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Everything posted by DaubsNU1

  1. It's kind of like selecting a motor in your truck, computer monitor, television for your living room, CPU in a computer build, rifle caliber, etc., etc., etc. "There is no substitute for cubic-inches" "Overkill is underrated"
  2. First trolling motor was a hand-held...then went to cable steer for 20+ years. Loved the ability to quickly turn, power-on, and power off. Would have stayed with cable steer...but my brother got an Ulterra. I did NOT like it at first. But it grew on me. Power deploy and stow has worked great for 1-1/2 years now (knock-on-wood). I use the remote most of the time...but the foot-pedal does come in handy. It takes getting used to, but overall I am extremely happy with this unit. For the way I fish, it's wonderful! Cable steer would be option #2 for me. Good luck!! I will add that spot-lock, cruise control, and auto-pilot have really been game-changers for the way I fish. Ulterra is networked to the Humminbirds...I can motor over a brush pile...mark on my fish finder...drop the Ulterra and say, "navigate to mark"....it takes me there, and spot locks right over the top. Or locks me a certain distance from the mark. And keeps me there, even in a strong wind. Wife claims this is "cheating." But honey, I don't even have livescope yet : )
  3. I think we are missing one large data point... Old fish die.
  4. It's been so long since we were there...hard to remember. I know we spent a whole day hiking Zion, then an entire day at Bryce.
  5. @Rockhopper that sounds like a great plan!!
  6. Like @padlin, I certainly have my favorites. I long ago broke the spinning rod that landed my personal best LMB back in the 1990's. Favorite rod is an old Cabela's branded C44x spiral guide casting rod, 6 foot long, medium action. Paired with a old Shimano Curado reel. Light, balanced, and I just love it.
  7. Bryce and Zion are WONDERFUL!! Wife and I visited about 10 years ago, in February. No bus rides in to Zion at that time...we just drove in. And pretty much had the park all to ourselves. Yak-Traks or ice cleats were a must. If you can swing it, highly recommend Moab and Arches and Canyonlands National Parks. Beautiful!
  8. I have a Scheels, Cabela's and BPS in town, and they all carry Sitka gear. I did order a few items directly from Sitka, and they are exchanging a heavyweight hoodie. Hope the new size fits. I really like Kuiu merino wool base layer top, and zip-off merino bottoms, and the Guide DCS soft-shell -- they served me well chasing Mule Deer. And now keeping me warm and dry in the duck blind. Kuiu has a new waterfowl lineup. I've ordered some solid mid layers...will see how things flesh out. Last weekend temps on the river were single digits. Base layer of Merino wool, a poly long sleeve, the Kuiu Peleton 240 zip hoodie, then an old Marmot fleece. Shell was a 20+ year old Cabela's System's Parka Gore-Tex (without the thinsulate liner). Sitka Gradient pants and good wool socks. I stayed warm and dry...we did have heaters...hunted dawn until dusk. I like the versatility of layering to match the weather. Will have to check out the First Lite lineup. Appreciate the words of wisdom @fishballer06!
  9. I'm old school and had a buddy who worked for Cabela's back in the day. Have a crap-ton of Cabela's branded clothing, gloves, boots, and gear. I have had some Kuiu big-game gear for a while...and like it very much. Been eyeing some new stuff for a while...and have been trying on Sitka gear for about a month now. Their stuff is really high quality, looks good, but I just cannot seem to find what I'm looking for. Brother and his son have the heavyweight hoodie and Hudson jacket, some base layer merino wool, and wader pants (Gradient). I really like the Gradient wader pant, they are warm and fit well. But their hoodies, base layers, jackets and coats don't fit me well. A large is too small...and I swim in the XL. What has been your experience with Sitka?
  10. Lots of Chefs fans around these parts. My daughters are big fans. I would love to see the Bills finally take home a Super Bowl. Chefs would be my #2 choice, followed by the Redskins (need to change that name back!), and then the Eagles. I was really hoping for a Lions vs. Bills Super Bowl. Watching Ohio State vs. Notre Dame right now. Looks like the B1G is going to win second consecutive Natty.
