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Tom D

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Everything posted by Tom D

  1. A Seth Feider Bloomington, MN 46.14% B Cory Johnston Cavan, ON 37.10% C Brandon Cobb Greenwood, SC 1.66% D John Crews Salem, VA 26.77% E Bill Lowen Brookville, IN 39.76%
  2. cool would love to see a pic/vid of that
  3. Ten foot water area, Water seemed to cool down a bit this week, not much though. Afternoon bite is better. Got one on a wacky worm against a windy bank.
  4. I think I've seen your vids. I have the same canoe, did you notice any major difference when you removed your middle seat? I've always wondered if the floatation changed? Prob not I imagine. What I did with that middle seat was just strap a 2x6 across it with the fish finder and other mounts on it. But the 2x6 go across just up to the other rod hole so I can still use it for a net or something I have a love hate relationship with the seats, I love what you did with the rear seat. Great idea!
  5. I fish and duck hunt out of both, Its pretty simple if you think of it this way Kayaks more convenient and quicker to get on the water a lot less freedom of movement and you need to be a couple steps ahead with access to stuff. easy to paddle Canoes are a little more cumbersome but allow more freedom of movement and easier to throw stuff in it. harder to paddle alone (unless it's a one person model) Also you can make more mistakes in a canoe and not get wet.
  6. FYI around here (southern new England) there are none around, Even bass pro shops said they don't plan on any for a while, I went on Dick's sporting goods and put my email in for an In Stock notification. Two days later I got an email and I ordered one at the normal price. got it pretty quickly Lots of price gouging going on.
  7. Thanks guys!
  8. Thank you
  9. New guy here, very late to the game, I joined up to give it a whirl and have some fun if that's ok
  10. Hello all, from MA/RI area. Salt water, fresh water, stripers and large mouth Fly fishing, surfcasting, baitcasting I love it all Im terrible at trout fishing.. look forward to meeting new friends
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