So today If I had landed all the fish that attacked grandpa's old spook, I'd have caught at least 7 or 8 bass. I dont know if the hooks are just too dull or what but I got a lot of bites today but was only able to net 1 fish. I have caught a few bass on this lure just last week so I dont know why all of a sudden the hooks aren't sharp enough to stick when they blowup. It was raining and cloudy towards afternoon after not being that way for a while so maybe this had something to do with it? Anyone provide some info/clarity as to what might be happening other than needing replacement trebles? (Which I plan on doing tomarrow). All I can think of is maybe a lot of the blowups were baby post-spawn bass that couldn't really get their mouth over the spook. I will test the difference w/new trebles and report back. I'm guessing the rate will double or even triple from 1 fish to maybe 3 if im lucky ?.