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Everything posted by Firstoutfisher

  1. Still have this and still prefer local but will ship as well you pay shipping!
  2. I don't believe it is related to my leader knot whatsoever because where the problem occured was nowhere near my leader knot and leader knot was intact. Just an update,didn't hear back from seaguar or tacklewarehouse either one. I am assuming maybe because theyre extremely busy or because it has been so long since I placed my order. Anyway before stripping the brand new line off my reel I decided to retie a lure, this time I tied direct to braid with a palomar knot. I could immediately see the change in color of the line near my knot and upon further inspection with out even casting it I could see the individual strands seperating 1-2" above my knot. After about 30 minutes of casting the exactly same thing happened. The line came unraveled and bunched up and caused a huge mess. Never have had any issues with any of the other braids I have used. I am sure this is quality line and I just got a bad batch but it left a sour taste in my mouth and I will be going back to daiwa braid or switching to something else.
  3. I have a new NRX 852s, tags have been removed but has never been setup or cast or fished. Just sat in the rod sock in my spare room for the past year. I purchased it as a substitute for an out of stock item without doing any research and it just doesn't lend itself to any techniques I like to use. Willing to part with it for $400 if I can find someone local. I am located in southwest MO. I may ship if I can't find anyone local but I really dislike shipping a rod this expensive.
  4. Careful, my other line if choice is J braid grand, was just about to buy a spool of it to replace this. ?
  5. A week ago I spooled up some 10lb flash green seaguar smackdown on my new spinning combo. I spent a couple days testing different leader connection knots. I noticed right away that when tying knots the braid seemed to seperate, where you could see very fine individual strands. Usually close to where the knot was being tied. I thought to myself it must be an isolated thing and cut away that section of braid and moved on. After I finally got a setup I was happy with I went out and fished the combo over two days for about an hour at a time. The line was very slick and limp and cast like an absolute dream. I went out tonight just to a little cove of open water to test some new topwater baits I got. I made a handful of casts, my lure got hit but I didn't hook up. I quickly reeled back in to cast to the same spot and as I casted my lure went flying through the air. Upon inspecting my rod, reel and line for damage I noticed the braid appeared to be coming undone. The individual strands were seperated and it was coiling on itself, like the outside of a shoelace when it bunches up and separated from its cores. I would say a good 10 meters of line had come undone like this and bunched up on my third guide. I cut away the seemingly ruined section of line and went for a very cold swim to retrieve my lure. After I got home I inspected the line more closely and the section that came unraveled was a very pale green, almost a greenish off white compared to the fluro green on the rest of my spool. Prior to this the line was bright green like the rest of it. A quick google search and I found another user that had a similar issue on bass resource except with stealth gray. Looks like that user also purchased their line from tacklewarehouse. Mine obviously wasn't from the same batch but it has me wondering. Did I just get a spool of line from a bad batch? Did I do something incorrectly that could have caused this? Or was it just a freak accident? I'm not sure but I do know one thing, as nice as this line casts,feels and looks I have zero confidence in the line that is spooled on my reel right now. I am going to contact seaguar customer service and tacklewarehouse and see what they say. I doubt I will be able to get a replacement spool since I purchased it during black friday last year, lol. Anyway just wanted to throw this here to see if anyone else has had a similar experience. Or maybe troubleshoot what I could have possibly done wrong. I tried my best to photograph a section of line next to the spool to illustrate what I am talking about but its almost impossible to see in the picture. Also attached a picture of the label so you can see it is indeed legitimate seaguar line.
  6. Removed some line from the reel and went back out today. I started pulling the slack out of my line when I flip the bail and that seems to have helped as well. Still having some of these slack knots but none have gone under the reel yet. I think with more practice I will probably be able to make the spinning gear work. It is just so much more comfortable to me than trying to work a topwater with a baitcaster. Although I will still use a baitcaster for heavier topwater anyway!
  7. There is probably 1/16" between the edge of the spool and my line but I had this same thought. I think slack line takeup is the main culprit but having too much line may contributing. I already took some line off and will report back here with my findings. It was awesome with my 1/4 oz popper! Was getting the thing to pop twitch it back and upwards and every which way. Actually caught a 1lb crappie on my popper with it tonight. Never seen a crappie strike a topwater like that.
