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Tatsu Dave

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Everything posted by Tatsu Dave

  1. Welcome from up here in Maine
  2. Hope to be seeing you on the forums....Welcome!
  3. Guess that kind of sums it up for me as well. whether they hold on longer when you don't sense the pick up or actually detect it as they check the lure out, it just plain works better than anything else I tried. Was impressed enough to go to some trouble to carry and use it without messing up the boat. Took a simple cheap one tray tackle box and removed the tray, took a piece of florist foam and cut to fit box with a hole to slide the bottle into. Only other thing I discovered was the plastic lids the jars come with can be replaced with metal lids and they seal better (evaporation and cracking if screwed down too tight) I've only used clear cause I dip so many different colors of plastics. Thank you for the answers and opinions........wondered if I would take heat for suggesting I have tried and use attractants Dave
  4. Hope this is proper place for this post, if not blame it on the newbee I went thru a period of trying various fishing attractants to see the effect on fishing. Tried Megastrike, Pro Cure, Garlic dyes spray, and scented oil (anise) that seems to preserve plastics and give them scent, and lastly JJ's dippin' dye in garlic/clear. No way to do a scientific test so I would apply and use on my plastics while my son would fish same plastics and colors with nothing. No change or effect with Megastrike or Pro Cure, used a q-tip and reapplied every 20 casts or so but no detectable increase in fish caught. The scented Bang anise oil was great for making the plastics supple like fresh out of new packaging and a pleasant smell but again no increase in fishing success. Wound up giving plastics a spritz of Bang in the fall for winter storage. Now the garlic scented spay dyes in color or in clear bottles did show an increase in strikes and hook-ups and the clear JJ's was easy to dip into and pungent in smell. I dip all tails in before I go fishing and once or twice a trip on the water. Read where heat could cause problems so made a holder and put it in a small one tray tackle box to contain if it leaked. Usually outfished on dip 2-3 fish to one over nothing. Was told I should try crawfish instead of garlic as its more effective, haven't tried this yet. Just wondering what others experience has been. Dave
  5. Always used a flow troll my self.
  6. I would agree with you, I used to commerical smelt fish and sell to bait dealers thru the winter and that drew me into baitfish storage. When I moved away from that shiner trapping was much smaller scale and usually involved keeping them for several days. Your system will work well to trap and use that day or the next. Dave
  7. It needs to be temp controlled to an extent and of course good aeration but not that complicated. You need a large poly type tank to hold in and controlled PH water. When you buy suckers or shiners or smelt from a bait dealer you are looking at one.
  8. It feels like home and is where I should have been a long time ago! Thanks to all Dave
  9. Think I will try all black and a black/blue, the trailer will have other colors to contrast. I plan on using these in dark stained water in early morning or evening.
  10. I was more talking transporting them home to a bait tank. If I was using them right then to fish with I would use a flowtroll so they stay adjusted to water temp they will be used in, no need to aerate with a steady flow of water.
  11. That is a very nice looking gun Bird! I don't find them ugly.....but what do I know, I just like em' I've always wanted a thumbhole stock model 12 but havn't got there yet. Dave
  12. I use the standard wire cage trap with inverted entrance holes. Old timer showed me how to rubber band a small to medium hard dog bone using toothpicks to hold band tight outside trap. We lower them down and overnight you will have a hundred or more. Should have a bubbler in a large plastic bucket for each trap set. Dog bone lasts for several days. Up here different kinds of shiners will make up the majority while sticklebacks and daces also appear. Even find baby bass, pickerel, and trout as well.
  13. Keitech Swing Impact/Yum Impluse Buzzbait Stickbait /Many Types Ribbontail Worm Large Single or Double Tail Grub On Shakeyhead Jig Very weedy and mostly shallow where I fish most.
  14. I have a somewhat similar post on here concerning new skirts on buzzbaits so I guess I would ask what do bass want? Contrast or natural? Two color or one color? Seems with all the available color combos its maybe complicating what should be a simple choice.
