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Tatsu Dave

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Everything posted by Tatsu Dave

  1. Today the conditions were perfect, cloudy/calm/foggy with a huge rain front coming in tonight. Caught 2-3lb SM most everywhere herding shad, capped it off with a 3# that gave me a good tussle. I went up a pad line throwing a stick bait and switched rigs to rage craw when I saw a large swirl up line. When I got to that spot I threw the craw back on pads and skittered it to the edge to let it fall, a huge head appeared and lure was gone. He was big enough to move my 14' boat around so I worked him out to deep water and he jumped twice both times fully out and even though I kept the line tight, he threw it the second jump. Oh well I know there are 6# in here so its just a matter of time. Got one serious size pickerel also. Best day all year so far and a nice mix of both SM&LM.
  2. I'm usually in a boat facing the weedline from other direction : ) No pickerel nipping at your line? I've never had pads or weeds do that type of fraying to what I use (seaguar).
  3. OK dropshot lets actually price things as they really are, I appreciate your feedback but the throttle I mentioned is new and redesigned and does not sell for $40. just released at ICast and TW has it for $60. If you noticed I rejected it and moved on over the anti reverse. Next I looked at a legalis and exceler from Daiwa and rejected both for being on backorder. They were $70 and $80 respectively but summer too short to sit and wait on a reel. I went with 2 president xt reels $90 at TW but both very nice reels, smooth with a very nice drag. Now any of those prices would drop 15% if I waited till fall or winter, but again that waiting thing.....open water is pretty much over after Sept. 30 so I'm on a boat fishing shot clock. Am I happy YES and in an hour will be on the water using them. Thanks for everyones feedback watch that line on the fall. Dave
  4. We love our Ranger tour series rubber dipped net, hooks don't tangle in net and big with a long handle. Scoop em' up and hold em in water or bring them in. Sorry to here what happened hope you get another shot at him again.
  5. Believe it or not Maine, they say the loons, fish and turtles are eating them.
  6. Well I did run up to Dicks today between posts and scored some more soft plastics, fish day tomorrow and don't know how hungry the pickerel will be. My state has tried to pass laws twice banning the soft plastic baits, it gets shot down of course but sooner or later. All the more reason to stock-up, I have some hand painted plastic curly tails real big and they match the shad in the big river (susky) I bought em' in 1990.
  7. I think pretty much all agree that in some form it is capable of getting anglers to certain spots they should be. Or maybe its simply the super wild guess method in action ?
  8. Believe changing course last day of a tournament earned Larry Nixon the nickname the general. No way to know when you develop a gut feeling how much is based on past experiences and how much is intuitive and simply spontaneous. My son will stick with a lure and or color going steady on with no change, I use five rods all rigged with different type and color plastic's. Sooner or later I will get on to a pattern and it starts clicking, sometimes that will work for the rest of the day sometimes it takes more experimenting to kick things off again. I think its some kind of combination of both that can spell success.
  9. Thats why you need a lot....just in case. Thats what I was wondering, my tackle is starting to make my boat slower. Thats my take exactly, sometimes one plastic bait (rage tail craw) will outfish another (senko or ocho). Sometimes junebug will out catch Grn Pumpkin, it takes a lot to cover all your soft plastic bases.
  10. Glenn is on the mark like usual, where I fish every water body has both LM & SM. We have caught both species from the same structure at times, I have however only ever seen other SM chase one thats hooked up to the boat as we reel it in. They are usually the same size class and veer off when they see us standing and the boat. Course this signals that a bite is on and there are others to catch while they are attacking balls of shad right in casting range.
  11. OK so three Dave's are unanimous on this........now if this Dave was fishing and caught a bass with antennas or plastic or metal lip ring, and I will measure my words carefully and simply say I would be that basses best buddy when I released him back into his home.
  12. I'll be the devils advocate and suggest 8# tatsu FC line with no leader just line. Best for abrasion and great sensitivity as well as pretty much invisible. Pricey but try it for a year and switch if you don't like it. KVD line conditioner when you are going fishing the next day.
  13. Have had quite a bit of experience with channel cats, carp, and stripers in heavy current (tailrace) the channels were gear killers and hook straightener's. Stripers hit like a train and did a lot of head shaking down deep. Used steel hooks and heavy line to bring em' boat side. Carp I dislike too much to give any credit too. The king pound for pound was the hybrid striper/white perch, football shaped and the hardest fighting. Picture a white perch about 10-15lbs in a strong current. Don't know where SM come in but the places I fish have both and you can tell a big SM on the first run. Miss that Conowingo tailrace when the sirens would start and gizzard shad would fill the tailrace like a fish buffet.
