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Everything posted by PondBoss

  1. As light as I can get away with, unfortunately sometimes that is 3/4 oz. Usually 1/8-3/8 on normal days but when it's windy or dead calm, I'll go to the extremes.
  2. I would say it's purely coincidental, I love it when the wind starts the day blowing from the East. It helps me not have to paddle as much to get back to my spots. And in the afternoon when I'm done, I hope it's blowing from the West to help me get back after a tired day of fishing. lol I catch just as many fish going either way and with the wind blowing from every direction. Interestingly enough though, a similar question was posted to Uncle Homer in Bassmaster a month or so ago, and he quoted a positive rhyme for each wind direction. Keep a line in the water regardless of wind direction and I think you've half way wont the battle.
  3. Welcome from a fellow Oklahoman
  4. Saw this link and tried it, immediately all of my problems went away. Not sure if it was mainly because I got rid of all my Vanish (went to P-Line Flouroclear) or if the knot is way better. Either way, had zero problems since switching to this knot.
  5. It's probably not a Lake Fork Tackle worm but the rings around the body are similar.
  6. I fish the Zoom Fluke and the Big Bite Baits Jerk Shad, basically the same bait. My Favorite colors: Arkansas Shiner Watermelon Candy Alewife Pearl w/glitter Smoke w/metal flake
  7. I agree with Jigfishn10 it's more about being persistent and patient. The guys that sight fish on tour use a lot of white or bubble gum colors, not because it's a color the fish like, but because it's easy for the angler to see I sight fish a lot and will typically flip with w/e I think is the best color for the fish to be enticed. Just pay close enough attention to the movements of the fish, and you'll know when to set the hook. Just remember fish are a lot like people, if a fly or some other annoyance keeps bothering you eventually you'll take a swat at it, and so will the bass. If all else fails go with a casting net. lol
  8. Those are awesome! the first few look like they could swim off the screen. excellent job!
  9. That is a great deal, on the first page alone I see colors I'd use and catch fish with. To bad I stocked up the other day on plastics. Thanks for getting the word out.
  10. Almost half of the fish I catch, especially when I'm fishing a smaller body of water, have either a tail sticking out of the throat or claws. Bass are hunters opportunity, if they see an easy snack they gobble it up.
  11. I don't have a boat so I mainly fish from the bank, or in my tube. That being said, I look for cover. If I can see it above the water, it's under the water too. I keep a search bait tied on so that I can fan cast areas looking for random fish or submerged cover to dissect later. When all is said and done, I catch fish where ever I go. I feel it's mainly because I try not to over analyse it. Personally I think you can put anyone on any body of water and they can fish the way that they fish somewhere else and still manage to catch fish. Keeping it simple is my main key.
  12. I think he is referring to the weak rod and has possibly confused the Amp with the Shock? I own the Amp and it was super inexpensive and I really like it. I will agree though it is not good for much except crankbait fishing. But for $40 shipped to my door I can't complain. It gets used every time I hit the water. On the other hand, I also own a Lightning. I use it as a worm/jig rod it seems to me to be a bit stiffer than it's labeled, but for under $50 it's pretty solid.
  13. My first fish on a Big Bite Bait was a 7lb 4oz PIG. Needless to say, I stocked up with the 30% Academy sale. Got about 20 packages of various baits and colors. Can't wait to get them on the water.
  14. I only cast with my right hand, and can only retrieve left handed with a spinning reel. I have been practicing flipping and pitching left handed though for those instant bites when the bait hits the water. So far it's working really well, but I still can not reel a BC left handed comfortably at all. So for now just baby steps. lol
  15. love my H2O Xpress Ethos 7'H
  16. Got another first time catch. BULL FROGS!!! Went night fishing the other day with some buddies, we ran some trot lines and drank a few cold ones. While the trot lines were resting we went in the boat and were spot lighting frogs. Once we'd find one we'd shine the light on him to blind him from seeing us then pitch a T-Rigged worm next to him, give it a couple of shakes and the frogs would attack it! It was the most awesome thing I've ever seen. (talk about sight fishing) lol It gave me a good way to get rid of some old trick worms that I never caught any fish on. They would jump on the bait and scoop it into their mouths with their hands. Count to 3 and set the hook (get ready to catch a frog) and viola frog in the boat. man it was neat, not to mention loads of fun. Especially when we'd get a couple of frogs come off the hook. It was like it got to be personal. lol Definitely a Red Neck thing to do, but loads of fun. I hear they eat well too. But that is a story for another time. PondBoss
  17. I never catch fish on Buzzbaits, granted I hardly ever fish them. I did try one the other day and managed a handful of fish and missed a couple others. I have to say I'm looking forward to fishing it in the future, especially with a couple Jigfishn10 is sending me
  18. It seems you are one of the very few that feels this way. I was like you, at first I loved the Vanish. One break off during a hook set is a fluke, 2 is a pattern, and 3 is a trend. Happened more than just 3 times, now using Stren Fluorocast and keeping my fingers crossed. Have had no issues as of yet. Will switch to P-Line next, I've heard almost no complaints about their products.
  19. Bomber all the way! Guaranteed to run with no tuning right out of the box.
  20. What is a SD Jam knot? I thought I'd heard somewhere that Fluoro had about as much stretch as mono, I guess it's all marketing. Maybe I should just look at the invisibraid? Has anyone tried that?
  21. Thanks for the proper name.
  22. After reading all of the bad news about Vanish, I think I will finally stop trying to stick up for it. It has let me down about 12 to many times. I just got some Stren Fluoro Cast the other day and will see how it goes.
  23. I even broke off the other day trying to snap a crank bait out of the weeds. Darn thing floated up and I snagged it a couple of minutes later. It just seems to be brittle, I've never had problems with line breakage until I switch to Fluoro. I guess I can try the Berkley 100%, but at the same time the Vanish is made by Berkley and it is also 100% Fluorocarbon. And my Wal-Mart only carries it up to 12lb test.
  24. Yes I'm reeling up all the slack before setting the hook. It just seems to pop either on the hook set, to a point where I feel absolutely nothing or I feel the fish move and it's almost like I feel the line pop under the pressure. Went fishing with a buddy the other day and he was like DANG you really swung on that fish. Broke the line as the fishes head broke the surface. And also flew a couple of smaller fish out of the water later in the day.
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