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Everything posted by Double__Digits

  1. ???
  2. MickD-- Like lots of others I've DIY'd my whole life, necessitated by my budget constraints. I've enjoyed and learned much on all those projects but instead of this being a project for me to learn from, I'd rather pay someone who's gone through those growing pains their self and pay them for what they've learned about the process. Do you sell custom rods? If so I'm interested.
  3. Bottom contact casting rod for T-rigs, primarily 3/8oz jigs + trailer, etc.
  4. **Update** So I sent 6gill an email indicating the rods were broken when they arrived. No questions asked, I got a reply saying new replacements would be shipped out. Took a little over a week. And both new rods arrived today. Great customer service! I'll try them out this weekend and see how they perform. I'll keep everyone posted. Just handling them here in the house they do seem to run a little on stiff side for their action rating. Not a bad thing at all.Based on other reviews, I knew this going in to the purchase and purchased accordingly.
  5. I still have two old Abu's. This past year I fished them both, and both had issues. Pawl was shot on one and the other just needed bearings. I ordered the parts, cleaned + lubed, and both are still dyn"o"mite! I fished the cheapo Royal Express on a Medium rod throwing square bills and it rocketed them to alarmingly long distance. My fishing partner was like " what the he'll are you using"? The 4500C is still a bit noisy, but otherwise performs flawlessly.. I still prefer my reals that have bearing supported pinion gears. They're just a bit smoother and more durable over time, so I feel. Not to mention, all day casting and reeling there's no comparison between them and a low profile reel as far as comfort goes. I personally don't feel the synchronized levelwind detracts much as far as distance goes. After all, most people tighten up either their magnets or centrifuge brakes a bit anyway. A synchronized levelwind may create a bit more drag on the spool but it's negated by the overall need to slow to slow the spool anyhow. Kind of a six in one hand half in the other kind of deal.
  6. Thanks Guys. Your insight is much appreciated. As if you couldn't tell, I'm completely ignorant when it comes to the world of custom rods. But I'm intrigued enough to give one a shot. So here goes more questions. What blank would you guys recommend? What guides, seats, etc? I mean, (decorations and adornments aside) if you were building the best bottom contact rod you could for T-rigs and Jigs, what would you choose for components? I'm in Central Virginia. Are their any custom rod builders in my area? Any recommendations for a builder to use? Thanks in advance.
  7. I may or may not (depending on the cost) be in the market for a bottom contact M or MH casting rod. Any ideas what the range of cost may be? I'm completely ignorant of the prices custom rods demand. I suspect it's a premium but don't know if I'd be looking at $200 or $2K Thanks in advance.. Feel free to PM me if preferred.
  8. Interesting. I cruised through your link and see PENN reels listed as USA made. I thought Penn was a spin-off of Pure Fishing, as in made in Asia. Lord knows I could be wrong and happy to be corrected. If so I'd give them a second look just to buy USA made. But then again maybe not, if Diawa and Shimano spinning reels are better
  9. Are there any "American made" reels on the market? Reason I'm asking is I'm always interested in buying American if it's available and economical. I keep getting Facebooked about a mostly American made reel coming out from 6gill. I'm considering giving one a try. Are there any others out there in the ether?
  10. I agree. I can't imagine being hired to build a tile shower for a customer and them saying "do you guarantee my shower against leaks"? Well since you asked, a non leaking shower costs extra. For an additional fee, I can offer a warranty... Yeah right, I think I'd be out of business in short order.
  11. Now that's just a waste of perfectly good rats. LOL. Those rats work good as bait for coyotes and foxes. Last year I trapped a dozen or so rats from my out buildings and stuffed them in some of my dirt hole sets (one rat to a set). Caught several canines on those.
  12. I always liked Stren green Lo-Vis #14 as an all around general purpose line. However now a days I find a spool of 30lb braid and a spool of 14lb FC to be better. Either use the 30lb braid straight, tie on a 14lb leader, or use straight 14lb FC. Covers 90% of my needs.
  13. Nice! Our maples and ashes are starting to change color, a few early leaves dropping on the water, water temps are dropping. The spinnerbait and buzzbait bite should be picking up here soon.
  14. Watching fishing vids on YouTube I'm reminded this fact every time I see them drop a rod from 4ft bouncing the blank off the gel coat!! Everytime I see that I'm like "Oh, you obviously didn't pay for that rod"!
  15. I get a kick out of watching Jacob Wheeler videos. Watching him set the hook on those $139.00 blue and white rods and holding up a trophy on the final day makes me ? a bit.
  16. Right on! Well done.
  17. At work we order aluminum profiles that come shipped in the same heavy cardboard tubes. We get anywhere from one per week to five per week shipped to us (always by UPS). For 15 years I don't recall one ever having been damaged. I'm not saying it's a conspiracy but...
  18. This girl sucked down a white and grey double Willow Leaf spinnerbait this afternoon. 6lb -13oz.
  19. I throw mine on a Lews Custom Black 7'3" MH. It's pretty stiff for a MH. It's more like a MH+ or H-
  20. https://shop.lunkerhunt.com/collections/soft-baits/products/pocket-frog?variant=32118419423310 LunkerHunt still has the Pocket Frog listed as available on their site. It's my favorite frog to throw also. They just flat out get bit.
  21. I'm not gonna beat up Fed Ex too bad. I did have two rods arrive the day before perfectly intact. So far they're batting 500.
  22. I picked up my first Fury about a month ago, a 734C. Nice rod. No complaints from me. Paired it with a Lews Tournament Pro LFS.
  23. Lord knows I have my share of expensive, mid and low end rods. Funny thing is my wife doesn't think I should've spent money on any of them and she thinks they're all el cheapos?
  24. As fun as it is to shop for new equipment, is a three or four hundred dollar rod going to be that much better than a $139.00 rod? I mean, that's what the most dominant tournament bass fisherman uses, $139.00 rods. You'd think with $100k on the line if a $400 rod led to that 'one more bite' he'd be using one. Not to ruffle any feathers. Just throwing that out there.
  25. I know the photo only shows one end of the tube but both ends are equally smashed. Indicating the tube was driven from end to end or close to it. Looking at the tube, the tire tread over the tube (which is obvious) indicates the tube was driving over either quartering towards or away almost the full length of the tube. Pretty crummy employee, who ever did such a thing.
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