  14. I never commented further on the throttle because after seeing it on TW I read a review on the web and realized they have a disengaging anti reverse on them. Not a feature I would want or tolerate, looked at two Daiwa reels the exceler and legalis and decided to go with the pfleuger president xt. Bought two of them and they have impressed me and hope they continue to. Thank you both for information. Dave
  15. Hope everyone does good this fall, for me I take what comes and remain thankful that I still got the health and strength to hunt and tree climb! Leaving right now to lug a stand in where I hunt....then tonight Son and I will take his stand back in about 3/4 mile away. We're eating the last of our deer from 2020 season.
  16. Enjoyed reading and hearing about your trip, have you ever thought about a trip to Maine to explore some spots? Just curious, lot of good spots for kayak fishing. Dave
  17. Hmmmmmm........guess I should have added this last post, the exceler and a second choice the legalis both kept waiting to come in. I on the other hand am not waiting as my season tick's away, I took a deep breath and ordered 2 president xt Pfleuger's and couldn't be happier. No binding or problems in any way, would suggest blue loctite to make sure the cork knob stays tight not super glue. When you need to take it apart to lube bearings you will see why. Another level up from what I've been fishing, smooth drag, 6:2-1, and light as a feather (7.6oz). Plus the cork knob matches my sierra rod.....
  18. Well James I was waiting for someone to answer you that fishes with a Cforce but none so I will tell you what I know. I bought 3 of their finesse reels when I went back to boat fishing 5 years ago, they are a step down in price from cforce. I was broke from setting up the boat and buying it so not much $ for tackle. Thing is all 3 are still working well and landing all types and sizes of fish. Heck they aren't highend reels but they work hard for me and have Never let me down to this point. They offer a good warranty (why I chose them) and are made now in china (what isn't?) but I wouldn't be afraid to buy one...............but, for what the cforce costs you could do better with a Daiwa or Pfleuger at the same price point. TW has good prices and an assort. of spinning reels to compare (and better $ than direct on the ardent). I just bought two president xt's and they are very smooth and have a much better drag. Just a suggestion, shop well and tell us what you ended up buying. Dave
  19. Yes I admit it.......a hopeless SM addict that is only focused on big ones. Can usually tell right away which has hit my lure. Gotta head for my meeting now...........
  20. Hey on a diet now for over a month and think about eating ALL the time ?. I found his den back in the woods a little and am tempted to set the trap right there where he comes out but have to lug him aways to get back to yard. I cover em' with a blanket but have still had them start spraying if I lug them too far, they can see your feet thru the bottom.
  21. TRig but we always fish them moving in the water column, weighted or weightless a steady twitching retrieve. If something hits and misses I let it fall to bottom for a second and then start the twitching retrieve again. Water depth averages 2-8' most everywhere with the occasional 15-20' spots, on them I count it down part way and same retrieve. Maybe a stickbait, crawfish, large grub, ribbontail worm, or a new favorite the swimming tube craw. Only throw surface if they are chasing shad up, then a whopper plopper is my current choice. I'm more particular about color than what is on my TRig.
  22. Well got the stands ready with all locks, cables, seats, tools, and ratchet straps. Son is a powerhouse for stand work and he's got a vested interest, "his" stand sits watching a grown over bog and flowage. He's got deer there for four years straight and is hoping for another. We have a great processor that does sweet sticks and ground deer with just a little pork for the dryness. Jerky is unbelievable...great to eat when fishing or anytime really ? Anybody else hunt stands? We use ladder stands that sit about 12'-15' and have poly boat seats to sit in, getting too old to stillhunt anymore. Dave
  23. I don't think that deer looks good at all, never seen one bleed like that shedding summer coat. If you continue to get any more pics of her let us know how she does. I'm just getting ready to put my camera out and run it under apples and acorns till season comes in. Dave
  24. There it is....how you wind the line on a spinner is real critical, always counter clockwise off spool and clockwise on reel. I use 30 size reels and 10# is the max that will behave for me when throwing lighter baits. Line conditioner (KVD) is a good addition and besides the spool, the guides on both sides as well. I'm planning a downgrade to 8# next year on a couple set-ups simply because it will be less visible on my two really light rigs. The abrasion resistance is better than anything I've used previously and diameter is always .010 or less.
  25. Well he comes to the bird feeder area every night.........birds knock plenty on the ground every day. Guess he wouldn't bother with the trap when its available every night on the ground. Funny though last year I trapped 6-7 near as I can remember, and had no problems catching them about 10' from same feeder. Cat food has always worked up to this year on this skunk.
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