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Everything posted by DaubsNU1

  1. Happens a lot...lots of shared parts...sometimes it's even a straight "re-brand." Some very good friends of mine have worked for big companies...it's amazing how much product is "shared," "knocked off," etc. It's all about making $$$ for the company. Remember, it is all about separating you from your $$$...
  2. Loved learning about fishing from my Dad, Uncle and Grandpa. Watched Virgil Ward, and can probably still sing the entire song : ) Crazy how much fishing changes over the years...I haven't fished much in the past 15 years (family and kids stuff). Now just getting back in to it...and loving this forum! I've already placed two big orders from TW...I never heard of Senkos, Houdini shad, or whopper ploppers until recently. Glad that the old worms, spinner baits, jigs, Slug-Go, cranks still catch fish.
  3. If you want something super cheap, look for an old Bottom Line Fishin Buddy.... https://www.ebay.com/itm/Bottom-Line-Fishin-Buddy-2-Portable-Fish-Finder-Depth-Locator-Canoes-Ice-Boat/324292235309?hash=item4b8152d02d:g:b4IAAOSwz~ZfW4eh I've been fishing one for 20+ years...it is still on my boat now. Gives me depth, a look at the bottom composition, and water temp. Doesn't really mark fish...but it does what I need it to do, and runs on 3 C batteries for months.
  4. Love throwing a buzz-bait early and late. Blue-fleck power worm is the go-to. When all else fails, I tie on a lead-head and white twister tail and catch bass, crappie, bluegill and even pike : )
  5. Just getting back in to fishing after 15+ year layoff. Finally got the boat all squared away and running right. Asked my Dad if he wanted to join me last Sunday. He's 79 years old, retired carpenter, taught me well (fishing, hunting, carpentry, electrical, plumbing, cars/trucks, etc., etc., etc.). My Mom passed away 7 years ago, and about four years ago Dad got himself a "girlfriend." He had shoulder replacement surgery last spring. He walks a mile every day, does his shoulder PT daily, and probably has a better social life than I do! : ) Picked him up at 8AM and headed to the lake. Temps have gone down in the past week...it rained for three straight days last Wed-Friday...water temps dropped from upper 70's the week before, down to upper 50's on Sunday. I figured it would be a tough bite. We worked top water buzz baits and spinner-bait, moved around hitting spots. Caught just a few on white twister tail / lead-head. I caught one on a blue-fleck senko. Slow. We tried for Crappie on a bridge support that produced just the day before...but they were not biting either. Think we finished with 5 small bass, two crappie and two bluegill. Of course Dad hooked us up with his homemade deviled eggs, hard salami and cheese! It was great to spend five hours with him...told me stories of fishing, family, working (owned his own company since 1966). Great times on the water!!!
  6. Budget probably in the $750 range. (heck, I only paid $650 for the boat/motor/trailer back in 2000)
  7. Currently have a Bottom Line Fishin Buddy...works good for a 20 year old unit, gives me depth, water temp and somewhat view of the bottom. Thinking about something new for this boat. Ideally I would like to set up both transom and trolling motor mount transducers, and move the head unit as needed. Garmin EchoMAP Plus? Suggestions?
  8. I used to subscribe to BassMaster, In-fisherman, Field and Stream and pretty much anything else I could get my hands on...back in the 80-90's it was the only way to get information and broaden my perspective. Also subscribed to DU, 4Wheel and Off Road, 4x4 Magazine, PC Magazine, CPU Magazine, Truck Trend, Hot Rod, Super Chevy, Wildfowl, Men's Health, Maxim, etc., etc., etc. I would pour over the articles, then physically cut out the articles I liked and filed them away. I started seeing articles re-cycled over the course of years...and came to realize there really wasn't anything new in these magazines...just the same things recycled over and over...and some of the stuff was complete BS in there just to get me to buy things. One thing I have come to realize as I have grown older...pretty much everything out there on TV, magazines, newspapers, media, etc.....exists for one purpose and one purpose only...to separate you from your $$$. That is why I rely heavily these days on the following: 1. actual face to face conversations with real people. 2. message boards with no ties to businesses that are trying to sell me something. 3. FB groups again with no ties to business trying to sell things. I like to think the above are giving me true opinions and assistance as opposed to trying to sell me something.