  15. Getting some buzzbaits I've had for some time ready to fish, I painted them black and need to get new skirts for them. Thought that would be easy till I looked at all the skirt types and colors available now. Going to use them over submerged weed bed covered flats with fresh skirts and curly tail and paddle tail trailers. Any suggestions are welcome......... skirt material and strand type and especially some color combos. Haven't fished them in years. Dave
  16. Since my son uses a kayak for fishing and is part owner and co fishing partner on the boat with me when we go out, I asked him. His answer was the boat has room and allows you to stand when fighting and landing fish - boat is way more stable and able to deal with wakes and wind whipped water - boat is easier to carry rods and plenty of gear with - boat beats the kayak when going against wind and current - boat is way faster moving to different fishing spots - and lastly the boat offers livewell and comfort of being able to move around and lean out of to unhook weed or tree limb hooked lures. . Only two advantages he could think of was the kayak he can throw in the back of the truck instead of tow and the boat costs us $50 to sticker and register while his kayak is free. There you have it from a dual owner and user. Dave
  17. Wow didn't know Oprah was a bass angler..........things have been hard for the last month round here. All summer the fishing pressure has been high with so many people off work. Looking at the entire year it started strong and then went down the drain in August for numbers and large fish. Hoping September is like always with fish feeding hard for one our tough winter's. Dave
  18. Them dang frogs are always climbing trees With the weather changing over so fast lately I've had trouble catching a lot in several of my dependable spots. Hoping things will level out soon, water temps are dropping faster than most years as well. Your not alone in your fishing findings......except nobody left me any lures............
  19. Agree with you, I like a high shoulder shot myself (wrecks a little burger meat but not much)....they seldom run anywhere. I know my son will shoot a nice tender doe or young buck cause he don't pass on any deer. I hate it when he shoots a fawn (up here they call them lambs) cause there is very little meat for the freezer and I like to see them grow up and pass along genes.. The entire family loves venison and we utilize all the meat we get, jerky (YUM!), burger, steaks, backstrap, and best of all tenderloin. The deer we shoot feed on corn clover and apples so they are very good eating. I hold out till the third week (the rut peak) for a buck and then will shoot what comes by after that.
  20. My son uses a kayak and fishes with it, I went the cheapest way with a gas powered boat I could and bought the least expensive 14' V bottom tin boat available with a motor and trailer package, a 1467 so its roomy with a removable flat floor and alternator equipped electric start gas engine. Spent that winter putting casting deck with foot controlled trolling motor. Some carpet, an anchor mate with anchor and plenty of rod holders and rod storage. Several light weight swivel seats and portable running lights complete the pic. Upkeep is a scrub off each fall with an enterior clean and vacuum, change the oil and lower end lube myself and a shot or two of grease in the hubs. That total upkeep is a day once a year, its stable, fishes in wind or rough water, fits two fisherman perfect ( a partner makes the day more fun and safe) and goes in where there are no ramps in shallow water. Four cylinder tacoma don't usually know its back there and we can lift it and move it if necessary. Its not a big flashy bass boat (been there done that) and its not fast, but its a fishing boat and it does the job for my son and I. On its fifth year and still looks new.........I'm sure I could sell it but it gets us around those back in the woods lakes and rivers this state is known for. Dave
  21. My feelings as well, put a frt raised casting deck on a 14' V bottom tin boat and thought it was a mite tippy feeling at first. Took about half dozen fishing trips and now I don't notice it at all, everything takes some getting used too. Otherwise pay it off as quick as possible and sell it legal with title. Dave
  22. Nothing bad to say about them, just got an order yesterday and it was right on time. Shame I didn't know the sale was coming ? Oh well. Thats a great deal on tatsu spools as well. Dave
  23. Few name changes on the soft lures and thats my day strategy and the same type water and cover I fish. If a 3" grub don't excite them on a shakeyhead then paddletail Keitech impacts might. Always can fall back on T-rigged trick sticks, true centers, rattlesnakes or some type of creature bait. Colors remain rainbow trout, crime scene, junebug, okeechobee craw, and trophy hunter. Water temps down to near 70 and nitetime temps in the forties and fifties......fall is in the air Couple fish on Monday choked down 6" creatures so they are starting to feed heavier up here.
  24. IMHO the 7mm-08 is pretty close to the perfect cartridge for deer hunting. That said the 260, same parent case and similar attributes, is becoming just as popular with me. Actually I built two pretty much identical rifles but one is all stainless and slightly lighter due to stock and barrel contour choice (260), Its my all weather gun while the other (7mm-08) don't purposely get carried in rain and snow. Identical scopes (zeiss conquest) and same triggers and 20" length barrels. I'm really impressed with Nosler accubond bullets at this point since I switched from paritions 4 years back. Really thick up here where we hunt and the deer run large framed (northern whitetail), have shot a few over 200Lb's dressed.
  25. I fish September and then its hunting till mid December and then its Christmas and lakes are frozen. Oh well there's next spring to start it all again :0 Dave
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