I've been using Fluoro this year with mixed results. What I have found is that it works really well on my crankbait set ups, where the hook set is more deliberate and more of a addition of pressure. On the other hand it seems like 6/10 I break off when I'm flipping jigs or soft plastics. Maybe I'm setting the hook too hard? It seems like that could be the case. If there is indeed very little stretch in Fluoro as advertised I could see that as an explanation for snapping line on the violent hook sets I seem to employ. From what I've read on here, it may just be that I'm using the wrong kinda of Fluoro. I've been using Vanish from Berkley and to be honest, it has it's days where it's awesome! Then again it has more days where I'm like I don't understand! I think I read somewhere that it was initially designed for Walleye fisherman and open water presentations. Which would explain my break offs in the thick cover. What is the best bang for your buck Fluoro line? I get ripped for not wanting to spend a bunch of money, but I don't think you have to spend $30 on 100yd spool to have good line.
Also, what are the best knots to tie when using Fluoro? I've been using an improved clinch knot with a double wrap around eye. I since the knot while it's in my mouth to make sure it's super wet when tightened, but I've read it's not the knot to tie. What do you recommend?
Sorry for the long windedness