  11. Back in the day my Dad's buddy used to sell produce on the street...raised it all himself, cash operation. Did pretty well for himself. One day another guy walked up and asked if he could sell sunglasses. Whelp, since he wasn't selling produce, go ahead, knock yourself out. That guy was selling Blue Blockers...those sunglasses sold on TV for $30. This guy was selling them for $5. Sold quite a few. They got to talking after a long day of selling. That guy was getting those Blue Blockers factory direct from China...his price per pair... ...wait for it... Twenty-seven cents each ($0.27)!!! I have several pair of Kastking polarized sunglasses in my boat, in the trunk of my car, and in my truck. They seem to work well. I've tried on a few pair of Costas...they fit nice...but I just know they would get broken quickly, or dumped over the side and sacrificed to Davey Jones Locker.
  12. Never really got in to vinyl. Went from tapes right to CD's. Now I've got a Youtube premium account, and set up playlists with the music I want. I do have some old iTouch around. Link them to my old Techniques receivers that are still wired to the EPI speakers. I have a set of EPI A140 in the garage. And a set of EPI A70's down in the shop. Still sound amazing!! I mowed lawns all summer to purchase the A140's when I was in middle school. Guy on the web still sells parts.
  13. Welcome!!
  14. These are great stories! Picked up this 1960 Rich Line and 1972 Mercury 20hp two stroke in 2000. Paid $600 for boat, motor, and trailer from a local guy when we were living in Kirksville, Missouri. Boat and motor were his Dad's...trailer was virtually brand new. I installed plywood casting decks, seats, bilge pump, and the front Minn Kota cable steer 40lb trolling motor. Found a Bottomline Fishin Buddy. Great first boat! Did some major work in 2021 with framing, decking, storage, fuse box, lights, Garmin Echomap up front, and a Garmin striker in the back. Also replaced the transom that was original to the boat(!). Fun project!! The old Merc could push me in that boat to 20 MPH on a good, calm day : ) Fun boat, caught lots of fish. Sold it in 2023 when I upgraded to the Lund.
  15. Hmmmm....interesting question. I generally run 10lb high visibility braid to 10 or 8lb leaders. Maybe they are running heavier leader to increase casting distance(?)
  16. I have the Adventure. Just finished first full year fishing. It has been great!
  17. I don't mind the cold. As an avid waterfowl and big game hunter, I have learned to embrace good quality clothing, boots, hats, gloves, and those chemical body warmers(!) I used to really hate the hot, humid summer weather. But after making some changes in my nutrition, and utilizing better clothing, it doesn't really bother me much. As I'm getting older it takes longer to heal. Bumps, bruises and strains seem to linger.
  18. Used to get it...and used to give it out. Now, when someone gets something new, my standard response is, "Good for you! Enjoy!" And I go about my business. When I get something new, or find a good deal on eBay/Craigslist/FB Marketplace, and someone makes a comment...I just say, "Thanks" and go about my business.
  19. Welcome @TNriverRAT!! You can certainly put an Ultrex and new fish finders on that boat of yours! I think that would be great! You will get lots of ideas, suggestions, and opinions from the great people here! I got lots of great feedback when working on my old 1960 Rich Line (left). Added new electronics, decking, storage, and a second fish-finder. It was a good boat. Had the opportunity to upgrade last summer. Wonderful. Mine is not the Ultrex...I went with Ulterra. Having spot-lock, auto-pilot, cruise control, and all the other goodies really helped improve my fishing. Good luck with your boat! Tight lines! Daubs
  20. Last week I was hunting with my college buddies...they have land and a great blind on a river here in Nebraska. It's a great set up...short walk, blind seats nine comfortably. Heaters, two burner propane cook-top...we eat like kings! It's a pretty good spot. One of my friends was wondering why they don't shoot limits like we did "back in they day." Another friend reminded everyone that we traded action for comfort and convenience. You see, we used to hunt public marshes and river access. Worked hard to locate good spots, woke up early, carried in decoys and everything we needed to hunt. It was hard work, and some days we really got in to loads of ducks. We were hunting where the birds wanted to be. Now, with the land and blind, we are hunting where we want to be (with heat and hot food), and hoping the birds will cooperate. And we are all in our mid 50's now. I really cherish the days in the blind with my buddies and enjoy myself every time I am invited. Friday night my buddy's son texted and said, "are you busy tomorrow? Good goose feed, you need layout blind with a snow cover...I think this could be a good one." He's 24 years old and can blow a goose call like none I have ever heard. Had been scouting these geese for three days. We met at his house around 8:30 AM...short drive to the field...set up and got the blinds lined up...we had Canadas circling by 9:30. It was FANTASTIC! Wave after wave of geese pouring in to the fields. First group we knocked down eight. I didn't even pull the trigger...popped out of my layout blind and lined up a goose...it fell before I could pull the trigger...locked on another and it fell as well. These guys are really good! Kept careful count, as the local Game Warden knows this crew well, and knows they always follow rules and regulations and hunt ethically. As we got closer to a limit, decided to see if we could land them in the decoys...we were waiting for my buddy to get off work so he could join us. At one point we had ~10 geese walking around in the decoys, and another 400-500 circling. Wow! Ended the hunt with an eleven man limit, thirty-three Canadas. Best good hunt I have ever experienced! Yes, it was cold...thirteen degrees, wind out of the Northeast 8-10 MPH...and picked up as the day went on. We hunted on the X and had a great time!! Wonderful memories!
