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moby bass

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Everything posted by moby bass

  1. worthy.
  2. Right..... leave out the pop tarts
  3. I have not heard of or used the Super 7 series you are talking about. Like SirS. I have a Conolon spinning, medium, which I like and a Conolon MH casting which I have found to be too heavy, in terms of weight in my hand. Price wise the Conolons are 1/2 of what you say your rods go for, although that is not a true measure of their worth or quality. Use them, see if you like them. If you do, it was a good deal.
  4. I was wondering where to apply
  5. Agreed, health insurance is a problem, but IMO, its because there is too much of it. Consider this, before insurance companies began footing the bill for every medical exam, procedure, etc. doctors and hospitals in the communities where they existed, charged their patients based on what people in that community could afford to pay. As insurance companies began to pay bills, prices began to rise. This is well known as the theory of deep pockets. Also, more people were now involved in processing all the paperwork, so doctors and insurance companies hire more staff. Prices go up. Couple this with lawsuits, sometimes legitimate, sometimes not, and no tort reform, prices go up. Health insurance does not reflect true supply and demand. We have health insurance through my wife's teaching position. I almost never use it. Yet, the district pays all that money to the insurance company, which of course, shows up as profit on their books because there are no "expenses" against it. What if there were no health insurance for anyone, anywhere. The first thing that would happen is of course you'd have more money in your pocket. Maybe up to $6,000 a year or more. I'm sure a lot of people would stop going to the doctor for every little cough and cold, which automatically cuts down the demand for services. In a competitive market, prices will fall as demand decreases. Consider that many insurance plans do not provide for eye care. As a result, since many people pay for that themselves, there is a lot of competition with the resulting reduction in cost. Now, if we can reduce the everyday costs of health care to people, such as normal doctor visits, cut down on unnecessary procedures that are done simply as doctor and hospital CYA because of fear of lawsuits, and severely reduce the staff necessary to process all of this paperwork, we only need to focus on catastrophic health care. With many other costs contained, this should be much more manageable. I just don't believe blanket health care for everyone will help the situation by controlling costs. As prices rise, the insurance companies try to control costs, to protect profits, which of course leaves the individual paying the difference. If you have to pay $500 a month for insurance, a $3,000 deductible and a 20% co pay for a $10,000 procedure, wouldn't you be better off if you just payed for the whole thing yourself? And the procedure would likely be less than $10,000. My mother went to the ER, several weeks ago, at the doctor's suggestion, because of a severe pain under her arm and across her chest. Based on what she told me she was doing at the time of the pain, I said did you pull a muscle? She said she didn't know. Anyway, after 6 hours in ER, blood work, EKG's and 2 additional days in the hospital for stress tests, etc., the results suggested it was a pulled muscle due to aging, shrinking and her spine compressing. I'm not a doctor, but a little common sense goes a long way. She didn't want to stay in the hospital and asked if she could leave the ER. The doctor said sure, but you could go home and die, so that's why we want to do the tests. True, but the tests were also to rule out any possiblity of lawsuit if she did go home and something else occurred. Of course, Medicare paid for it, and my mom told me that if she had to pay for it, she wouldn't have stayed. I'm fearing the same type of insurance fiasco is now beginning to occur in the auto repair business. Companies are now starting to offer insurance against costly auto repairs. What will happen to repair costs once someone the than the car owner pays the bill? How will the rest of us unfortunates cope with increased repair bills? Will this be the next thing to be negotiated into employment contracts. Well, just my $.02.
  6. total, the last 2 evenings at my nearby pond. I haven't done that well there all year. Considering I was only there about an hour each evening, between 8:00 and 9:00 each night, and also considering the pond is very weedy right now, I was pleased with my catches. Everyone was on a 4" red Senko. I have never used that color before. I tried to find opening in the weeds I could see floating and cast to them, then slowly work the senko across the top of any weeds, letting it fall down in pockets on the other side. The trick was to distinguish between underwater weeds and fish. The weeds were very thick at the bank so by the time I got the fish in, he had a lot of salad with him. All in all, a lot of fun, finally!
  7. I have a Prodigy from Cabelas. I think it is an excellent reel. I believe it is made by Daiwa. Check out your locals Dick's Sporting Goods. I just recently purchased 2 Quantum reels, both at 1/2 their retail plus $10.00 off coupons. $100 reels for $40.
  8. Happens to me as well. If I'm on the forum when it goes into maintenance, I have to go look up may password the next day. But I can still log on ok with the other computer, no problem. Is there a way of changing the password to one that is easier to remember? Never mind, I found how to change the password.
