Well sounds like some savage interest after all, agree with your feeling on outside barrel work but have simply never experienced it in a long time of rifle work. I use Criterion - McGowen - Lothar Walther - Pac Nor - and factory Savage barrels. Most accurate barrel and gun I have is a pretty much bone stock Savage 12BVSS 22-250 that got a skim bed under action ($40)and coil and a half clipped off varmint accutrigger (free ) other than that out of the box. I used to shoot some local 100yd benchrest so I worked up a load and got it to shoot consistant mid ones to mid twos 3 shot groups measured extreme spread and the bore size subtracted. Outshoots the savages I've done stock - trigger - recoil lug - and barrel replacements.....go figure. My 260 and 7mm-08 deer rifles with short 20" lighter contour barrels both shoot threes to fours and are short fast handling guns for climbing into trees and woods hunting with. A tactical heavy barrel shoots fours and a new long range 26" varmint barreled 7mm-08 just hit the threes with a varget load this summer. I can change barrels and headspace in 30min. or less and very much enjoy them. To me beauty is a couple bughole groups at the range.........thats what gets me going. Kinda like when you catch large bass, people don't care about you or your boat.......its the results!
Brian and Clayton you both are doing very good, handloads worked up with best powder, powder charge weight, primer, good brass prep, and OAL tuning will make most savages shine. Floating boltheads and floating barrels work, laminate and accu stocks are good but earlier flimsy synthetic stocks leave some to be desired B&C or boyds as well as others make a stiffer more stable replacement. Good Shooting to all....fall will be coming soon, stands are up. Dave
Russ I envy where you deer hunt sounds like you got those axis guns shooting good. Good Shooting this fall. Dave