  21. Years ago while fishing with my Dad and Brother...we lost a spinning rod and reel over the side. Dad just smiled and broke open his tackle box, produced a large treble hook...and started dragging the bottom of the lake. About ten minutes later he pulled up a loop of fishing line....and kept pulling...eventually he got to the end of the line on the spool...and pulled up the spinning rod and reel we lost over the side. Nice! I went to toss my braid scissors on the front deck...and over-shot. Kerplunk!
  22. I will go with my Dad's born day...Thursday 17 April 2025. He will be 84 years old.
  23. I have a long history with Cabela's, having grown up in Nebraska, it was THE place for hunting and fishing gear. My lottery-pick, just-give-me-any-roommate in college the fall of 1987 turned out be my very best friend in the world. He just happened to work for Cabela's in Sidney Nebraska, when there was only one store. He worked the phones at that time...and gradually worked his way up the corporate ladder...product specialist, ran the bargain cave, sidewalk sale, helped design and roll out their web site, was a buyer traveling the world. His wife worked for Cabela's as well, eventually becoming a vice-president. I got to know quite a few Cabela's employees through the years, and actually met Dick Cabela once. Nice fellow. Cabela's positioned themselves to focus on all types of hunting and the "northern" fishing market. When they started building brick-and-mortar stores, they wanted them located in midwest to northern states, on prime routes to Canada. They did stock some bass stuff, but largely let BP do their thing in southern states. When Cabela's went public things started to change, bringing in outsiders to help diversify, grow the brand, increase profit margins. In my humble opinion, that was the beginning of the end. Quality, customer service, and innovation gave way to profits and market share as they tried to compete with BP. My buddy and his wife no longer work for Cabela's, and last spring they finally moved away from Sidney, Nebraska. They have fond memories, developed great friendships, and learned a lot about life and business during their many years working for Cabela's. We have a Cabela's and BP in the Omaha metro area. They carry many of the same products. I do shop at both. I spend more time at Scheels and order often from Tackle Warehouse, mainly because I'm looking for a specific lure, color, brand, etc., that BP/Cabela's doesn't carry. For clothing and equipment, I prefer Kuiu and Sitka...but I still have a TON of Cabela's branded clothing and gear. I simply cannot wear it out...great, quality stuff that has lasted many, many years(!) Actually spent last weekend waterfowl hunting with my buddy...we had many laughs, some somber moments, ate like kings, and shot a few ducks. Great times!
  24. I started on the bank, then in a belly-boat, then fished with a buddy in a canoe for a few years. Fished the boat on the left for 20+ years, then last year upgraded. Every "step-up" in my fishing vessels did a few things: Less stress and uncertainty about where I was fishing, could I get back to the ramp, how is the weather / wind going to impact my fishing... More access to fishing spots and larger lakes More storage More time fishing, less time positioning / anchoring the boat More comfort and convenience Added safety More time on the water Keep thinking, planning, exploring options @Koz! You will find the path that is right for you!
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