  9. Yep This thing^ works good.
  10. This thread got me to thinking, so I surfed around the web to see what car buying tips were out there. I found this: Losing the Keys to Your Car. You don't see this as much these days but some unscrupulous dealers still will try to keep you at the dealership by either losing the keys to your trade-in or accidentally blocking your car so that you can't get out. When they ask for the keys to your car to evaluate it, just give them a spare car key, and if they should pull this trick, leave. If they do this, they are totally unscrupulous and you want nothing further to do with them. Go somewhere else. http://www.negotiationdynamics.com/Newcar.asp I guess it happens. >
  11. In the past 20 years, my wife and I purchased 9 used or "factory" vehicles, from the SAME dealer, that I referred to in an earlier post. My 2 current cars, both SUV's, will have the wheels run off of them before I go and buy off the dealer that now has the franchise. They are known to have "sales" where they actually bring in salespeople from out of state, to consummate the sale. I do not intend to buy there. A fellow I knew told me of an experience he once had at a dealership where the salesman actually took the fellow's car keys and threw them on the roof of the building, so he wouldn't leave.
  12. Unfortunately, that's probably par for the course with a lot of dealerships. The dealership I went to was forced to close. Never, ever had an issue there. Everyone who dealt there was treated like family. Sales people were honest and upfront. Prices were fair, and service was out of this world. I've had them work with me on costs of major repair jobs and you were never sold something you didn't need. I even had the OWNER get in my Jeep with his computer and we went for a drive to reprogram my transmission. NO CHARGE! If I was looking to buy a new car, I'd take it for the day, even overnight. They were the best! God, I miss them!
  13. Heard this one the other day. Three women die together in an accident and go to heaven. When they get there, St. Peter says, "We only have one rule here in heaven: don't step on the ducks!" So they enter heaven, and sure enough, there are ducks all over the place. It is almost impossible not to step on a duck, and although they try their best to avoid them, the first woman accidentally steps on one. Along comes St. Peter with the ugliest man she ever saw. St. Peter chains them together and says, "Your punishment for stepping on a duck is to spend eternity chained to this ugly man!" The next day, the second woman steps accidentally on a duck and along comes St. Peter, who doesn't miss a thing. With him is another extremely ugly man. He chains them together with the same admonishment as for the first woman. The third woman has observed all this and, not wanting to be chained for all eternity to an ugly man, is very, VERY careful where she steps. She manages to go months without stepping on any ducks, but one day St. Peter comes up to her with the most handsome man she has ever laid eyes on ... very tall, long eyelashes, muscular, and thin. St. Peter chains them together without saying a word. The happy woman says, "I wonder what I did to deserve being chained to you for all of eternity?" The guy says, "I don't know about you, but I stepped on a duck!
  14. I've caught some nice bass while specifically fishing for Crappie with a Crappie pole, small jigs and Crappie nibbles. Seems the Bass like them too. You wouldn't think the Bass would even bother.
  15. Actually, it sounds like the naysayers were correct, and E21 confirms it. Great that the company is going to stand behind their product... as they should. They also "say" that they are going to rectify a problem... and yet they don't don't what the problem is??? Whatever the case, I hope they do resolve the issue. Competition is a good thing for us consumers. However, I'm not buying an ORANGE rod, no matter who makes it! Reread their email. They DO know what the problem is and have taken the steps to correct it. They just didn't reveal what that issue was.
  16. Just checked out a few lyrics. Don't think I'll be buying any of Hank III,s stuff anytime soon.
  17. I will watch for this, thanks. I usually pay cash and I try to keep a rough running total in my head as I'm shopping. That way, if a total bill is way off from my figures, I check the receipt closely.
  18. I used the technique the other day. I was fishing for pan fish so obviously using a smaller hook when a bass took the bait and swallowed most of the hook. There wasn't a lot of shank showing and the bass wasn't real big. I had to use the pliers carefully through the gill because I couldn't get my fingers through there. But I got the hook turned and it came right out. I didn't like using the pliers through the gill but I figured it was still better than leaving the hook in there.
  19. Bought a pack of Luck-e-Strike curly tail worms the other day. Smelled like raspberry or something. Bass liked 'em, got 2, pulling them behind a simple lead head jig.
  20. Bassn, please don't misunderstand. I support the police 1000%. If it weren't for you guys there would be anarchy. I'm sure police have prevented many crimes, so I didn't mean to infer that you don't. But as has been pointed out, 5 or 6 officers for 20,000 or 30,000 people means you obviously can't be everywhere. Like Glenn said, we have to be prepared. God bless you for the work you do! Sorry if I offended you.
  21. Now that's funny.
  22. No, I wasn't robbed, mugged or shot last night. That's pretty much because I'm around honest people, not because there was a police officer stationed in my yard. But there were crimes committed in other areas. A guy in a neighboring city was shot by a perp when he came outside to confront someone who was stealing gas from his car. There were police in that town, too, but they only showed up, AFTER, the man was shot. A person bent on committing a crime is not deterred by possible police presence. How many episodes of COPS have you seen where the officer himself is a victim? Openly wearing a firearm is not enough to deter some bad guys. Sorry Glenn, you were posting while I was typing. Your words are true, protect yourself, don't wait for someone else to do it for you.
  23. Too many criminals in the revolving door of justice. Additional trauma for the victim if the freed felon threatens to exact revenge on the victim for testifying. Unfortunately, police are rarely able to prevent a crime, they mostly just mop up after one has been committed. Fear of being shot by a homeowner is probably one thing that keeps home invasions from being higher than they are.
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