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Everything posted by lynxcat

  1. Yep, wet prior to and as I am tightening down...I think I typically tighten tag and main simultaneously with it being wet. Maybe that’s burning the main enough to create a weak spot.
  2. I’ve had two big fish break off on the hook set this week. I’ve got braid to 16lb FC and each time the break is near where the bait is tied. I’ve been using a Palomar knot for years and never had this issue. I’m starting to wonder if this is a bad section of FC because I’m at a loss. The hook sets haven’t been crazy strong and I’m on a moderate action rod. The FC is Daiwa Samurai so it’s fairly high end / quality line. The water is quite clear where I fish but shallow. The FC helps given the visibility but I’m close to tying straight braid. I watched a 4-5lber gobble the bait this evening only to break it off. Extremely frustrating and can’t say I’ve experienced this.
  3. In Texas, I’m using Chatterbaits a lot. My pond is super clear right now so I am trying to give a swim jig a fair shot. I missed a big one yesterday but bites have been few and far between. Got an order for some more swim jugs at Siebert’s so restocking the coffers to give it a fresh go.
  4. I use Glacier Glove. I like having a little grip on the palm versus it being open.
  5. I rarely fish jerkbaits in ponds due to the grass and shallow layouts. I use a Rerange 110 when I do.
  6. TRF pushes a handful of sponsors a little harder than my liking (the wallet one comes to mind recently along with the thing he wears on his hat). He’s sponsored by Lew’s and SK but I don’t find he anchors too much on those products. He’s a good kid and stays grounded in his faith.
  7. 75 yards to my neighborhood pond.
  8. After a closer look, there are way more nee colors than I recognized at first glance! Mud Shad looks awesome. Rust Craw has great color...Gold Shad is nice for darker water. I really don’t need anything else but I definitely WANT some ?
  9. Can you post a picture with each new one? Gold Shad isn’t one I recall ?
  10. Agreed. He has differentiated content in a YT world that is overrun with average, “same old” content in the industry. I’m not paying for the data, but it would be interesting to run a multiple regression to isolate these variables. He has the data to do it but his analysis is too simplistic to have real value. His drop shot note and small mouth species example is exactly why this data is perfect for multiple regressions.
  11. How much time, energy, concern you put into this is a personal decision. If you want to put a couple large bass in it, then I wouldn’t be concerned. If you are wanting to put large numbers of new fish into the pond, then there will be introducing an unbalanced equation.
  12. I’ve got four that I use and I can see about 6 being my upper limit. I need to get a frog/heavy jig rod and a medium spinning combo.
  13. I’m 6’4 so I generally am comfortable with longer rods. I use a 7’1 MF bait cast.
  14. These responses are not at all what the kid was expecting ?
  15. This makes no sense to me. The drop shot hook knot strength isn’t impacted by the weight...or second lure in this case.
  16. I think I tried it once last year. I’ll give it a go again this winter. I think the drop shot needs to be suspended on a slightly longer leader since the Ned would be a target. I actually fish each fairly similarly. Very slight bounces off the bottom.
  17. I use around an 8 foot leader for everything except frogs.
  18. 20 minutes with fish that size plus prepping them for the live well means he literally caught them on back to back to back to back casts.
  19. I go through the loop three times and will start doing it 5 after reading this thread. I need to evaluate the “half hitches” on the tags that people are referencing. Unclear if I am understanding that step correctly. These half hitches are after going through the loop and pulling tight? Aka finish with a half hitch after anchored?
  20. I got the MH/R graphite Howell recently and I’m pleased with it after a few trips. I’ll get to really put some mileage on it during the spring and summer. I plan on it being basically a Chatterbait dedicated rod. I tried a 1/2 oz lipless on it this weekend and it performed well on a 2 1/2 lber.
  21. Lost mine this weekend on some unexpected underwater wood. I liked it but won’t be replacing it at the full retail cost. If I can get it for $3 bucks then I might consider it again.
  22. I just got my first Dark Sleeper and fish exclusively in shallow ponds. I’ve fished them on a Medium Fast baitcast using braid to fluorocarbon leader. I’ve got the 1/2 oz version and it fishes like it is 1/4 oz. I think I have the Haze color. I slowly swim along the bottom and occasionally pause. I’ve found fish really attack it when they bite. Not weedless...
  23. Finally got both my new rod and reel in...Daiwa Tatula Elite 100XS and Daiwa Tatula Elite 7’4 MHR Howell. It’s a legit Chatterbait combo...weather sucks but I’m very excited for it.
  24. I recently got the Daiwa Tatula Elite. It will bomb a bait and I have been extremely pleased. It’s lived up to the hype.
  25. I’ve got three small bass in five days of fishing my local ponds. It’s brutal. Our temps have ranged from highs in the low 70s to getting close to freezing in the nights. The temperature swings have shut down pretty much any bite. I did however have a monster that I missed yesterday on a slightly warmer day. Only bite I got and he swiped it close to the bank. I let him have it but nothing on the hook set. At least 5+ lbs...disappointing but I was happy to see a fish show some action. I’ll keep trying but the temperature changes through everything out of whack this time of the year.
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