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About pgcountyfisher

  • Birthday August 6

Profile Information

  • Location
    Central Maryland
  • My PB
    Between 3-4 lbs
  • Favorite Bass
    Largemouth & Smallmouth
  • Favorite Lake or River
    Deep Creek Lake, local PG County ponds. 

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  • About Me
    Just a young guy that recently got back into fishing. 

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Minnow (2/9)



  1. Been awhile folks. Had some good fishing the past, maybe 3 months or so. Will post additional photos later! Caught quite a few bass, with the biggest two being 18.5 inches and 17.5 inches. I have really started to enjoy creek/river fishing. Caught a LMB and SMB out of the Pax so it has been good fun.
  2. Been on the skunk the past month now, throwing different things every few days and not getting anything. Over at Centennial Park in Bowie, I had a nice size bass inhale my dark sleeper and promptly ripped it out of its mouth before it had a chance to swim away. At Cash Lake, I was throwing the smallest XRap in silver and black, got a ton of hits from what I assume to be little guys. I need a good skunk buster day. Thinking about hitting Triadelphia and Rocky Gorge in the next few weeks for everything they offer and would love tips for Pike/Tigers and both bass species. Anyway, its good to know you folks are having luck! Tight lines folks!
  3. Went up the Potomac between Dam 5 and Williamsport. Only saw a single bass, but he was a feisty little guy. Water levels looked good, still a little cold but I had a blast. Hit my dark sleeper, creme tiny pond crankbait, chrome husky jerk but he never hooked up. I did a spot of wading (the water was pretty cold for my water shoes!) but couldn't connect with any bass. I did see some further past dam 5 but they were all dinks. Though my trip was not without some success, caught a white sucker and greenside darter in my net, while catching two fallfish that smacked my cranks a few seconds after they hit the water. I have decided that when I hit the potomac, ill focus on that one section to get acquainted. So Smallmouths and Muskie are my main goals up there.
  4. Allen's Pond in Bowie has started to become good. Last week, a small 13in largie on a small swimbait. Yesterday, three bass, from 12-13 inches, one a white micro zman chatterbait and two on a mepps white #3. First time seriously spring fishing and I cannot wait to start hitting rivers for smallies.
  5. Not much to report back home, but snuck away to Deep Creek for a few days. I was told by some local to fish large minnows and boy they did not disappoint. I know this is a bass forum, but today's haul was three perch, three pickerel (one being 22 inches) and finally the relevant part, a 10 inch small mouth.
  6. Howdy gents! I'm going to Patapsco this weekend to do some hiking and will be bringing one of small rods with me to try some river fishing. We usually park at the Hilton area and walk along the river. What should I bring in terms of lures? The rod is a 5'5" with 10 pound braid. I have a ton of mepps spinners from size 1-3, ultra light rapalas, and some small lures thats look like this: https://www.google.com/search?q=tube+lures&rlz=1C1CHBF_enUS807US807&source=lnms&tbm=isch&sa=X&ved=2ahUKEwi9oPrn4bHsAhWHhHIEHTvoDioQ_AUoAnoECBYQBA&biw=1536&bih=722&dpr=1.25#imgrc=iC8op2iVmE1RUM I have other lures I can pack (larger cranks, larger soft plastics, frogs, jerkbaits, etc). And finally, any tips for fishing between railroad bridge and Orange Grove? Not looking for y'alls secret spots, but general things to look out for on this stretch of the river!
  7. Very smart man and a very kind one at that!
  8. Thanks for the PM, will head out there when i have a free weekend! I honestly am speechless with how real that looks. I wish i had the ability to create lures like that! Having a few in small, medium and large would be killer in some of the areas where i fish! Again, nice job!
  9. @John Diamond I quickly want to add that your crawfish jerkbait looks absolutely incredible, when i first saw it, i thought it was the real deal. Excellent job on it!
  10. Do you mind sharing where on the Monocacy you were at? I've got the itch after my friends and I caught some yesterday (only 2, but still!). Even the little one was fighting hard all the way to the boat! I'd kill for a day where I catch 50 fish in a single outing.
  11. Caught two little guys out of the Wisp Pond in McHenry Maryland. Caught on a Mepps Dress Aglia #1 size, with a chartreuse dressing and a Tiger Fire blade.
  12. I guess ill have to head to great falls next weekend, looks like some good fishing.
  13. I need to buy some more frogs... Lost my only one up at schoolhouse two weeks ago. I did have a very successful day on a little spinner there. Between my dad and I, we caught three crappie, one sunfish and a little Largemouth that was quite beat up. I have a bump board coming in the mail so i can finally start recording sizes.
  14. Hello Folks! i have some questions for you all! I bought a bunch of Mepps spinners, mainly Chartreuse and white for the ponds around here. I love spinners, my go to. Anyway, for the sake of an experiment, i bought a pumpkin-green Z-Man Chatterbait and a black BOOYA Buzzbait. Any tips on how to run those in ponds and streams?
  15. I know I post a lot, but great news! My Bass drought is officially over! A few things, the two on the grass fell off the lure before i had a chance to remove it, so it was quick pictures and put them back asap. Don't want to hurt what i am not going to eat! The one on the backpack was a quick size comparison, that was the first one since May! These were caught on a 5'5" Jawbone $30 DSP rod, 10 pound braid and a Bass Pro brand golden minnow jerkbait. This setup absolutely struggled! Any guesses on the weights? I measured my backpack and that bass comes out to 17-19 inches (and a passerby said it was probably 2.5-3 pounds), probably my new PB! but i am unsure on the size and weights on the other two. All three of these were caught out of local Bowie ponds, from 4PM to 6PM.
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