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Minnow (2/9)



  1. I do the same. I weekly fish probably the most pressured lake in my state. I want to try new/different lures and locations on the lake but I don’t. Stupid little 3” Gulp minnows always catch good size bass and drum out there so I always throw it. Gets mundane, I want to throw cranks or frogs. Some times I’ll start with a t-rigged worm and get one fish in an hour. How long do better than me fisherman (that’s most fisherman) wait before switching presentations when it’s not working?
  2. Fishing trip. And as I said, I enjoyed it, I’d hire him again. I just struggle with the tip thing. Wouldn’t even have been an issue if another guide from that same marina hadn’t had the fit over a tip the same day I was out there. Just kinda makes you think about it. It’s hard to please everyone. I gave my guide $50 and I have no idea if he was pleased or maybe thought I was a jerk. That’s why I hate tip culture. I THINK I’d be a fan of no tipping and just pricing and paying the right amount. But I then wonder how many people would stop eating out of your favorite restaurant had to bump prices across the board by 25% or more to cover employee wage cost in a no tip environment
  3. Interesting to see this topic come up. Had a 4 hour guided trip on Lake Taneycomo this week for trout. Caught plenty, but only left a $50 tip. Had a great time, but we literally were never more than a 1/4 mile from the marina so I guess I didn’t feel like anything bigger was warranted. I’d hire the same guide again, but ask to go elsewhere. saw a post on FB the day after about another Branson guide, took his client on Table Rock and the client (it was his own post on a Branson FB page) admitted to forgetting to tip. He said he contacted the guide later in the day to give him the tip and he told him to “pound sand” and even deleted all the pics from the trip so the client wouldn’t have any. I see stuff like that and it makes me wonder if my guide was ticked at my $50 tip
  4. So I respooled with 50lb braid. While taking off the old stuff in random spots it all looked tight but then there’d be a big loop turned over flat on the line. The. I’d come to spots in the reel where one outside edge was just super loose line for maybe a dozen turns. So I’m guessing loose line was the culprit and causing dig in. I’m just surprised braid can snap so easily
  5. Improved clinch on 1 and palomar on 1. It feels like a definite snag I think, like the 60mph to 0 instantly. Could be dug in line. What causes that? Too much line on spool? Probably have a bit much. Loose line? Braid came from same spool. No leader. Both are 7ft mh rods. One is a shimano dlc and one is a abu Garcia revo max. I feel like a let the rod load and don’t throw excessively hard
  6. Why do I keep losing lures on my baitcasters? Lost a chatter bait on 1 caster last weekend and a swig jig on a different one. Then today lost a crank bait on one. All happens the same way….long cast out and then…SNAP… the line breaks. Not sure if at the knot or elsewhere. I’m not getting birds nests prior but that’s almost what it feels like when the line snaps. 2nd season on 30lbs braid. What can I do to minimize this issue?
  7. Thanks for the responses. I guess I’ll sign it. If something happens you file a claim with your own insurance and I suppose they can fight it out with the dealer/storage place’s insurance if need be. Insurance is basically organized crime.
  8. Dropped my boat off maybe a month ago at the dealer for some work, winterization, and storage for the winter. Got a letter from them today stating that their insurance company has asked all storage customers to sign a liability waiver. The waiver says, in part, “dealer assumes no responsibility for loss or damage by fire or theft, or weather hazards incidental to boat and personal possessions.” My first time doing this. Is that normal? If their building burns down due to some electrical problem or something else then they would really bear no responsibility? Maybe that’s standard, I really don’t know. I’d appreciate some knowledge from those with experience. Thanks!
  9. Yeah, it just freaks me out as a new boater when I’m fishing and i look at the helix and it says 1.5 feet. I’m mostly worried about the trolling motor. Funny, when I get those low readings I’ve never hit the trolling motor, but way too many times just slowing trolling around I’ve found the bottom or timber with it. Maybe if I snap it off the wife will let me buy a TM that’s easier to deploy and stow than the freaking Power Drive model
  10. Dumb question……can I do this sitting in my driveway with the boat on the trailer?
  11. I’ll try that, thanks
  12. No, I’m not sure….and if I find out that’s the problem you guys will never know!
  13. It’s dealer installed, sits on the transom. There are usually some weeds, yes, so maybe it’s reading those….
  14. I’m new this year to boats and fish finders. Have a helix 3gn megi si. The depth it reads is what I consider to be fairly inaccurate. It will read that I’m in 1.5 feet of water and I’ll check with a fishing pole and I can get my hand wet before the pole hits bottom. Is there a way to calibrate the depth? Or is a little play just the norm?
  15. That probably wouldn’t end well for that person...
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