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  1. DaubsNU1's post in My best day this season. was marked as the answer   
    Outstanding @gimruis!!! Strong work!!!
  2. DaubsNU1's post in 2023 deer hunt was marked as the answer   
    Second time double-pulling, this time it was the ATV trailer behind the 5th wheel instead of the Lund.
    Usually hunt with my brother, but this time it was a solo trip...he spent weekend with his son hunting waterfowl.
    About 2 hours in to the 6 hour drive, stopped to get a snack...noticed one of the camper tires looked a little low...and heard the hissing...yep, bolt stuck right through the tire! Thankfully I was just a mile outside town with a Walmart...They got me in, replaced tire, and I was on my way...total down-time just over an hour.
    Got to spend three whole days riding around the Sandhills, enjoying warm weather, and looking for deer. Another group of hunters have leased up rights to hunt Mule deer on this Ranch, so I get to search for Whitetails.
    This guy wandered out from center-pivot, trotted for a bit. I got the nocs on him to confirm a Whitetail, and ranged at ~125 yards.
    He walked about 10 more yards then turned broadside to look my way. Standing, I shouldered my trusty 30-06 and put the crosshairs on his shoulder, then adjusted down just a bit (I am sighted in 2.7" high at 100 yards...that puts me at 0" drop for 250 yards).
    Pulled the trigger and heard the THUD as the bullet found the mark.
    Watched him run 80 yards and pile up dead.
    Broke camp and drove home yesterday. No major mishaps aside from the flat tire. Overall a wonderful trip that is putting meat in the freezer.

  3. DaubsNU1's post in You guys up north have some intestinal fortitude was marked as the answer   
    nope, Nope, NOPE! 
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