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moby bass

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Everything posted by moby bass

  1. I misunderstood what T-Mobile was offering but following the link and briefly looking at their plans doesn't appear to be any great savings to me. With the unsubsidized plan I would be buying my phone(s) up front. Then they show a 2 line family, unlimited minutes for $99.99. I currently have 4 lines, unlimited night and weekend minutes, unlimited anytime mobile to mobile, rollover of unused minutes and the phones, for the same price. Its all very confusing to me. .
  2. I put new rubber on both my SUV's this fall. Wasn't cheap! I am good to go. Put a slightly more aggressive tread on the Jeep so bring on the snow!
  3. Which economist (Keynes?) said, "There is no such thing as a free lunch." Unfortunately, this kind of questionable business practice, although legal, is what leads to more government regulation. I think a cellular company that had full disclosure of its pricing structure and billing might make significant inroads with consumers. I had serious billing issues with AT&T a few months back, where my bill was over $500. Eventually found that my son was on a separate line, all by himself, with unlimited this that and another thing. I could not decipher the bill. Took 3 months to straighten it out. Couldn't leave ATT because of being locked into the 2 year deal. However, when that contract expires and I'm on a month to month, we're outta there. Frankly, their service stinks!
  4. No wonder I'm getting moobs!
  5. I've got one of these in my tackle box. Bought it because I thought it would be something a little different. Never got around to using it though. I'm going to have to give it a try. Any secrets to it?
  6. Grandma lures. Made about 3/4 of an hour from me.
  7. I still have mine. That is the best thing ever made. I've actually sharpened mine over the years. Nothing busts ice or very heavy frost off the windshield like that thing.
  8. I'm not voting. If you can't say anything nice, don't say anything.
  9. One advantage of more megapixels is better separation in the the highlights, shadows, midtones, etc which make for smoother looking prints. However, if you are shooting action, no shutter lag and more frames per second should be your main concern. Higher ISO settings are also helpful here. If you are shooting handheld, Image Stabilization lenses will give you an advantage of about 2 stops, particularly useful in low light situations.
  10. Couple of nice northerns in there as well. Those are always fun.
  11. I've used the through the gills method several times, works well! I have also had occasions where the hook seems twisted through various layers of skin and maybe even bone in the fish's mouth, and I have had difficulty removing it. Rather than cutting the hook in half, I simply take a pair of pliers and crush the barb. It usually breaks right off. Hook is then easily removed and hook can continue to be used, barbless. I actually like fishing with barbless hooks. I have rarely lost a fish with barbless hooks. I think I'm still using one I crushed the barb on this past summer.
  12. X2
  13. Hmmmm. Golf... an ineffectual endeavor to place an insignificant sphere in an obscure hole with totally inadequate tools. Go fishing! ;D
  14. You're the type of customer they don't want. They don't make any money off you. No late fees, no over limit fees, no minimum payments every month so you finance everything. You're using their money (smart) and they don't want that. They really don't want you as a customer.
  15. I use a palomar 99 44/100% of the time. I just took another look at the tying of the knot on the animated knots link and I noticed that one loop was left on the shank of the hook. I've always tightened everything up in the eye. Does it matter?
  16. I am envious!! Congratulations! I was hoping to get out this year and try for some Muskie, but alas, it didn't happen. Maybe next year.
  17. Who ya gonna call?
  18. I heard FedEx and UPS are going to merge. The new company is going to be called FedUp
  19. Sorels X2. I also own a pair of leather, insulated Herman Survivors that I also kept well waterproofed. They had a moisture wicking insole that vented through the tongue. This was an 8" boot, so good only for low snow, but not as clumsy as big boots when driving. My feet have never been cold or wet with either of these boots. However, my reply got me curious about the Hermans so i did some research and I found that Wal Mart now owns the Herman company and the shoes are NOT what they once were. The Hermans I was refering to were indeed made in the US, not China. I have owned them over 20 years, my son wears them now. So I guess Hermans are no longer a viable choice. Sad.
  20. Cabela's has the split rings daviscw referenced above. http://www.cabelas.com/cabelas/en/templates/links/link.jsp?id=0017232316517a&type=product&cmCat=SEARCH_all&returnPage=search-results1.jsp&Ntt=split+rings&Ntk=Products&sort=all&Go.y=0&_D%3AhasJS=+&N=0&_D%3Asort=+&Nty=1&hasJS=true&_DARGS=%2Fcabelas%2Fen%2Fcommon%2Fsearch%2Fsearch-box.jsp.form1&Go.x=0&_dyncharset=ISO-8859-1 Slow steady pressure causes the split ring to open. Hard jerks, like from fish, has no effect. Never used them but the theory looks good. Pricey, especially if you were replacing the rings on all your lures.
  21. A knife is a tool. So is a shovel, a ball bat, a pencil, scissors. etc. It is intent that should be noted here. If he was threatening, with any of the above items, they would be considered a weapon. If not, it's merely a tool. Zero tolerance laws are over the top, IMO.
  22. I have a Becker neck knife that came with a Kydex sheath. The sheath however does not hold the knife securely. Its molded and is supposed to have just enough friction to hold securely but withdraw easily. Does anyone know how I can tighten this thing up. Will heating it work or does anyone have any suggestions?
  23. Incredibly beautiful patterns in some of those shots. Hollow points in ballistic gel sure do a lot of damage.
  24. Nothing special, just a nicely marbled roast, loaded with cajun seasoning and cooked on low for about 8 hours. Sometimes I'll throw some slices of onion on top.
  25. Press "1" for English
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