  8. Took out my megabass ronin tonight and some small topwaters, a small walking bait and a small popper to be exact. Just wanted to see how spinning gear handled topwaters. I will so the action on the ronin was absolutely perfect for topwaters. I was effortless walking my sb777 and popping my popper. It was awesome to work the baits with my right hand. I was also able to work it in every direction and at more angles than with a baitcaster. However I kept having issues with the line coming off my spool and wrapping around the outer part beneath the spool. I assume this is from taking up lots of slack line while walking the baits? Has anyone else here experimented with topwaters on spinning gear? Wondering if this might actually be viable. Side note the sb777 is awesome,was casting it as far on a 6'8 spinning rod as I cast a full size walking bait on my 7'2 baitcaster.
  9. Wow I did not expect so many replies. Lots of good information here. I appreciate everyone's input. I'm going to practice some different knots and do some testing whenever I get time.
  10. Finally got around to learning the FG knot and I can't get it to work for the life of me. I'm using 10lb seaguar smackdown braid with 8lb seaguar red label fluoro. After completing my 16-20 wraps for the FG knot and tying the 2 half hitches to lock it in place. Whenever I go to cinch the knot down by pulling on the leader+main line the fluoro just slips through the knots/wraps. Am I doing something wrong or is it because of the line I am using?
  11. freaking sweet deal,would grab one if I didnt just pick up a rebellion rod and a zillion
  12. Daiwa tatula(not the XT)from ebay or elsewhere can be had for around $100. They make a 7' medium fast. Best spinning rod you will get at that price point.
  13. Plan on just putting in and fishing
  14. Got a new fishing kayak and I am super anxious to take it out. I live on lake of the ozarks so I am definitely going to fish here but my buddy and I want to take a weekend fishing trip somewhere while the weather is still decent. What are the best kayak fishing spots near springfield, MO? Been looking at taneycomo,table rock,stockton and bull shoals.
  15. Anyone here have experience with mounting to inflatables? Sweet looking rig. The mapping is my biggest draw to garmin think I’m going to go for SI.
  16. Done a lot of research and think I may end up getting a garmin echomap if they go on steep sale this black friday like last year. Now I just need to figure out a mounting solution for transducer and finder that will work for my yak.
  17. l will probably run my yak without a fish finder for a while. I know I definitely want one in the future and figured I should start looking now. To make matters even more complicated my yak is an inflatable. A bote lono aero with apex pedal drive to be specific. So that means If I want to deflate it whatever mounting I use has to be easily removable. It also means I won't be able to drill or cut the kayak. As far as I know there are no accessories that will easily mount to it so I will probably have to do some custom work to get a transducer mount.
  18. Are there specific fish finders that work better for Kayaks? Just got a new fishing kayak and want to outfit it with a finder and I am unsure of what I should be looking for. Obviously I need to find some way to mount the transducer. Aside from that what should I look out for?
  19. I may make a trip down to BPS next weekend and feel some up.
  20. Sweet,I watched some videos on the nose hooked fluke. Never actually fished a fluke so I am looking forward to trying this tonight.
  21. Just casting out past the shad and swimming it through? I’m going to go out with my ima suspending lipless tonight and see how that works. Other idea is small paddle tail swimbait or floating jerk bait like mentioned above. Baitfish are crazy active and bass are busting left and right. Not much luck with the plopper, popmax or WTD
  22. When the shad are schooling and active and bass are feeding up but you can't get a bite on topwater lures or bass aren't fully taking them. What do you use in lieu of topwaters or as a follow up bait to fish high in the water column?
  23. I’m looking for a lower profile reel. I have very small hands and palming any of my existing reels can start to be uncomfortable and fatiguing after long too water sessions. Unfortunately I have no local stores where I can go to compare sizes in person. I’m currently using a ‘17 tatula sv tw so I know it needs to be smaller than that. My problem is, most of the reels that are marketed as being smaller are designed for throwing finesse baits. So essentially I need something that is capable with 3/8-3/4oz baits but small. Any suggestions?
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