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About TexasRig88

  • Birthday 03/02/1992

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  • Gender
  • Location

    Everything’s bigger in Texas!
  • My PB
    Between 3-4 lbs
  • Favorite Bass
    All three
  • Favorite Lake or River

    I don’t discriminate, wether I’ve been there or not they’re all my favorite!

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  • About Me

    Still learning.

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Fry (1/9)



  1. Ummm, why does your rod look like that? I’ve never seen something like that before. Please enlightenment with what this does, I’m too curious!
  2. Hello all please help! Id like to upgrade my handles for all my shimano reels (I have the lower end models), but I’d like to stay with “factory” parts. Which handle assembly are compatible with each other? Will the metanium mgl handle fit with a curado 200k? How about a slx? Are you able to add bearings to the handles? Any and all valid info will be more than appreciated! Thanks, txrig88
  3. Well, I didn’t want to do it to you guys but here goes nothing. Top 4 reels of all time known to man. If you think you can get your hands on one of these? Pshhhhhhh puhh puh pleaseeee! The mj of basketball, the chuck norris of chuck norris, KVD himself has even heard of the legend and not the myth. Guys, try and keep it together when looking at it. Don’t say I didn’t warn ya.
  4. Thanks everybody for the input definitely gave me some insight. Never thought to have a feel on the blank, will try this out soon enough!
  5. Great to join the resource! I’ve got so much to learn, so much questions to ask. I’m a simple man just trying to live a simple life! Only ever fished on the bank, don’t own a boat and fishing sitting down is just too awkward for me. Will get to that point sooner or later but for now I’ll do what I can. ?
  6. I’ve got so much to learn, any who I’ve been looking at rods in general online and noticed Some have longer and shorter rear grip lengths. What are the advantages and disadvantages of having a shorter or longer rear grip? Same question goes for the fore grip length. I might as well ask some more questions since were talkin handles ?. pros and cons on split grips? How about the full handle grips? All valid information is appreciated!
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