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moby bass

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Everything posted by moby bass

  1. Still haven't been able to find these at my local Dick's or Gander Mtn.
  2. Been to Phx. many times, I know what you're saying. Just don't be the last one in the line.
  3. Yes they are, and I am usually either at the limit or I'm keeping with traffic to keep from getting run over. The traditional definition of a speed trap, I believe, is a place where the limit changes all of a sudden, for no apparent reason, you aren't expecting it, and you get caught. The one I looked up in my area is just off the interstate where the speed goes from 60 to 40. The road is still 4lanes with center turn, but there are curbs, and that's what makes the difference. Coming the other direction on this road is downhill, and admittedly it is hard to keep it at 40.
  4. True, true, in fact the bumblebee grub I was referring to was predominantly black. The point was, dark colors seem to work most anywhere and any time.
  5. What a useful website. Checked out a couple in my area, and they're right.
  6. Not harsh at all. I kind of like what some countries do, like amputating the hand of a thief. Certainly is a badge that's hard to conceal. Nothing like a glaring advertisement showing what you're about.
  7. I don't have any clear water, but my best Senko is a chartreuse with green, gold and black flakes.
  8. Dark at night for contrast against the sky, fish eye view. I have been fishing a lake in our local park, quite muddy and stained and got 2 today on a bumble bee color grub, and 3 last week, on green pumpkin. Got 22 last week at our local pond, also very stained, almost all on 3 inch rainbow trout sluggos, worked across the top of the weeds. Go figure!
  9. I have a Gander Tournament Pike stick, 7' MH. Wonderfull rod. Light, casts a mile, sensitive. strong. Would like to get another.
  10. Remember, punctuation saves lives!!! Let's eat grandma. Let's eat, grandma.
  11. As Bugs Bunny used to say "What a maroon" ;D
  12. FWIW, and for good or bad, the age of consent in Maryland is 16 for both male and female. If you are both of at least that age and one of you is not 18 or over, and have consented, you are on LEGAL ground, but not necessarily moral ground. Fathers protect their daughters, probably because we were young once and understand what young men are preoccupied with. When something goes wrong, it is usually the girl who pays the heavier price. We want to prevent that one moment of unbridled passion from becoming a life changing event. Be honest, contrite and sincere. If you and your GF want to continue seeing each other, hopefully the father will accept that. If not, then, of course, Alpster's synopsis becomes truth. If the father does permit you to continue seeing his daughter, I wouldn't take that as a license to continue your behavior. Was this consensual between the two of you? If it wasn't, I certainly wouldn't try to present it as if it were. Man up and take full responsibility for your actions.
  13. China
  14. Does that coffee scent stuff even work? Anybody have a report. I've got a package of tubes but honestly, I don't fish tubes much. I don't think I've ever used them.
  15. About like yours, just different.
  16. I have a 10' Sam Heaton Crappie rod. It is so sensitive I can drag a lure across a beer can at the bottom of the lake and tell you what brand it is.
  17. Here is the link to an article in the oil drum. http://www.theoildrum.com/node/6593#comment-648967 Go about half way down for the commentary on the spill.Check out the link in the article that shows the graphic of the well, how its designed and what happened. Its near the bottom of the page. Very interesting.
  18. Russian technology is not in the same league as western tech and whereas Trump is a successful developer ......he is no oilman. John Hofmeister , former president of Shell oil said last night that imploded the well may have big risks( nuclear device has been discussed as well) may create stress cracks at the reservoir pool, which may make countless numbers of seepage areas that could never be stopped. IMO Hofmeister seems to be one of the more knowledgeable people I've heard I read that one of the reasons they stopped the top kill was because it was forcing the oil out other fissures and cracks and the fear was that if that were to occur, they would never be able to control the flow. Also, I read where they suspect there is a leak in the casing, about 1000 feet down I think, which is eroding the area around the well. This is causing the bop (blow out preventer) to tilt. They have been monitoring the tilt with an inclinometer. This is a 450 ton unit. The fear is that if this goes over, the worst imaginable scenario could unfold. The reservoir reportedly holds 2 billion barrels of oil. The relief wells appear to be the only hope.
  19. Does the color matter? I'm talking about the plain jig heads used with grubs, etc. They come in a variety of colors, chartreuse, orange, pink, green, black etc. And of course, plain old unpainted lead. Are there specific conditions where one color is better? Do you guys match the color of the grub to the head, or contrast it? Any colors work better than others?
  20. Man, I think that when God was passing out organizational skills, some of you guys got in line twice.
  21. New field sobriety test ???
  22. For a lure that's been around as long as, and is as popular as, a Jitterbug, they sure use garbage hooks. Add 25 cents to the price of the lure and put decent hooks on the thing. Be sure not to unscrew the hook hangers, cut the old hooks off.
  23. You can't fix stupid.
  24. Yep, Northern Water. caught one just like it last year at our local pond.
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