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About chuck-norris-707

  • Birthday 01/11/1965

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  • Gender
  • Location
  • My PB
    Between 3-4 lbs
  • Favorite Bass
  • Favorite Lake or River
    Lake Osborne

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  • About Me
    I Love Fishing and bass fishing is my favorite

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Minnow (2/9)



  1. I meant smallies there are very large largemouths and peacocks.
  2. crazy FL has nothing didn't know that thank you J
  3. thank you I didn't know I was wondering why I wasn't I like catching huge largemouth
  4. One time me and my buddy were fishing and it was a lake and it had a parking lot nearby across the lake and the parking lot had lights and it was at 2 am and it was spooky because there was a white van under one of the lights then when we looked back up the light was off but all others were on so we shrugged it off but kept our eye on it so we fished but then we looked back up and it was on it kept doing this for 2 hours and then we left because we got skunked but the light was not defective because it stayed on for a long time before oin out
  5. I live in FL and I fish a large lake with a lot of covered area and many over hanging trees and deep area but I have fished the lake for about 2 years and I have not caught a smally.
  6. My HL (Home Lake) is about a 5 min drive and If I want to bike then it is 14 min ride, just enough time to listen to my tunes and get ready to slay the bass. I dock my boat at my buddies house who lives on the lake
  7. thank you for the heads up?
  8. thank you but I have read that whole thread
  9. I carry the knife so I can cut the knife with butter.
  10. yeah it is a very good knife worth the money
  11. I carry a MSD - Monarch Steampunk Dragon Knife they are a little bit pricey but worth every penny I carry it in my back pocket so all my jeans are imprinted with the shape of the knife
  12. wow that's great thanks
  13. Hey wanted to ask what your favorite country song. I will start mine is Devil went down to georgia and mama tried. what's yours?
  14. yeah I don't get skunked I just don't catch the lb bass I want I catch three to four pounds every time but never a 7-8 pound. I live where I can't access a lot of lakes many ponds though yeah I make my own worms and I am pretty sure I detect the hits but maybe I dont thank you :] yeah I am sure because the water is murky but not too murky so I can see them with my polarized glasses thank you
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