I’ve been married for 4 years, and picked up fishing about two years ago and fell in love with it. My wife understands that fishing is my way of “relaxing” and unwinding. She doesn’t have any interest in fishing, but will listen to me drone on about the intricacies. She has her own hobbies that she enjoys.
The biggest thing is really the biggest thing in any facet of a relationship, communication. If you can’t properly communicate your desire to fish and your partner can’t properly communicate their reasoning behind why they don’t want you to go, things tend to get messy in a hurry. So my best advice is to create an open dialog where if your partner has a problem with how much you’re fishing, talk about it. Be honest with yourself, are there important things that NEED to be done that you’re avoiding to go fish?
Compromise is key, and part of being in a relationship is knowing that you aren’t going to get to do exactly what you want, when you want, as often as you want usually. That’s why you’re in a relationship, you support each other but also reel each other in sometimes when it’s needed.