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  1. So today If I had landed all the fish that attacked grandpa's old spook, I'd have caught at least 7 or 8 bass. I dont know if the hooks are just too dull or what but I got a lot of bites today but was only able to net 1 fish. I have caught a few bass on this lure just last week so I dont know why all of a sudden the hooks aren't sharp enough to stick when they blowup. It was raining and cloudy towards afternoon after not being that way for a while so maybe this had something to do with it? Anyone provide some info/clarity as to what might be happening other than needing replacement trebles? (Which I plan on doing tomarrow). All I can think of is maybe a lot of the blowups were baby post-spawn bass that couldn't really get their mouth over the spook. I will test the difference w/new trebles and report back. I'm guessing the rate will double or even triple from 1 fish to maybe 3 if im lucky ?.
  2. yeah i had planned on it. Battery is pretty big so ill need to take measurements and make sure the box i get will fit. All the places I could pay to do it are booked for 2-3 weeks. I just don't understand why ascend would provide a pdf manual for every kayak they make except the 133x.
  3. https://photos.app.goo.gl/bWAFzRiZReFdLLtT6 Is this meant to connect to my trolling motor somehow or is it for the yakpower system? If anyone knows the particular name of this piece pls let me know. Trying to hook up trolling motor and the connections fit the fuse/breaker but not the terminals on the battery. Minnkota 55lb thrust comes with tiny connectors that won't fit one the battery posts. https://photos.app.goo.gl/f4ofvXXPhYDjJ5286
  4. The - and + connections of the trolling motor are both connected to the fuse box or circuit breaker side by side. That box is only connected to the red wire which is split in the middle of the grey plug in and black wire connecting to neg terminal on other side. The red of tm is on brass and black is on the silver posts of fuse. https://photos.app.goo.gl/5prqHAKuzWFsdZ94A https://photos.app.goo.gl/vgDFDGCoXdMqNiHT9
  5. Someone let me know if this is connected properly and will work and if not what is wrong with it? I dont want to ruin anything so im seeking help first. Note there is no power to the yakpower system and idk if that is needed or not for the plug in to function I was told it shouldn't matter as long as u have a battery for the trolling motor. Any help greatly appreciated ?! https://photos.app.goo.gl/6DqQ3FcnQ4v7T3CU6 https://photos.app.goo.gl/ewh5rgAhDB5A3nJMA https://photos.app.goo.gl/BFM8CNcWd5faspj78 https://photos.app.goo.gl/R5faWNxqAMgYiiRT8 https://photos.app.goo.gl/EKxa3fKVP7tWwPT38
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