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    Richmond Virginia 

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    Kayak fisherman

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  1. Thanks everyone, great advice
  2. Thanks!
  3. Wow, great advice fellas! Learn so much from this site. Will put all your advice into action!
  4. I had a huge, by my standards, on my line last night. Still new to striper fishing but have been successful in past but this one was twice the size. I know I should have reduced the drag but didn’t. Anyways, the fish fought hard and eventually took a run under the boat. How do you guys handle this run under the boat. Line was so tight I didn’t feel I could walk to other side and bring line around. If I released line I feel I would have lost him for sure.. stilllearning, any advice appreciated!
  5. Thanks everyone , great info as usual!
  6. thanks everyone, will start my search for a rubberized net!
  7. Should I add fuel stabilizer with every fill up? Do I need to measure it or can I use the whole bottle? There are so many on the market, some say for storage, some for cleaning, etc, not sure which one to use ? Thansk
  8. I just got started into striper fishing and am looking for a good net. I’m on a lake and have quickly realized my old nylon net can be dangerous when trying to remove the fish and treble hooks. The hooks seem to dig into the nylon everywhere. Does everyone use a net for strippers when fishing out of bass boat or just lip them. What might be a good rubberized mid price net I could buy? Thanks!
  9. Thanks everyone. I guess I will need to replace the pressure treated wood and while at it, adjust the bunks. I guess I’ll try an impact driver to loosen the bolts with the advice offered here. I’m still wondering why the carpet won’t protect the aluminum. Maybe I’ll call my dealer and inquire for advice. I wonder why we don’t hear and see examples of boats with aluminum damage from this, especially from people like me who may have never heard of this.
  10. Got it done today. Put wood around it to one board they had on the back. Worked perfect after a few drops in the water?. thanks for your response.
  11. I have steel pickings instead of wood for my boat dock lift for my bass boat. Any ideas on how to protect my boat should I hit the piling. I see lots of thoughts on wood piling but nothing for steel. And keep in mind you can put anything down from the top (like PVC) since it is part of dock structure. Any help is appreciated.
  12. Thanks everyone. I’m attempted to loosen the brackets and move to the same distance as the trailer. My lift bunks are 28 inches and my trailer is 32 inches. I was going to move each side out two inches. However many nuts were nearly impossible to loosen and I had to give it up. I tried an impact drill with no luck. I suppose I could pay someone but I guess I’m just going to leave it as for now and try to stop being OCD on this thing. Although now I did read about the wood (even when behind carpet) affecting the aluminum of my boat.. one more thing to research and stress over. ?
  13. I just bought a new Tracker 190 and put it in my boat lift. The bunks are hitting one of the strakes which concerns me. I went and measured the trailer and those bunks are about 5 inches wider. So I was thinking of matching the distance on the lift bunks. The bunks aren’t angled like the trailer however. I really don’t want to change the bunks to angles. Will it hurt to have flat bunks against the boat in the same place where the trailer bunks normally hit? Any guidance is appreciated. Nervous new bass boat owner.
  14. I think they ordered the universal transducer and no I pilot link. With this is there any advantage to staying with Humminbird fish finders? I’m also thinking about mega 360, or like alternative. That is its own transducer hooked to motor, correct?
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