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Everything posted by bassin5

  1. We are thinking of coverting our 46 lb thrust motorguide trolling motor to a 24v 71 lb thrust by changing the powerhead. Is this going to be a difficult task?
  2. Does anyone know if the bass are in prespawn or postspawn on Sam Rayburn? We are headed there this weekend.
  3. My 11.27lb largemouth. She was caught at Lake Conroe on 2/25/07, on a wat/red zoom superhog. She was 24 1/2" long and a girth of 20".
  4. I agree junk!!!!!
  5. The best way to make sure your worm and pawl last longer is to oil more often. And by the way its not your pawl that has gone out it is both your worm and pawl, so you should replace both. When you pull your worm out look at the grove that are on it they all should be pointed, but when the worm goes out one the points will have a notch in it at the end of the point. I have been using a abu garcia torno 3004hsi since 2001 and I only replaced the worm and pawl once.
  6. The only down side to using braided line is that it fades to fast but I lave the strengh of braided line.
  7. Sufix anybody have any opinions?
  8. I would agree power pro is a good braided line. I have only been using it for about 4 months and I have been pleased.
  9. How fast should our merc. 50hp be? Me and my cus have a 2006 bass tracker pt 175 and we get the rpms to 5500, and our speed is between 29 and 31. Also our boat is 17' 5". Is this the normal speed for our boat and motor?
  10. I am planning on buying a marine maxx at walmart and the only reason why is that no matter where you are at you can always find a walmart if something happens to your batteries.
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