho. Lucky for me, we spend time there a few times per year. My favorite fish in that area is Smallmouth Bass for sure, but the big trout are fun too. I have only fished the lake a few times, because I prefer river fishing. Fishing for Bass from the bank can be tough during the summer months, because the river flow and depth make it hard to wade, and bank access is very limited. I have wanted to figure out the off season better. The trout are easy to catch in the off season, but I have never connected with a bass. I have been told that most of the bass will migrate down to the upper end of Lake Walcott to winter? I find that hard to believe because there is one major waterfall obstacle on the way from American falls to Walcott or Massacre Rocks. I would LOVE to hear from a smallmouth angler who knows where to target smallmouth in the cooler months. I just can't seem to connect with smallies in September, October or April. Once the water warms they are easy to catch, but I am still pretty limited bank fishing. I have been thinking about buying a fishing raft so I can drift fish during higher flows.