Update: Purchased Rebel Crickhoppers in yellow and brown, and Yo-Zuri Pin’s Minnows in 1/16oz, in gold flame and silver/chartreuse.
The crickhoppers cast really well on my UL rod, they float nicely and the fish in this pressured pond seem interested. The wobble is super wide, way wider than the Rapala, but not necessarily a bad thing. Keels out to one side, I’ll have to spend some time tuning them next time I’m out. Doesn’t seem to gather as much pond scum as the Rapala, probably due to the relatively big lip. Overall, pretty neat bait, I wish I had smaller hooks laying around to upgrade the stock ones.
Onto the Pin’s Minnow...I had ordered two “floating” in 1/16oz. The finishes are great and the hardware is decent. I only had time to test one of them, the silver/chartreuse. Tied up, tossed it in...and much to my dismay, it suspends! Maybe it’s the water temperature, I reckon it’s at least mid-upper 80’s, and air temp was in the 90’s. I found the wiggle on a fast retrieve to be very tight, almost too tight out of the box, but there’s still much to experiment with. I was disappointed that it wouldn’t float/twitch on the surface. However, if it still suspends when the water is colder, it’ll make a great little jerkbait. Next time I’m out on the water, I’ll remove the stock split ring and tie off with a loop knot in an effort to get these to float and wiggle a little better.
The search for the ultimate tiny floating jerkbait is still on. Thanks for coming to my Ted Talk.