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Everything posted by PondBoss

  1. One of the local places I have to fish is just over run with that slimy, snotty weed crap. How do you fish it? Even fishing T-rigged plastics is no good. I'm kinda at my whits end here. The pond/lake is really good and has lots of fish in it, even some big ones, but fishing it seems to be more of a chore than it should be. Should I just not fish it, or just deal with the fact that after the initial fall I will be hauling in loads of junk on my bait? Thanks, Pondboss
  2. Living in Oklahoma, I'm sure we will never ban lead for lures. That being said, it's awesome that someone is nipping this soon to be problem in the bud. As a predominate jig fisherman, I'd love to get a hold of a jig or two from GMAN. Does he have a website?
  3. Managed a couple of fish on my new H2O Express Ethos 6'6" MH. I Gonna say that my first rod was a fluke when it broke, cuz this one is handling it's business as it should. Guys, you gotta give these rods an honest try and see what you think. I'm pretty sure you'll be impressed. They are light weight, balanced well, and fuji reel seats with alconite guides. They are pretty solid. Just for kicks I weighed it, and it comes in at a whopping 4.1 oz. Also weighed my Vendetta that is 8 inches shorter (broken tip) and it weighed 5.5 oz. Talk about a light weight rod that you'll be able to fish with all day long.
  4. Yeah the dam dam usually has a few people parked there, here lately I have been fishing around the docks and the southern shores around the neighborhood. The crappie were biting really well a few weeks back, but it's gone kinda cold with the recent weather. The same at Liberty too. I'm not much of a catfisherman, I don't have the patience. I guess it's ok though cuz you can set up a bell on the tip and cast the rocks on the dam for Saugeyes, LMB, Sandies, and anything else that might bite. I've heard there are even small mouth in there, but without seeing proof, I'm not sure that I believe it.
  5. Welcome fellow Okahoman , I live in Guthrie and from what I hear Lake Guthrie is supposed to be one of the best saugeye lakes in the state. Lots of Walleye in there too. Personally I fish mainly some private land, but there are a few good pond/lakes here in town to get your Bass'in on too.
  6. just curious where in OKC you are. I have some land about an hour north with dynamite water to fish. I'm always looking for some new waters to fish.
  7. I love fishing by myself because it allows me to escape. Not that I have an unruly wife or stressful home life, because I don't. It's quite the opposite. But fishing alone outside on the water if I'm fishing from the bank or in my tube, it's almost an experience. It gives me a time to reflect on things and and think about everything, and absolutely nothing at the same time. It's a time to unwind, and become one with your surroundings. Almost a Zen type time. On the other hand, I fish to feed my family, so it can be stressful at times when they aren't biting. So I could see how guys that fish for a living could get tired of the constant grind. On the other hand I bet they love fishing for fun when money isn't on the line.
  8. I ended up buying the 7' med/hvy swung in the first fish and the rod broke about a foot from the tip. Took it back got another one and haven't had any problems yet. Will keep updated with how it goes.
  9. I just bought one a few weeks ago and it has instantly become one of my favorites. It casts super smooth and have almost zero problem with backlashes. A few professional overruns but no birds nests. Just make sure he sets the spool tension properly and he'll have no problems.
  10. PondBoss

    Top Water

    Love the walking baits! I know I'd catch fish on it.
  11. I tend to agree with "Mattlures". I "manage" a couple of ponds and since I have started taking every small fish out the fish are getting bigger. Small fish are more aggressive and can definitely hurt a pond as far as eating up a lot of food. I set a pseudo slot limit on my ponds at 16 inches and in 2 years have noticed a considerable difference.
  12. Thats too bad, you are the first thing I've seen negative about it. I'm hoping your store just got a bad batch or something to that effect. The ones at my store were very clean and well made looking.
  13. How would I take the components off? eg... guides etc.
  14. Well I'm aware of that. Looking cool is just an added bonus. It's light weight and balances very well. Like I said, it looks and feels exactly like my Vendetta minus having cork handles.
  15. I went out this morning and gave them a shot. Second cast and boom! nice 2 lb fish. I rigged them so the bigger hook is pointing up. I didn't see any noticeable difference in weedage but so far I'm 1 for 1 with these hooks.
  16. Thanks for the bit of info guys. I think I will just keep them in my box for days when the fish are just hitting short or slapping at the bait. Won't load up all my baits with them by any means. Thanks again Pondboss
  17. Yeah the rod I"m talking about is called ETHOS I believe. But it is relatively new (only out a month or so) , but I have heard a few bad stories about the previous rods, heard some good reviews also though.
  18. How did your tournament go?
  19. Yeah I looked at the package after I had posted. For some weird reason I already have loads of confidence in them even though I've not used them before. I think it's just they pure meanness of the look of the hook.
  20. I don't fish them much either but I figured when I do I'd set them up with what I seem to think are nifty can't miss hooks. Thanks for the info. Pondboss
  21. Thanks for the answers guys. I think I'm starting to realize that it's just less expensive when you factor in convenience to buy off the rack.
  22. I saw a few of these at Academy today, they were super cool looking. If I didn't know any better I'd say it was a Vendetta with a different paint job. Does anyone have any info on them?
  23. I've seen these hooks on fishing shows and I've seen them rigged on the front hook of the bait and the back hook, which way is better? It's a normal treble, but one of the hooks is longer and bigger. They look pretty sweet, and are stupid sharp. Thanks for any help guys.
  24. I have been wanting to make my own rods, but have a couple of extras laying around and thought maybe I'd try to practice on them first before buying all the stuff to make one from scratch. I have a 7ft Berkley Lightning rod that I'd like to remove some of the cork from the handle and turn into a split grip to loose a bit of handle weight and expose the blank to add a bit of sensitivity.(at least thats what I think it would do) Is there anyway to do this? How could I just strip a rod down to the blank and start from scratch?
  25. I have also heard of the trick putting a line with bait on it and slowly pulling it up and passed that idea up because I couldn't believe that they would hang on to it once it starts moving.
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