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Everything posted by PondBoss

  1. Just more docks today, guess the bloom is destined to make this a dock dink fest. Still a lot of fun to watch though, so glad we don't have to listen to Aaron whine anymore.
  2. Zoom Super Fluke running on the surface. Had many hit the bait several feet out of the water, water temps were in the high 40's
  3. It may be a huge gamble, but I think it would almost guarantee advancing of you could waste the whole 1st period to idle out deep and find a couple of schools to hammer in the later periods. That being said the next challenge format is a race to a weight so my idea is null and void. Either way I think the winner will find fish off shore, because 1 4lb smallmouth 4 1lb largemouth.
  4. I know my local Bass Pro will give you a replica mount for free if you bring them a live fish over 10lbs to put in their tank. Not sure why anyone would want an actual skin mount of a fish, over time they break down and deteriorate. A replica will last forever.
  5. not sure about that, but I hook my laptop up to my tv and watch it that way.
  6. Wait for the rod riot at Academy at you can pick up an Ethos for $40, they are $60 normal price. I have a bunch of them and they handle everything I need them to do.
  7. A big cheer for Marty Stone and someone finally putting small mouth in the boat, granted it wasn't a main pattern, but there were more than a few caught in this episode. I wonder if it might be worth wasting an entire period to just search out off shore to find a school or two and whack them for the last 2 periods.
  8. no kidding, I just hope he is finally right about anything he says. they finally did catch a few small mouth, but random dock fish. my guess would be the other zones would hold more smallies, but if there as many docks who knows if they will get fished.
  9. Neat video, makes me think about guides a bit more. I think the Duckett spinning rods are set up like that, I may be mistaken but I was thinking it was similar.
  10. Can't wait until friday at midnight so I can watch the extended coverage. I like all of the anglers in this bracket so should be fun rooting for them all. Except Ehrler and Velvic, it's funny listening to the other guys talk about these two. Seemed like Kreit wasn't a fan of Brent and Quinn sounded like if Byron was catching them, the fish must be biting good. lol
  11. I have been using it for a couple of years now, and have zero complaints. It may get a little stiffer with a bit more memory in the higher pound tests, but what fluoro doesn't? I have yet to find anything that is better for the money.
  12. May also try using braid to a Fluoro leader. I use 12lb braid to 8lb fluoro and have very little trouble feeling bites.
  13. I'm thinking it's on Okeechobee? I remember Kreit telling me he was going to film something at the Big-O. Not sure if this was it, but it's my guess.
  14. If you can't find a stream to work you could always dig a well. My dad has one that is powered by a windmill on the island in his pond it also runs a bubler to keep the Oxygen levels up on those hot days. I know that's not a hge issue in Maine, but a well is a decent plan B.
  15. For the first time ever I caught a fish that needed to be fizzed. Caught him in 27 feet of water, he just swam around the live well upside down for a few hours. After weigh in he swam off like it was no big deal. I have heard that fizzing fish is not really needed and that they will acclimate eventually, maybe this was proof?
  16. May have started a S*** storm with the rod snobs with this comment. lol
  17. I have heard that it works in the grass, but deep clear water grass, not shallow bloom water.
  18. The main reason he failed with the drop shot is the fish were up shallow in the grass. I'm not a drop shotter by any means, but I would think it would be really tough to fish a tethered weight in the grass.
  19. King, I was so thinking the same thing. lol We did learn 2 valuable things about Sasquatch, he is a poor loser and loves classical music. lol
  20. Jansport from college, that bag sees more work now than it ever did back in the day. ha ha ha I can carry over 100 cranks in the main pouch, a couple of spools of line in the small pouch along with pliers and snips. Then I carry the bag they send you for signing up for BASS magazine for my plastics, guessing it holds around 20-25 packs in the big pouch and hooks and weights in the small pouch.
  21. I'm a fan of the Big Bite Yo Daddy in about 5 different colors. lol
  22. I think in that shallow water the heavy weight doesn't give the bass time to look at the bait o the way down. They just hear it hit the water and see silt stir up they either hit it or they don't, pure reaction. That being said it looked like Kreit caught all of his fish on a weightless Senko.
  23. Just got done watching the extended episode 2, I dislike Aaron Martens more every time I see him. lol It's super impressive to see how those guys can skip a jig. Kinda thought it was funny that Kreit talked about making tackle adjustments at the breaks and never did.
  24. Ponds will warm faster since they are smaller bodies of water, plus being dirty helps as well. I stick to my guns though and say throw a moving bait. Something that is loud or vibrates a bunch. When they are slow I think sometimes you have to either catch them by surprise or tick them off. That's why I fish fast baits but make repeated casts to areas that should hold fish. Good luck tomorrow, hope to hear you did well. I will check in also if I am able to get out.
  25. Yeah a chatter bait would be something I would throw also. Like was stated above, throw it in and around grass ticking the tops of it and occasionally getting it stuck so you can rip it out. I know I will take 4 set ups with me tomorrow, they are set up as follows: Bomber 4a chartreuse/blue back Fluke bubblegum Swim Jig/sexy shad T-rig Super Hog watermelon candy That being said, my ponds are pretty clear-stained, the rain from today probably muddied the water a bit. But as dry as it's been it may have just soaked in and not run off.
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