Well son had Wed off so we planned a trip, problem was they called him in to work so bummer. I still got up and slogged to the water solo and started out, forecast was cloudy and calm, water temp was low sixties. Started casting and noticed the other nights rain had raised the water noticeably and hid a lot of short stickups and stumps. Great gotta rely on memory to not practice bumper boats with the wood ? slow start but had no way to hold any fish and take pics anyhow.
Then it started getting dark and a thunderstorm let loose w/ strong winds, day just got better I thought, but I noticed the wind and current had teamed up with the chop and was beating the shallows on one side. Kept casting cause that's what you do, the fishing changed quickly and the bass bite was on! First bass was 3 1/4lb's and they started coming steady, lost count of the total but enough chunkies to keep it fun. Lost a big one right at the boat when he dived into some sunken timber, threw back 2lber's as fast as possible to keep throwing that lure. Don't get days like this as often as I'd like but sure appreciate them when they come. Sorry had to hang them on my net to hold for pics but fish understood and we got thru it. Tatsu Dave