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Tatsu Dave

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Everything posted by Tatsu Dave

  1. She has done very well, Congrats
  2. These two posts go hand in hand, thinner lighter hooks razor sharp. My post would be make sure you use the right hook size for fish you are after. Since we are in other fish species section I don't know if you are after crappie, perch, bluegill, walleye, or something I'm not thinking of.
  3. I'm convinced that if anyone wants to show a picture of perfect skunk habitat they need only take a pic of my back yard/field and woods. I trapped eight skunks and had a trap shy one that's probably been trapped and moved already still here. Fast as you take one out another takes its place. Guess it beats rats and stray dogs and cats I like coons and porkies get shot on site (tree killers )
  4. Howdy Yev.........used to live and fish in Maryland but I moved 525 miles north where the snow gets deep. Still fish more than ever and hope to talk to you on the threads Dave
  5. Welcome and enjoy the forum, hope to chat with you on the threads.
  6. I know you're asking J Francho his thoughts on this, so I will simply read what it says on bottle "allow first application to dry completely before use. Treating the night before is recommended". "Reapply while fishing as necessary no drying time needed after first application". I have never used it during a fishing trip ever so for me its always been the night before fishing. I also hit them all before I put them away for winter as with wood heat the humidity is low and it keeps the line from drying out indoors for the winter.
  7. Dobyns sierra in m/f, need to catch it on sale to get near your price but they are quite a rod. TW sale it would run $136 including shipping. Like mentioned by Kev a Dobyns fury would come in more on your price point however.
  8. Temperature in fall the most, you can adjust to brightness but you can't change the outside or water temp. Hope They are biting
  9. I'm old school and grew up using anchors in tailraces and heavy current, then went to pinpoint fishing for crappie and installed two one frt. and one rear to hold specific positions. Now bass fishing almost totally I have used the dual anchor concept for wind, current, and holding a spot on points and structure. I will add that anchormates make the anchoring much neater, smoother, and quicker. You can ease them into the water without the splash and drop to bottom and pull off slack to move boat exactly where you want it. They hold 100' of rope for deep spots, and if you're in silt or muck when you wind in just leave it below surface and it will wash clean quickly just moving a couple boat lengths. No rope to trip on or anchors in the way when fishing either, I can anchor the boat with both anchors in just 2-3 minutes.
  10. Same as above posts, just before and into a storm can be crazy good bite that switches off like a light. I've also watched it look like its getting ready to storm w/ wind and clouds and then pass over and brighten up, one of my all time best hours fishing was during the impending storm action that never happened.
  11. Good Fishing! Usually if a lake is created by a dam most rivers, streams, and brooks will flow in above the dam. Not every time but way more often than not.
  12. I like and have used those tires, very long wearing, currently have Hankook Dynapro AT on now and like them in deep snow a lot.
  13. Well said, Pretty much any caliber in good hands can bring home the vension I used to walk a long deadwater across two flowages when it was frozen deer hunting. Ranged 100yds to 350yds across the flowage to woods line. Carried a heavy bbl long range varmint rifle because it was like walking a paved road down thru the woods with the deer watching back towards the woods where they were used to spotting danger. Did finally shoot a nice 10point one season on there. How does the 357 work? Dave
  14. Night before fishing all reels and guides get a shot of KVD L&L, pull new line thru a wet cloth when respooling. It lubes the line roller and bail, keeps flouro limp and from getting dry (low humidity up here) and cost's little if bought in bulk.
  15. Well Jonas I will try to respond, first I don't use 4# my experience is with 8-10# , with that said if guides are your problem then it would effect your line quite a ways back from where the lure is tied on. I would think a Q-tip ran around the inside of your guides and rod tip would quickly expose the problem, if you're saying the line is fraying just putting pressure on it to set your drag I would expect that to be 2-3#, so if every fish you fight would do likewise to it how long would it last? If you didn't notice much difference between flouro and mono then switch back to mono and problem solved apparently. Yes flouro is superior in abrasion resistance but remember there are a lot of manufacture's getting into the flouro game and they sure aren't all equal, I can attest to that from experience. The forth type/brand I tried was magic and I never looked back. We fish where mussel shells, rocks, concrete, structure, and toothy fish all take there toll on line and flouro has preformed better than braid and mono for us testing on the water. Don't know what flouro you used but suggest you check your guides and try another line if they are good. I've never heard of line fraying when you put pressure on it.........it would normally break at a certain poundage point.
  16. Lead jigs, sinkers, worm weights and most other lead tackle is outlawed here in Maine. Replacement costs are higher and wardens have something new to look for in your tackle, shame tungsten is so much more expensive. I like the smaller jig heads myself...............lead is getting to be a thing of the past. Looks now like lead in bullets will be next.........
  17. Like said above, catch a Dobyns Sierra or two on sale for about $100@......you'll be glad you did. Nothing wrong with Ugly Sticks but they are better in power situations rather than feeling structure, pick-ups, or the bottom. Line is what floats your boat really, I'm 100% into Good flouro, didn't happen overnight and wasn't a smooth beginning for sure. Once I got thru the learning curve I wouldn't change now for any reason, abrasion resistance to the max, visibility and stretch low. I finesse spin fish and its a part of that package for me, and I spend top dollar for line. Its what connects you to the fish. Reels are a place where I feel $50-$125 is my price point and where I stay at. Hang in there and don't let frustration become paramount. Dave
  18. I've looked at them but never bought any to try, how well do they hold? look's like they would tear the nose on plastics when jerked hard. Other drawback for me would be I've never seen them in bulk only when bought on hooks. I buy my hooks in bulk and spring locs as well. Just curious.....
  19. Agree with Catt on this one, use what fits the baits and have all three sizes. For swimbaits of medium size I use a medium, for stickbaits, most worms and grubs, anything finesse I use small, for larger swimbaits and creature bait's I use large. I don't use anything but owner CPS.
  20. All never agree on a subjective subject, some have differing perspectives perhaps. I simply go by my own experiences and form opinions from this. I'm lucky I live where there are large populations of smallmouth in large and small rivers and lakes too. Will simply agree to disagree Bottom line they fight real Good.....
  21. I stock large - medium - and small and use what ever fits the bait's, you should really have all three sizes if you get into using them.
  22. What are you using for a rest? Pretty good group if there was some wind.
  23. So far this year wife and I both lost our way of bringing in income. Suffered a horrible fall that set me back for almost a year. Only good times were fishing with my son more than ever, hoping hunting season will be a bright spot along with Christmas. I'm really glad to be alive and mobile and functioning always glad for what I have. This all will pass, no sense letting it get you down and spoiling your good times. Survival is in our DNA..........
  24. Can you pass me a handful? For me sixties rock was where the great sound ended
  25. All good opinions that work but I'll add one thing, Take a small piece of cloth and wet it thoughly with kevin van dam line conditioner. Pull the line thru the cloth as you spool it on. When done spray the spool wet to soak in and it will dry in a couple hours. Take's a lot of memory out of line and improve's going thru the guide's.
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