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moby bass

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Everything posted by moby bass

  1. That is one big fish.
  2. If I just stick out my finger, with no thumb extended, does that become a knife?
  3. Dang.. wish that's all I had to pay.
  4. x2
  5. I'm alot confused :-?
  6. Beautiful, congrats. Love the middle name
  7. Just watched an episode of Lock n Load, with r. Lee Ermey. They were demonstrating the use of Det Cord. It works very well for opening otherwise locked doors ;D
  8. moby bass


  9. "I think I crapped my pants" Glad he's not getting in the back of my car ;D
  10. Moby...after the famous, very large, white whale and bass... after, bass.
  11. takes all kinds
  12. I've thought about this but have never had it done. To tell the truth, I cannot stand to have anything in or touching my eyes. I cannot wear contacts, I cannot use eye drops. I know, psychological. Just reading these posts is making my eyes twitch and water.
  13. I had a problem with braid slipping on the spool. I was not using backing and I did not have a piece of tape on the first wrap of braid on the spool. You would think that with hundreds of wraps on the spool that would be enough friction to allow a good hookset. Nope. The whole wad slipped and turned on the spool.
  14. Maybe that's the reason the previous owner "dropped it off"
  15. He who has the deepest pockets, pays.
  16. I love grubs on jig heads. 3" pearl ones look alot like a minnow swimming. Unfortunately, i didn't have any luck with any grubs this past weekend. I must not have been where the fish were.
  17. With the multitude of pictures that are taken today, at relatively no cost, they are seemingly unimportant....today. Wait 20years, 30 or even half a century, they will be priceless. I am fortunate to have some wonderful albums my family and I put together over the years, some of the photos dating back to the very early part of the 20th century. Back then, having a photo made of your family was a major event in some folks lives. Many people may have had only a half dozen or so photos made their entire lives. They are of immeasurable value now. Sadly, it's almost impossible to sift through the gigabytes of pictures now stored on computers to find the important ones.
  18. Wonder if that was on the CarFax report?
  19. I have been wanting to try the roosters but Gander Mtn and Dick's near me don't have them. Don't really want to put an internet order together because I just don't need more stuff.
  20. The tiny ikas work real well for Crappie.
  21. Sorry, I may be stupid, but I don't get it
  22. Hmmmmmm, bought a pack of the spadetail worm, in green pumpkin, to try. Paid 4.99 at Gander Mtn. For that price I'd thought I'd give it a try. From the previous posts, they don't sound too promising.
  23. It's not a big deal, I was just curious as to how others were answering the questions. I know I already give all that info to the gov't, but I wouldn't be if I wasn't forced to do it. Just call it a general distrust of gov't. I personally don't like it when I call and order a pizza and my name, address, phone number and waist size all pops up on their computer.
  24. I have no problem with being counted and will be more than happy to answer "yo" or "here' when my name is called. But the instructions say that the information can't be used by any other agency, so why do you need my child's birthday and name. The fact that she or he is a child and x years old should be enough. I have nothing to hide, just don't want to volunteer information.
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