  9. Evolution / natural selection. LMBass have survived and thrived through the years because they can and DO eat pretty much anything they can get their mouth on. Sometimes we think too hard about WHY something happens vs. just appreciating THAT it happens, and using that to our advantage. Two weeks ago I couldn't keep bass off my line (1/4 oz lead-heat, white 3" twister tail). This Saturday caught just a few bass on that rig, but hammered the crappie Sunday couldn't catch either bass or crappie on that same rig... It is what it is...
  10. Buddy of mine read an old-school fishing book back in the early 90's...author compared human, bird dog, and largemouth bass ability to smell... For comparison: A human can detect a drop of vinegar in a two liter bottle of water A bird dog in a 50 gallon drum of water And a largemouth bass can detect a drop of vinegar in an Olympic sized swimming pool! True? I dunno. Interesting bit of information... I don't use attractants, but do keep bar of soap in the boat to wash off gas / oil when I'm messing with the Merc.
  11. For what it's worth: I started fishing braid back in the early to mid 90's...still have some bait-casters spooled with Fenwick Iron Thread from that time frame...can't wear it out. Really like the sensitivity and durability of braid. Only problem I have run in to is the color fading and becoming more "white." To combat this i picked up some color markers in dark green. Seems to work...I'm still catching fish. I'm running Iron Thread 40lb, Power Pro 20lb, Spider wire braid 30lb...all seem to do okay. The 20lb does backlash a little more...a few adjustments to the reel and my technique have greatly reduced the problem. I even have one medium-heavy spinning rod spooled with braid...it's my Slug-Go rod. Casts great, no line twist, super sensitive...rock-solid hook-sets : ) Spooled my newest spinning rod with 10lb floro...does seem more sensitive than mono, but the line twist is driving me nuts. It's coming off soon...going back to Trilene XL.
  12. Roger that! My daughters are 22 and 20 now...both in college. And that is the reason I'm back fishing...I do really miss them!
  13. Few weeks ago on Flanigan Lake, Eastern Nebraska...
  14. Got my old '60 Rich Line out and changed the plugs on the '74 Mercury 20hp 2 stroke. Engine wasn't "peeing" so I immediately shut her down. Ordered parts, tore it apart, got it fixed, put it back together. Runs like a top now. I'm very lucky with this Merc...owned it since 2000 and all I have ever done is change plugs. It just runs. When something isn't running right it's gotta be fixed, and fixed right. I spent a few weeks getting my old Lawn Boy 7268 running right...even thought I don't really use it much...the x750 is hard to beat.
  15. Started fishing again about two months ago...after a 15+ year layoff. Still catching bass on my 20 year old power worms, power grubs, Slug-Go's, spinner bait, buzz baits, etc. Fished the bank until I got a belly-boat...then fished out of a buddy's canoe. Kayaks were not in fashion back in the early 1990's. Got this 1960 Rich Line in 2000. It's just what I need.
  16. The picture is an example of the guide I need. The one on the rod broke off.
  17. Broke a guide off the old Cabela's Fish Eagle II spinning rod. Any idea who made these, and where I might find some? Thanks! D.
  18. Amazing how fishing has changed / progressed over the year. When I started back in the early 1990's we had BP and Cabela's...no internet goodness. I still have a two Cabela's C44x rods that I purchased in 1992 and 1994...for $95 and $110 respectively. It was either Cabela's brand or Loomis back then. My advice, buy-once-cry-once...get the very best rods you can afford...you will likely have them for many, many years to come!
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